Stay away from me


Il Sung ignored Sojin for the entire class, eyes glued to the front of the class. When the bell rang, he bolted from his seat, forgetting his sprained ankle. 

"OUCH. ." Il Sung yelped in pain and dropped back into his seat. 

"Oh, you're so clumsy. Are you ok? " Sojin furrowed her eyebrows in concern as Il Sung looked dismally at his ankle. He ignored her, and tried to get up slowly. He winced in pain, and Sojin fluttered to his side.

"Let me help you, pabo." Sojin held her arm out for him. He stared at it like a foreign object again. Sojin rolled her eyes, and grabbed his free arm, taking the extra crutch, and waited for him to start walking. 

"I don't need your help." Il Sung said curtly, trying to free his arm. Sojin held on tighter.

"Oh, Shut up. I can see you're in pain. Let's go." Sojin snapped. Il Sung sighed, and started slowly towards the door. The whispers hit them almost immediately.

"Eww..what is she thinking.." 

"She must be new here..someone needs to fill her in..."

"YO NEW STUDENT. YOU'RE HOLDING A FREAK." A voice hollered. Il Sung closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Sojin whispered, mostly to herself.

"There's nothing wrong with them. It's me." Il Sung whispered back in pain. Sojin looked at him, startled.

"Muh? Why?" Sojin's eyes darted left and right, taking in the jeering students. She felt a little bit of herself wanting to walk away from Il Sung, walk away from all the unwanted attention. But she couldn't just leave him. 


At the end of the day, Sojin walked alone to her locker. Deep in thought, she rounded a corner and stopped infront of the right locker. 


"You can let go of me now." Il Sung arched his eyebrows, looking at Sojin. They had just finished lunch. 

"We don't have the same classes after lunch." Il Sung pointed out. Sojin nodded slowly. She had no idea where her other classes were.

"I'll show you where the other two classes are.." Il Sung added, softly. He and Sojin walked slowly down the hall.

"Oppa, why are they all so mean to you?" Sojin asked thoughtfully. Il Sung froze. *Oppa...* He thought disgustingly. Sojin noticed, and backpedaled. 

"Oh! I'm so sorry. If you feel uncomfortable, I'll stick with formalities." Sojin bit her lip. Il Sung softened. She was a nice girl.

"It's not shouldn't be close to me. It's not good for you." Il Sung turned forwards again.

"Why?" Sojin couldn't help but ask. 

"Because I'm a freak. No one likes someone that isn't like them." Il Sung stated, pointedly. Sojin gazed at him quizzically. They walked in silence after that, and Il Sung pointed out her other classes.

"There you go. Do you remember where everything is?" Il Sung asked. Sojin rubbed her temples.

"I think so. Thank you so much!" Sojin grinned. Il Sung took the oppurtunity and shook his arm free from her grasp.

"Good., Sojin, stay away from me. Or else you'll get hurt." Il Sung smiled sadly, turned, and walked away, leaving her gaping. 


"What is going on here?" Sojin said, outloud. 

"Talking to yourself already, new girl?" A husky voice floated by her ear. Sojin yelped, and crashed into her locker. Eyes wide, she turned around to see Hyunwoo smirking at her. 

"Jang Hyungwoo, at your service." He mockingly saluted. Sojin wrinkled her nose. *I don't like him* 

"I saw you today with er... the freak." Hyunwoo continued. Sojin was liking him less and less, and started cursing her bad luck for earning a bad reputation already. 

"Il Sung is not a freak." Sojin defended. Hyunwoo guffawed.

"Listen here, newbie. I'm going to englighten you a little bit, and tomorrow, you can start fresh here without that piece of trash Il Sung." Hyunwoo closed the distance between them. Sojin tried not to flinch. 

"That little isn't someone you should be hanging around with. Because I'm a nice person, I won't give you the reason why. I'm sure you'll learn his little secret soon, and when you do, you'll be thanking me for this little warning." Hyunwoo whispered, his breath hitting Sojin's face. She gulped, and Hyunwoo backed away in satisfaction.

"Good. You understand. If you stay with Il Sung, be prepared for hell, little girl." Hyunwoo wiggled his fingers, and left.

*OH MY GOD.* Sojin's eyes widened. This school was insane. What was she going to do? She didn't want to be bullied-she had always been in the good books. But..Il Sung... he looked so lonely and innocent. What secret was he hiding? Thoughts whirled through Sojin's head as she left the school. 


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