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2 Of us and 6 of Them?!

Annyo^^ Im back with an update :) I really dont want to go back to school . and i have no friends really thats why i can rely on Asianfanfics because its like my second home...SO heres an update the deal ends tomorrow ^^

- Annyo^^




- Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- Aish what was that sound~ SO ANNOYING I thought in my head as i was half asleep.

-Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr- I was wide awake now. I looked over to Sayoons bed. Not there. I looked at the bathroom to find Sayoon completely dressed and blow drying her hair. "YAH LIM SAYOON" I shouted rubbing my eyes. "BWOH" she spat back fixing her bangs. "WHY ARE YOU AWAKE" I said in a tired tone. She turned the blow dryer off and set it on the bathroom sink. "Serri-ah whats today?" Sayoon said looking at me. "Tue-s-day?" I replied back to her confused. "And when is Dongwoons party" she asked me again. "Uhm Thursday" I replied back to her getting out of bed. "EXACTLY WE ONLY HAVE 1 DAY TO GET HIM SOMETHING NICE AND TODAYS THE DAY" Sayoon said putting the blow dryer in the bathroom closet.

Oh i forgot about Dongwoons birthday. Omo~ what are we going to get him? I thought to myself. "PALI" Sayoon said handing me my skinny jeans and sweater. I grabbed it and lazily walked to the bathroom. I washed my swollen face and put on my clothes and shoes. "Ready?" Sayoon said grabbing the keys. "Neh Kaja" I said as i opened the door and waited for Sayoon. We left the entrance and took the bus to the mall.

I really have only been to this mall once and that was with Joon before he changed. I remember him and i shopping. Those were memories i said i would never forget but now i want to forget.

< Flashback>

"Serri that dress is nice go on and try it" Joon said pointing to the window.

"Ani I dont wear dresses Oppa and its too expensive". I said with big eyes.

"AISH" He said grabbing my hand and leading me in the store.

He grabbed my size from the rack of dresses and handed it to me.

"Serri for Oppa" Joon said using his aegyo which i couldnt stand.

I looked up at him and took the dress with hesitation.

Since i didnt like going to the dressing room and trying it on actually, i just would take off my jacket and hold it infront of me.

I went to the mirrior and held it in front of me. I had to admit the dress was beautiful it was knee cut and it probably would fit around  my waist perfectly it was strapless and had a beautiful pink flower pattern that went well with the design. I didnt like dresses, or skirts I was always the sweater and skinny jeans type of girl. I would always wear black or purple BUT i wasnt gothic or emo.

"Yepuda but Ani Oppa its to expensive" I said turning back and putting back in the rack.

"Serri are you sure you dont want it?" Joon said looking back at the dress.

"Neh Oppa but Komowa i dont wear dresses" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

He stuck his tongue out back at me and held my hand.

"Kaja Oppa" I said looking up at him.

"Neh lets go" he replied looking at the door.

We left the store and stopped at the mall entrance.

"Ohh Serri-ah i need to go to the bathroom stay here arasso?" Joon said looking at me with big eyes.

"Arasso Oppa" I said looking at him with a smile.

He then ran back up the stairs as i watched him disapear.

I sat down on a bench and sighed. I have such a wonderful boyfriend. I wish i could be his dream girl and the one he wants to be with forever. He says I'll always be his dream girl but i dont think so i really dont. He was perfect not only his looks but his heart. I loved him so much and needed him..where-ever...and when-ever but i know it wasnt going to happen.

"Serri" I heard Joon shout from the stairs rushing down. "Oppa" I said smiling. "Did i take to long ?" Joon said taking my hand. "Ani" I replied puffing my cheeks. "Kaja" he said smiling back at me.

We walked outside and it was freezing cold. I shivered the whole way to my house. My Moms house was walking distance since my mom is a city person. My mom and dad are divorced. My dad lives in Busan and my mom owns a small restaraunt here in Seoul. My mom always worked to provide for me. I loved her more than anything in the world. Sometimes i would go through hardships when my mom wasnt there for me so i appreciated Joon for giving me the strength i needed.

We got to my house and i took the keys and unlocked it. I opened the door and we stepped in. "EOMMMAAAA!!!!' I shouted to see if she was there. Nothing. I wasnt really suprised she always worked and worked and called me every second to see if i was ok. "I dont think she's here Oppa but do you want to stay" I asked him hoping he would say yes. ''Neh" Joon said sitting on my couch. "Serri Sit" Joon said looking at me. I sat like i was told. He took his hand and fumbled through his jacket until he pulled out a plastic bag. He handed it to me.

I took it with confusion. I opened it to find the dress we looked at earlier. "OOOPPPPPAA?" I said with teary eyes. "You said it was pretty?" Joon said placing his hands on my face and rubbing my cheeks with his thumb. "KOMOOOOWWWWA" I shouted and hugged him until he couldnt breath any longer. "SERRI" Joon laughed and fixed my hair.

"Pali put it on" Joon said looking at me. I blushed. "Oppaaa" I whined. "ANIYO" Joon said trying to act manly. I looked at him with an annoyed face and stomped to the hallway. I turned back to see his victory smile plastered along his face.

I went to my room which had one bed a body mirror and a dresser. I took off everything and left it on the floor. I took the dress and swiftly put it on fixing it. I looked in the mirror. You could see my curves, my , and my s. It was too showy and i know Joon probably thought that i would think that because he was shouting "SERRI JUST COME DOWN" every 1 minute. I let my hair down and opened my bedroom door and took heavy steps down the hallway and ended up in the living room.

I stood there looking down. I could feel footsteps near me. Then Joon lifted up my chin. "Your the most Beautifullest girl i've ever seen in the wole wide world." he said looking in my eyes. I smiled and tryed to avoide his fierce glare.

He took my hand and pushed me too the sofa. "Your a little to cute" Joon said smiling at me while taking off his jacket. I just chuckled i really didnt get as intimate with him just making out and touching. That's all. He took his shirt off and showed off his perfect abs. He then crouched over and locked lips with me. My face turned red and i started kissing him back. My hands were in his hair and his hands were cupping my face. He on my lower lip wanting entrance. I hesitated at first and just let out small moans afterwards i started yo open up a little letting him insert his wet tongue in my wet mouth. I slowly started teasing his tongue and whimpers escaped my mouth which made the bulge in his pants grow bigger.

"Oppa wait" I said as i pushed him off me and stripped all the way down to my bra and underwear. He smiled got up from the couch and wrapped his arms around my waist and locked his lips with me again as i looked at him the whole time. What was i doing? I dont deserve a man like him. The only thing ive done is cause him pain. My pain was his pain. I didnt want anymore pain. He doesnt deserve a girlfriend who gives him her worries and stress.

I slowly backed away. He looked at me frustrated. "Mianhae Oppa Lets stop please" I said as i looked down and walked down the hall to my bedroom to wear some clothes. On my way back i thought. I let him know now.


We entered the mall as we say many people walking around with their kids and  friends. Sayoon looked around. "So many shops so little time" she said looking worried.

I snapped back to reality. "Ohh were here" I said looking around. "Soo..what are we getting him?" I said looking at Sayoon who was in deep thought. "Mollaaaaa" Sayoon said frustrated. "Clothes?'' I suggested. "Ani" she rejected. "Shoes?'' I suggested again. "Ani" she rejected again.

"YAH Sayoon lets just walk around and probably we'll find something." I said giving up. "Neh Arasso" she said walking with me. We passed by many clothing shops looking through the windows but we got nothing. We passed  buy a clothing store for men. I looked through the window. "Sayoon look at the shirt" I said pointing through the window. "Its nice but i dont think he's going to like it" Sayoon said puffing her cheeks. We walked buy many stores and we walked past the store Joon got the dress from. It was suprisingly still in buisness and it looked the same. I looked through the window to see shirts, pants, shoes, and dresses. I sighed and kept walking. "Bwoh?" Sayoon asked. "The dress" I simply stated. "Busu~Ohhhhh" Sayoon said knowing the whole story since she was my friend for a long time.

We were about to sit down when I came across an Iphone cover store. I remembered Dongwoon didnt have a cover for his phone. "Sayoon-ah Dongwoon doesnt have a cover for his phone" I stated. " and what does this have to deal with~" I cut her off by pointing at the store across from us. "Ohhhh CHOWA Serri" Sayoon patted me and we ran towards the store. We went in to find hundreds of Iphone covers layed out infront of us. We looked towards the darker colors. Sayoon picked one up. It was black with blue and green stripes. It was plain. I liked it. "Ummm are you sure its okay?" I said to her making sure. "I guess.." Sayoon said biting her lip. "Arasso then.. its simple thats good" I said as we walked over to the cashier.

We paid and left the store as we had worried smiles across our faces. "He's going to like it" I said looking at Sayoon who looked at the plastic bag. "Neh.." She replied with a smile.


Annyo^^ I KNOW I KNOW there was no Beast BUT dont worry the next chapter will ^^ Im sorry for the little heated scene i just felt like that was needed ^^ Comment and Subscribe Jebal ><


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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 28: U should really update because your subscribers missies u
Iheartkpop_93 #2
Chapter 28: Like finally you're back. please Continue this story. make a new story after you've finished this or you can write 2 stories at the same time.
Please update...
SicaGG #4
Chapter 24: Wahh~ I just subscribed! I really love this story, please update soon :D
Chapter 27: Please update soon
Chapter 27: Lol u lucky bum! Im so jelly >u<
Chapter 26: Update soon please!
Chapter 26: wahhhh author-nim!! srsly?!?!?!?! can u upload the photo of the concert with ur updates as well?? :) coz unfortunately live on earth tour is not coming to australia :((( SO PLEASE UPDATE SOON AND POST THOSE PHOTOS WITH IT WHEN YOU COMEBACK AND TELL US HOW GOOD THE CONCERT WAS!!! :)
ForeverWaiting #9
Chapter 25: Update again soonnn author-nim :3 ~