

The next morning, Il Sung's ankle was no longer swollen, but was still a bit stiff. He looked disdainfully at the crutches. He hated those things. Made him seem ever weaker thatn he already was. Joon ran into the living room with a waffle in between his teeth. Shaking his head, Il Sung looked at the clock on the wall.

"Be any slower, and we'd be lucky to make it to school at lunch." Il Sung stood up and grabbed his crutches. Joon rolled his eyes, but ran out the door.

"Bye, halmoni!" Il Sung called out before also dashing out the house, holding the crutches with one hand. He refused to use them, and huffed to try and catch up with Joon.

"HYUNG! I can't run this fast with a stiff ankle!" Il Sung huffed. Joon stopped, and turned around.

"Oh, mianhae. Just don't want to be late. Here, hand me one of your crutches." Joon took a crutch from Il Sung, and started speed walking. They managed to slip through the gates just as the bell rang.

"I'm going to return these to the nurses office." Il Sung grabbed the crutch from Joon and waved good bye.

"I'll wait for you at the gate!" Joon hollered before running to his class. Il Sung took his time getting to the nurses office. After all, class would just be hell. 

  Il Sung sighed as he neared his class. It had only taken him 5 minutes to return the crutches, and now he was standing infront of the door that led him to his impending doom. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he entered the room. He immediately felt the glares and malice from the room. The teacher also did not seem amused.

"Lee Il Sung. Why are you late to my class?" The teacher questioned. The class snickered.

"Probably saw his own reflection in the mirror today and got scared."

"Or, maybe he's trying to get our attention by purposely being late."



Il Sung tried to shut everyone out. He handed the teacher a note. The teacher read it, and nodded.

"You may be seated." The teacher turned back to the board. The insults turned into hushed hisses.

"Teacher's pet."

"Goody-two shoes."

"No guts."

Finally, Il Sung made it to his table, his eyes never leaving the ground. He felt a light prod on his shoulder, and looked to his side in bewilderment.

"Annyeong~" Sojin waved. It had completely left his mind that Sojin was his desk partner. He gave a small nod of acknowledgement, and turned to face the teacher. Sojin tipped her head to the side.

"Il Sung..?" She whispered. Il Sung moved his head a fraction to the left, indicating he was listening.

"You're in so much pain..aren't you?" She stared straight ahead, to avoid being caught by the teacher. Il Sung didn't respond, but lowered his head to scribble on a piece of paper. Moments after, he slid the paper across the table.

You have no idea

Sojin grabbed her pencil, and began writing.

Do you mind me asking why?

Il Sung's eyes darkened as he read the note.

You don't want to know about it. Any of it.

After politly smiling at the teacher to reassure him that she was listening, she looked down at the note, and frowned.

But it's causing you so much pain. Letting it might help.

Il Sung sighed, and wrote a single word on the paper.


Sojin decided not to pressure Il Sung any longer, and folded the paper neatly before placing it into her folder. After class, Il Sung waited behind for the rest of the class to leave. Sojin stayed behind as well. Il Sung gave her a questioning look.

"You're stuck with me." Sojin smiled. Il Sung felt his insides warm slightly. He knew he ought to tell her about what was wrong with him, but greed and the longing of a friend prevented him from doing so. They walked out of the class together. A girl walked up to them, and stopped infront of Sojin.

"Excuse me, but would you like to eat lunch with my friends and I?" The girl smiled at Sojin. Sojin brightened, and looked at Il Sung.

"Let's eat lunch with them!" Sojin beamed at Il Sung. A snort caused Sojin to look back at the girl.

"I asked you, not him." The girl said edgily. Sojin opened , but nothing came out. Il Sung shuffled uncomfortably.

"Go ahead, Sojin." He turned and walked away. The girl smiled brightly. 

"My name is Kwon Chaekyung! Let's be friends! You don't need to be suffering with him." Chaekyung looped her arm around the stiff Sojin. Sojin gently removed her hand, and looked at Chaekhyung dead in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. But I can't be friends with whoever bullies Il Sung. It's wrong." Sojin turned and ran after Il Sung. A part of her mind beat herself for just ruining any chance to distance herself from Il Sung, whom everyone seemed to hate. But her conscience told her that doing so would be horribly wrong and inhumane. Finally spotting him sitting alone on a bench, she walked around the bench and sat down next to him. He bolted upright.

"What are you doing here?" He looked back, to see if the girls were also there.

"I didn't want to be their friends." Sojin shrugged. Il Sung gave her a thundering look.

"What? You don't want to be their friends? Why? Are you too good for them?" He almost shouted. How could she just throw the oppurtunity away? He..had always wanted friends. Sojin looked at him quizzically, then smiled.

"I can't be around people who disprespect others." She said gently. Il Sung's shoulders drooped.

"You..told them off because they were being mean to me..?" He said dejectedly. 

"If it makes you feel better, I didn't do it all for you. It was for me too. It's wrong of them to bully you, and I want no part of it." Sojin patted his shoulder. 

"I..I promise I will tell you why they all hate me. Just give me...some time." Il Sung said slowly. Sojin smiled gratefully and chuckled.

"Thank you, and don't rush it. You can tell me whenever you want. As long as you tell me." Sojin help up her pinky.

"Promise?" She wiggled her finger. Il Sung's lips hitched up.




Hello, readers ^^ I feel bad that I haven't updated in so long, and I thank you for not unsubscribing. Your patience is greatly appreciated <3

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