New Family


"I'm home!" Il Sung opened the door with a smile, hoping to see Halmoni sitting on the couch knitting. Instead, silence greeted him. Il Sung dropped his backpack on the floor next to the door, and kicked off his shoes. *I know Hyung is at a basketball meeting, but what about Halmoni? Did she go out?" * Il Sung walked down the small hallway and stopped infront of her door. 

"Halmoni?" He called gently. Nothing. He raised his fist up, and rapped three times. Again, nothing. He reached for the door knob, and swung open the door. His eyes searched the room until he saw who he was looking for. Halmoni was seated at the edge of her bed, eyes cast down towards something on her lap. He moved towards her, until he was standing right next to her. He saw that she was looking at a photograph.

"Halmoni." He called. Halmoni blinked, and looked up. She smiled gently, and patted the seat next to her.

"Sit, dear."  Il Sung lowered himself onto the bed, and she held out the photo.

"Take a look." She looked incredibly sad. Il Sung took the photo, and saw it was a family portrait. A man stood proudly behind a chair, with a woman at his side. An older woman sat on the chair, and upon looking closer, he saw that it was halmoni. A boy sat on her lap, grinning from ear to ear. Il Sung looked up at Halmoni. Her eyes held so much pain Il Sung's eyes widened.

"That was my family." She whispered. She raised a hand, and pointed gently to the man.

"That's my son." She smiled a bit. It disappeared when she looked at the lady. 

"That was my son's wife." She said, dully. Il Sung detected faint detest in her voice. Finally, she the face of the little boy on her lap.

"And that, that's my little grandson, Chungsik." Her fingers lingered on Chungsik's face. Il Sung didn't know what to say. Where were they? Why was she living alone? Did they leave her?

"Halmoni..." Il Sung trailed off, as she took the photo back. 

"My son died, a few years ago, in a horrid car crash." She looked so fragile, that Il Sung reached over and grabbed her hand. She looked down, and thankfully smiled.

"It tore us all apart. We were never the same. He was the glue that held us all together. Without him.. we fell apart." She looked down at the woman in the photo.

"She grew scared. I was getting older, and she was still young. I suppose I was a burden. She took Chungsik, and left." Halmoni gripped Il Sung's hand a little harder.

"I've never seen them since. I don't know how they're doing. I don't know if they're healthy. Nothing." A single tear fell from Halmoni's eyes, and Il Sung gently wiped them away.

"Halmoni...hyung and I, can we be your family?" He gazed hopefully at Halmoni. Finally, her beautiful smile returned. Her eyes crinkled from the smile.

"Oh, that would be lovely. You two are so wonderful, keeping an old ahjumma company." She grasped Il Sung's hand with her other one, cradling his with her weathered ones.

"My parents threw me away." Il Sung blurted. He bit his lip in embarrassment. He felt her hand leave his, and looked up as she cupped his cheek.

"If you let it out now, you'll feel better. Just like me." She tipped her head to the side, and waited. Without any more hesistation, Il Sung let everything go. He told her of his pain. His feeling of loneliness. How no one at school accepted him for who he was. When he was finished, he felt hollow inside. Nothing was there anymore. 

"Oh, sweet heart. You must have endured so much. Poor thing." Halmoni leaned forwards, and wrapped both arms around him. Il Sung closed his eyes in her warm embrace. She lovingly patted his back.

"You are beautiful. I can see that. Perhaps, right now, the students at your school cannot see that. But, that doesn't mean you are less than beautiful. They just aren't the people that belong in your life. You will find people who will love you for who you are inside, not from the outside. If you keep searching, you will most definitely find them." Halmoni leaned back, and smiled.

"Thank you, halmoni." Il Sung gratefully smiled, and she chuckled.

"Don't thank me. We're a family. That's what families do." Halmoni stood up.

"Now, how about Halmoni make you a nice snack before dinner?" She headed for the door, giving Il Sung time alone. He glanced at the photo on the bed.

*I will be Halmoni's family now. Hyung and I."




Another update before winter break ends. Hope you all enjoy :D please comment and subscribe, my lovely readers.


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