SM Institute for Girls

~Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby~

"Unnie~" Minnie pouted looking hungrily at Heesic's cupcake on her food tray.

"Don't even think about it Minnie, you're getting fat as it is," Heesica retorted.

"That was a bit harsh unnie," Wookie commented flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Heesica shrugged. "It's true. Look at her, she's gained more weight in three days than I do in a week,"

Minnie looked down at herself. "You might be right." she sighed. "Diet time."

Heesica nodded. "It's that time of year when you have to slim down, that's for sure."

Hyukkie pouted. "You're so mean unnie~"

Heesica grinned and poked out her tongue.

"Omo, het check it out!" Wookie cried pointing at a poster a girl just put up on the cafeteria wall.

The girls got up and crowded around it.

"Ooh, a concert at Brave Brothers High? Cool~ those boys are -y," a girl crooned.

"Voluntary perfromers...for charity too..." Heesica read.

"Do they have the names?" Minnie asked.

"Not yet." Hyukkie said. "Anyone wanna skip geometry and go over there?"

Heesica grinned. "I am so in."

The girls giggled to themselves as they slipped easily out of school and down the block to the boys high school.

They peered through the bars of the gate, trying to get a glimpse of some good-looking guys.

They heard a whistle. "Hey ladies, lookin' good~" the school's kingka G-Dragon called.

"Heesica baby, how's it going?"

Heesica winked. "Annyeong oppa~"

When GD walked off Heesica glared.

"I'm older than you jerk. And I'm a boy and I'm still prettier than you,"

Minnie chuckled.

"Hey guys, do you hear that?" Wookie asked.

"Sounds like music. Hey it's probably the concert rehearsals, you wanna go see?" Hyukkie said looking excited.

"Ne!" the girls chorused.

They skillfully climbed the lowest part of the fence and rushed down the grassy hill to the auditorium.

"There," Wookie pointed.

The girls looked and saw the most attractive bunch of guys in the world.

Then they noticed them and stared.

Uh-oh. SM Institute and Brave Brothers weren't mean to intereact.

What should they do now?




yeah im pretty sure this crap, this is nothing like what i wanted to write, i cant express my ideas in the right words

aish >.<

so yeah, comment if you want, bad or good whatever i'll probably delete this soon anyway

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Chapter 16: hehe, it was cute! I realy liked the idea behind it, the way you did it at least is quite good. But there are a few points I would like to mention which I didn't like that much. For example: I still don't know what exactly happened to HeeChul himself (well yes, you wrote that he slipped in ion but what had happened to his leg??)
I also think it was sometimes rather short, like the time in which the BOYS thought, the others were girls.. They found it out too fast - at least in my opinion.

But all in all I really liked your story!
2PMWooFan13 #2
Chapter 19: It's my first time role playing
Can you help me please?
kwokjiayi #3
Chapter 18: So you are asking me something? Can you private message me? Tks :)
kwokjiayi #4
Chapter 18:'s shock to see my name randomly on a page
YouLostMe #5
Chapter 12: Nice story. Are u anti snsd?
maedeh #6
Chapter 18: hi
it was fun thanks for it
SONErickson #7
dinocheeese #8
Chapter 16: That was interesting! Hahaha love the final reveal of their gender;D
Chapter 16: Ahhh!why is it over!? Make a sequel!