Losing Sojin


Over the course of the week, Il Sung let Sojin into his life bit by bit. He no longer scowled when he saw her calling and waving at him, nor did he flinch when she held onto his arm. 

"Il Sung!" Sojin called. Il Sung turned towards the sound of her voice, as she ran over, hands gripped on the straps of her backpack. She ran past several girls, without even acknowledging them, and they turned to look at her in disgust. Il Sung felt guilt and anger stir inside of him. Why was everyone so cruel? He had already accepted the fact of him being the target, but now, Sojin was as trapped as he was. She reached him, and tugged on his sleeve.

"Hellooooo, anyone in there?" She giggled as Il Sung snapped out of his daze.

"Erm yes, let's go." Il Sung cleared his throat, and smiled. A girl bumped into Sojin. 

"oof." Sojin quietly complained, rubbing her arm. She glanced on the ground and saw that the girl had dropped her water bottle in the process. Without a second thought, she picked it up, and ran after the girl. 

"Mianhae, but you dropped this!" Sojin tapped the girl on the shoulder, and held up the bottle. The girl's eyes darted left and right, before snatching the bottle. 

"Aish. Give it to me. Get out of my face." The girl snapped, snatching the bottle away harshly. Without thanking Sojin, the girl her heels and stalked off. Sojin dropped her arm lifelessly, staring at the girl with confusion and hurt. Il Sung watched from afar, fists clenched. 

"Dammit. I have to tell her..soon. She deserves to know why she's in this trouble." Il Sung whispered to himself. Sojin turned slowly, and upon seeing Il Sung, shook her head slightly before breaking out into a smile.

"Let's hurry, before we're late!" Sojin sang, before pulling Il Sung into the school. They had class together first period, and were the first ones to slip into the classroom. Sojin bounced cheerfully towards their seat in the back, and Il Sung couldn't help but feel at peace with her. *It won't last when I tell her* a voice nagged at the back of his head. He took a seat next to her, and took out his books as the class slowly filled with people. A student walked towards his seat beside Il Sung's desk, and in the process, "accidentally" shoved Il Sung's books off the table. Sojin stood up in anger.

"What was that for?" She snapped, and Il Sung quietly retrieved his books off the ground.

"Listen, girl, watch what you say." The boy student hissed. Sojin's eyebrows creased.

"I have a name, you know." She crossed her arms. The boy guffawed.

"And why do I care?" He raised an eyebrow. The rest of the students listening in snickered in response, and the boy smirked at Sojin. Humiliated and angry, she turned towards the students.

"I think there is something wrong with all of you." Her eyes lingered on every student's face. A girl thoughtfully tapped her chin, and walked towards Sojin.

"Or, perhaps, you are just delusional to the fact that YOU are the one with problems. NOT us." The girl kicked Sojin's backpack. The class burst into nasty laughter, and Sojin slipped into her seat silently, fists clenched, blinking fast. Il Sung felt sick to his stomach, and nudged Sojin.

"Are you...ok?" He asked uneasily. Sojin remained silent for a few seconds, breathing deeply.

"I've.. never been bullied like this." She honestly spoke, her voice cracking a little at the end. Il Sung nodded slowly.

"I told you not to get close to me." He reminded her gently. It was true. Sojin snapped her face towards him.

"No. This is wrong. What they are doing to you, to me, it's wrong. I don't want to be a part of them." Sojin forced a small smile.

"Sorry, but you're still stuck with me." She chuckled lightly. The teacher entered the room, and Sojin's attention drifted towards the days lesson. 

As class ended, Sojin packed up her bag, and waved at Il Sung.

"I have P.E! Can't be late. I'll see you at lunch!" She hurried out of the room. Il Sung immediately felt more vulnerable without her there. He sighed, and slowly walked out of the class, avoiding eye contact, and with one goal in his mind. Get through the day. At lunch, Il Sung sat on the bench outside the school, and waited for Sojin. He glanced at his watch. *She's late*. He took a small bite out of the sandwich Halmoni made, and smiled. It was delicious. He felt the bench creak, and looked to his left. His eyes widened.

"Sojin! What happened?" Il Sung stared at the bandage on Sojin's knee. She grimaced as she tried to straighten it out.

"Oh..I tripped during a game of basketball." She refused to meet Il Sung's eyes. Dread tore Il Sung's appetite away. His eyes hardened.

"Don't lie to me. They hurt you, didn't they." He shuffled closer to her, glancing at the bandage. When Sojin remained silent, Il Sung glanced up at her, and his heart sank. Tears threatened to slip from her eyes.

"I.. I.." She tried to talk, but her words turned into quiet sobs. Il Sung froze, watching her wipe her tears away hastily, though new ones slipped down her face. Il Sung gently passed her a tissue, which she took gratefully.

"I'm sorry, Sojin." Was all Il Sung could say. She shook her head meekly.

"I don't like the people here. They are so.. mean and close minded." She whispered. Il Sung patted her shoulder gently. 

"I know." He murmured. Sojin sniffled, before pointing to her bandage.

"Now I'm going to have an ugly scar." She pouted playfully, attempting to lighten the mood. Il Sung cracked a smile.

"If you take care of it well, it won't. You should go home for today." He offered. She nodded. She stood up slowly, and held on to Il Sung for support as they walked to the nurses office. 

"See you tomorrow!" Sojin smiled brightly, though her smile seemed forced.

"Make sure you apply medicine when you get home." Il Sung advised, before leaving the nurses office. He felt heavy. He hadn't even told Sojin his secret yet, and he was already losing her.



I have finally updated AHAHAH. Happy New Years, everyone <3 

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