

Knock. Knock. The hollow sound from the door caused Eun Mi to jump a bit. She sighed in relief as the door swung open, and her brother, Lee Joon, stepped into the small but comfortable room of the bride to be. He crossed his arms, and let his eyes wander all over her. Eun Mi felt herself tense. As if she wasn't already a nervous wreck, her brother was now judging her. Joon frowned, and Eun Mi steeled herself for the blow.

"'re too beautiful." Joon's poker face melted into a heart-warming smile. Eun Mi's arms were decorated with white lace, the white material of her gown flowing down the length of her body. Minimal makeup was needed, her cheeks already tinted with natural blush. Glitter sparkled against her skin lightly, making her seem like a princess. Her shoulder length hair cupped her face in delicate curls. 

"Really? You're not lying to make me feel better?" Eun Mi chuckled. Joon closed the space between them. Taking her hands, he pulled upwards, causing Eun Mi to stand. 

"Eun Mi..have I even lied to you?" Joon's eyes were gentle, and teasing. He knew the answer.

"No." Eun Mi said with confidence. He raised his hand and gently placed it on her head. He strummed his fingers, and Eun Mi felt herself relax. Everytime Eun Mi felt lonely, felt crushed, felt hurt, and needed comfort, Joon would hold her, and strum his fingers over her head rhythmically. 

"Don't worry. You know that no one out there cares about your mistakes. They all want you to be happy. I want you to be happy." Joon pulled his hand away. Eun Mi finally smiled. She knew it was the truth. Outside, sitting, where people who cared about her, who didn't leave her side when she told them her mistake, her shame. 

"I'm so proud of you." Joon continued, his voice fading out with emotion. Eun Mi wrapped her arms around him.

"What would I have done without you?" Eun Mi wondered out loud. His grip on her arms tightened.

"You would have fought your way through the challenges. Even without me there." Joon chuckled. Eun Mi let go first.

"Ok, I'm ready." Eun Mi nodded. Joon offered his arm to her, and hooking her arm around his, they made their way to the happiest moment of Eun Mi's life. 


Walking down the aisle felt surreal to Eun Mi as she saw her small group of friends standing with proud silence as she made her way past them. The cobblestone was decorated with petals. She lifted her head, and marveled at the smooth arch of green bush and white orchids laced in between. Then she saw him. Her lover. Kim Myungsoo. His black suit fitted against him perfectly. His eyes that were always warm towards her, shining. His lips curling into the most brilliant smile she had ever seen. As she felt Joon's arm slip away from her to clap Myungsoo on the back proudly, she felt her knees weaken. Myungsoo faced her, and took her hand reassuringly as they took their vows. When they had exchanged rings, and had been pronounced as husband and wife, Myungsoo caught her waist swiftly, and pressed his lips against Eun Mi's. Her lips moved with him, slow, full of love, and not lust. As he smiled against Eun Mi's lips, he pulled her closer, his lips leaving hers, and murmured into her ear.

"You are my angel, always."


Wow. First wedding scene I have ever wrote. I hope it was good enough for you lovely readers ^^




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