

It was time for Il Sung to go to school for the first time. He was excited, and scared. Excited to play with all the other children, and scared that he would be away from Joon and his mother. On the day of school, ll Sung's mother woke him up early for breakfast.

"Sweetie, time to get up for your first day of school!" His mother patted his shoulder, watching with love and pride as Il Sung stirred, and crawled out of bed. She helped him brush his teeth, making sure he cleaned every tooth. 

"Why don't you go and wake up hyung, and come down for a yummy breakfast?" Il Sung's mother suggested. He nodded cheerfully, and scrambled towards his brother's room. Chuckling, she walked back down the stairs, pouring her pancake mix into the pan. A sweet scent soon wafted up the stairs, and the two boys ran down towards the smell.

"Umma! What's for breakfast?" Joon eagerly climbed into the chair.

"Blueberry pancakes!" their mother exclaimed, helping Il Sung into his chair. After wolfing down their pancakes, the boys were ready for school. Il Sung held his mother's hand tightly as they walked to school. When they got to the courtyard, Il Sung was terrified. There were so many kids, all yelling, and laughing. It was too overwhelming.

"O-omma..I don't want to go to school.." Il Sung gripped his mother's hand, and his eyes started to water with tears. His mother kneeled down.

"Hyung will be here with you, sweetie. Don't be scared. I'll see you in a few hours! Play with the other children, and make some friends." His mother wiped away his tears. Joon dutifully grabbed Il Sung's hand.

"Let's go! The playground is fun!" Joon beamed, and Il Sung felt a bit braver. Their mother waved good bye, and left. 

"Joon!" A boy called out. Joon waved. 

"Over there!" Joon pulled Il Sung along. The boy looked at Il Sung.

"Is he your little brother?" The boy asked. Joon nodded proudly.

"His name is Il Sung!" Joon kept his hand in Il Sungs. He never went anywhere without Il Sung.

"Ok. Let's go play now." The boy turned towards the playground. Joon followed behind, with Il Sung still attached to his hand.

"Hyung...." Il Sung pointed over to the sandbox, where many girls were building castles. 

"You want to play in the sandbox?" Joon asked. Il Sung nodded. 

"Ok! You can play there, and I'll play here, close to you." Joon walked Il Sung over to the sandbox. The girls immediately gathered around Il Sung, including him in their games. 

"What a girl." Someone snickered. Joon turned around to see Hyunwoo. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Stop bullying my brother!" Joon warned. Hyunwoo rolled his eyes.

"Why? Because he plays with girls?" Hyunwoo sneered. Joon wanted to hit him again, but couldn't. His mother would be mad. Instead, Joon walked away, to play with his friends. Hyunwoo narrowed his eyes at Il Sung, who was happily flipping a bucket over, and making a castle. Hyunwoo stormed up to him and the girls.

"Hi hyunwoo." One of the girls greeted. Hyunwoo ignored them. Il Sung didn't look up from his castle. Hyunwoo mercilessly kicked Il Sung's castle over.

"That was mean!" Another girl shouted. Il Sung felt his lips quiver as his castle was wrecked. Sand was all over his new T-shirt. 

"Cry. You baby." Hyunwoo snickered. 

"I don't like you." Hyunwoo stated, and walked away, leaving Il Sung in misery for his first day of school.


how boring...I'm horribly sorry. I hope I get more creative as the chapters go along.

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