Park Sojin


Il Sung nervously walked through the doors of the school. Automatically, his eyes drifted down to his shoes. He hated looking at the faces of the people that treated him like garbage. But, as much as he could avoid looking at them, he could not stop his hearing. Of course, rumours were already spreading. Snickers followed him as he made his way up the stairs to his locker. All of a sudden, the stairs were right under his nose. A sharp pain flashed through his ankle. 

"Watch where you're going, freak!" A deep voice rumbled. Il Sung didn't even have to look up to know that it was Hyunwoo. His hand clenched into a shaking fist, but he stayed down until Hyunwoo and his pose of goons got bored of staring at his pathetic back, and walked off to cause havoc elsewhere. Wincing, Il Sung managed to get back on his feet, gripping the rails for support. Of course, others saw that he was in pain, but who cared? He was an outsider, and whoever helped him would be labeled as an outsider as well. A sad smile quirked at his lips. Wasn't school all about making everyone feel comfortable? Making friends? Not making him feel like absolute ? But this school felt like a prison. Finally, Il Sung stumbled to his locker. Sweat already beaded across his forehead. The pain in his ankle was blossoming quickly-it felt like daggers stabbing his flesh. 

"The nurses office.." Il Sung mumbled. He closed his locker after stuffing his textbooks in it, and gritted his teeth as he made his way down to the office. The pain kept getting worse. Soon, his vision started to tunnel, and sounds were becoming hollow. He leaned against the wall.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" A voice ventured, concerned. Il Sung's eyes snapped open, and focused on a small girl infront of him. His mind was reeling. What was she doing? Asking for a death wish? 

"None of your business." Il Sung growled, and tried to walk. He swayed forwards, and the girl caught him.

"OMO. NURSE! NURSE!" The girl yelled for help. Il Sung lost consiousness. 


The soft whirring of a fan shook Il Sung awake. He blinked, realizing he was lying on the bed in the nurses room. He propped himself up, and groaned at the sight of his ankle. It was wrapped tightly, and it hurt when he tried to move it. The door opened.

"Ah, you're awake." The nurse smiled. Il Sung nodded.

"Your ankle took quite the damage. It's not broken, but horribly sprained. You'll have to refrain from putting weight on it for a while." She walked towards her desk, and picked up a bottle of painkillers.

"These will lessen the pain, but make sure you don't take more than 2 a day. This should be enough for today and maybe tomorrow." She handed the bottle to Il Sung. She noticed him staring at his ankle. 

"Someone has volunteered to help you around the school. You'll have to use these crutches as well." The nurse pointed at the crutches resting against a cupboard. Il sung furrowed his eyebrow. Who would volunteer to help him? He hobbled to the crutches, and slipped them under his armpits. Surprisingly, they weren't so hard to use. Il Sung thanked the nurse before leaving the room. 

"Oh! You're ok!" The girl from before stood up from the bench infront of the office. He raised his eyebrows, and she flushed.

"Right. My name is Park Sojin." She extended her hand. Il Sung stared at it, and made no move to shake it. She awkwardly took it back.

"Silly're in crutches.." She chuckled. Il Sung was puzzled. No one had tried to have a conversation with him before. 

"I'm Il Sung." He greeted, and she lit up, relieved that he spoke.

"Oh yes! The secretary told me. I offered to help you around the school. Funny how that works. I'm new here, and I don't even know how the school works. Yet I'm going to help YOU around!" She rambled on and on. As if knowing she was speaking nonsense, her eyes widened, and she clapped a hand over .

"Sorry! I alot..." She mumbled. Il Sung bit back a smile. He felt mostly hollow. As soon as this girl finds out who he is, she'll disappear into the crowd as well.

"My first class is Math with.. Mr. Jung..?" Sojin looked uneasily at the map of the school. Il Sung inwardly shrugged. She was hopeless on her own. 

"I have that too. You should just follow me." Il Sung manouveured past her. He felt an arm slip around his, and jerked to the side, almost falling over. That would not have been good for his ankle.

"W-what.." Il Sung sputtered. Sojin burst into giggles.

"I'm here to help you, remember? Don't want my tour guide falling through the crowd." She beamed, and hugged his arm again. Il Sung felt nothing, of course, even though Sojin was extremely cute. He led her towards the math wing, and stopped hesitantly at Mr. Jung's door.

"Oh, this is it! Let's go in." Sojin walked forwards, but was pulled back. Il Sung was planted to the ground. He set his jaw.

"" Sojin cautiously asked. Il Sung looked at her with what she could place, pain. He shook his head, and tugged his arm from her, walking into the class. She followed, and blinked as the room exploded into laughter. Confused, she looked at Il Sung, who was the only one not laughing. He handed the teacher a note, and when the teacher nodded, headed for his seat, careful not to trip on the extended legs of students. 

"May I help you?" Mr. Jung smiled at Sojin. 

"Y-Yes..I'm a new student here. My name is Park Sojin." She handed him her timetable.

"Ah, yes. Class, listen up. This is Park Sojin, and she will be a new addition to the class. Say hello!" Mr. Jung clapped merrily. The class also clapped, easy smiles lighting up their faces, that were, just a moment ago, ugly with sneers. 

"Pick an empty seat, Sojin." Mr. Jung opened his textbook. Sojin scanned the room. There were some seats available next to some boys who were whistling and pointing to the empty seats beside them. Then, she saw Il Sung in the back, alone, slouched in his seat. He looked absolutely miserable. She smiled, and walked up to his table.

"Is this seat taken?" She playfully teased. To her surprise, Il Sung shot her a panicked glance. He looked away, and Sojin eased herself down in the empty seat uncertaintly. The boys were sending Il Sung glares.

*What is going on...* Sojin thought to herself.

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