

Il Sung saw Joon waiting for him at the school gates. A smile naturally spread across his face. He called Joon's name, and Joon turned around to wave. When he saw Il Sun'g crutches, he faltered on mid wave, his eyebrows creasing with worry. He jogged towards Il Sung.

"What happened to you?" Joon huffed. Il Sung shrugged.

"Hyunwoo tripped me. News travel fast.." Il Sung trailed off when he remembered his 'parents'. His heart gave a painful squeeze. 

"That er Hyunwoo. Low life. Always picking on you." Joon hissed. Il Sung cracked a small smile. 

"My foot isn't broken. Just sprained." Il Sung demostrated by shaking his foot from left to right. Joon relaxed fractionally.

"Let's get you home so I can put some ice on that foot. Ajumma will have a freak out when she sees that her poor baby Il Sung is hurt." Joon teased. Il Sung felt himself warm a tiny bit inside.

"Still.. I can't believe no one helped you..or told me you were hurt." Joon bit his lip apologetically. Il Sung chuckled.

"You can't be there all the time for me at school..and..someone did help me." Il Sung trailed off.

"Bwoh? Who? Did those idiots finally realize their blindness?" Joon's voice brimmed with hope. Il Sung shook his head.

"No. She's a new student, and on her first day too. She got stuck with me." He started walking away from the school. Joon took a crutch away, and supported Il Sung's free arm. 

"Are you two...friends?" Joon ventured. 

"No. I'm not dragging her into my hell. She doesn't know anything yet, and when she does, she won't want to be beside me." Il Sung stated matter-of-factly.

"Still..." Joon gazed sadly at his brother. *Why can't they all love you like I do?* 


Sure enough, when they entered the ajumma's home, she panicked.

"OH! What happened to you, sweetie?" The ajumma fussed as Joon eased Il Sung onto the couch, before leaving to get ice from the fridge. The ajumma settled down beside Il Sung, and put a weathered hand on his knee. 

"Did you fall from doing sports?" The ajumma patted his knee soothingly. Il Sung almost laughed. He opened his mouth to say yes, but stopped. What was the point in lying? She already understood everything.

"No, some one tripped me, and I fell horribly on my ankle." Il Sung looked at the ajumma.

"Aish..young people these days. No respect at all. Always using their fists before their heads. I should go teach them a lesson." She made a show of rolling up her sleeves. Joon chuckled as he re-entered the living room.

"You've got ajumma ready to hurt those bullies." Joon smiled at Il Sung, pressing the ice to his ankle. Il Sung sighed in relief. The ice was taking the burning from his ankle. The ajumma gently ruffled Il Sung's hair, and his eyes widened a fraction at the caring touch. He looked over and saw a loving smile on her face. 

"Ajumma..." Il Sung started, but stopped when she shook her head.

"Don't call me that. Call me..Halmoni, ok?" She Il Sung's cheek. Joon brightened.

"Halmoni! Halmoni!" He grinned as the words tumbled from his mouth. She laughed softly, and touched Joon's face as well. Il Sung was speechless. Someone he didn't know accepted him. Accepted who he was. Even when his par-. Il Sung shook his head. He refused to think about them. 

"Are you hungry, children?" She stood up and brushed her long skirt. Joon nodded and got up to help.

"What about you, darling?" Halmoni smiled at Il Sung.

"Y-yes...halmoni." He said it softly, but Halmoni's eyes crinkled as she grinned.



Oh snap. Two updates in two days. *CLAP CLAP* I haven't been writing for a long time. Senior year . D:

Halmoni is korean for grandmother right? I'm not going crazy?




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