Thrown Away


The photo in Eun Mi's hand shook slightly as she recalled her past for the thousandth time. It was odd. Her past felt like a wound that wouldn't heal. No matter how hard she tried to close that wound. No matter how many times she told herself that it was over, that she was herself, the trauma of being shunned from society, thrown away by the adults that would not accept that she was a transgender. That gaping wound was too large to heal. 

"I can't break down now." Eun Mi whispered to the picture. She had come too far to lose herself again. Still, as if transfixed into her past, Eun Mi didn't let go of the photograph. Didn't shove it back into the box, into the drawer, far from her. Instead, she took it with her as she made her way down the stairs into the kitchen. A blissful smile momentarily lifted her spirits as she gazed at the kitchen that belonged to Myungsoo and herself. The feeling of affection ebbed away the sharp pain. Eun Mi began brewing coffee, and grabbed a bagel, smearing butter on the surface. She took her breakfast to the living room, eyes scanning it as she did with the kitchen. Her eyes langed on the picture frame on the mantle of the fireplace. A picture of herself, beaming, leaning forward towards the camera, Joon and Myungsoo on either side of her, doing the same. Joon had been by her side as the best brother any girl could ever ask for, and Myungsoo had brought her fantasty to life - someone as messed up as her finding true love.

Eun Mi put down her coffee, and reached for the picture in her pocket. She raised it up against the one on the mantle. She saw the insincerity in the smile when she was Il Sung. She mused at the loss of the two adults in the Il Sung photograph. Eun Mi despised them. Weren't children supposed to look up to their parents? Love their parents? Weren't parents supposed to love their children despite their differences? Eun Mi clearly remembered the hard eyes of the man she once called father the day she revealed her secret. How foolishly Eun Mi hoped that they would accept her, speak words of encouragement. The look in that man's face as he screamed at her to take back what she said, that it wasn't true. How she desperately looked to the woman to help her. She was her mother wasn't she? Mothers were kind, accepting, and warm. All Eun Mi saw in the woman's face was fear. Joon tried to soothe the man, but he refused to be swayed.

"That thing is a disease!" The man had hollered. Eun Mi had felt herself crumble inside. Her legs propelled her forward, and she dashed from the house. She heard Joon calling her name desperately, but she didn't stop. 

She wouldn't stop.

She couldn't stop.

When his legs felt like heavy lead, Il Sung collapsed onto his knees. His weary eyes drifted across his surroundings. He was at a playground. Exhausted from the running and utter rejection of his parents, Il Sung lay down on the grass, facing the sky. He saw the moon, shining brightly, all alone in the pitch black night. It shined alone, and it was beautiful. 

"You'll catch a cold." A voice snapped her out of her reverie. Joon was standing a metre away, holding two duffel bags.

"H-Hyung!" Il Sung cried out in relief. He hadn't abandoned him. He scrambled to his feet, and charged at Joon, whos arms were already open. Il Sung flew into them, pressing himself into Joon as close as possible. 

"I-I thought you left me too." Il Sung said through broken sobs. Joon closed his arms around him, rocking them back and forth.

"I'm insulted that you would think that way. You know how much I care about you. I promised I'd be there for you, didn't I?" Joon soothed Il Sung. 

"We're going to figure this out. You and me. You're going to be ok." Joon whispered, patting Il Sung's back.

"No..we're not. Everyone thinks I'm a freak. I am a freak. Mom and dad hate me. I hate me. And we have nothing left." Joon's arms fell limply by his side. 

"Look at me." Joon commanded. Il Sung brough his sunken face upwards.

"You are not a freak. You're wonderful, and different. I forbid you to hate yourself. And we have each other. We'll find a way." Joon said firmly. 

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