First Day of School part 2

Judging A Book By It's Cover

>>Sena's POV<<

Why are they here?!? I saw Baekhyun, Chanyeol,Kai and Sehun walked in cooly. Girls were starting to spazz out, fixing their skirt and hair all of a sudden. As they walked towards the table I quickly ran out of the room and started to look for my 1st period class. 3-14? How the flip do I find that! My head started to hurt as I wandered thourgh the halls. Then suddenly I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!" Both of us said at the same time.

"NO! It was my fault!" She said quietly with a English accent. The girl had big eyes, a small face, her hair was in a messy bun. 

"My name is Lee Sena, I can tell your from England...Nice to meet you."

"I'm Park Sora" she brightly said, "Whoa....your English is really good are you fluent?" 

I nodded, "My parent brought me to America when I was 3, and went back to Korea when I was 12."

"Really! Somehow my story is somehow similar but I was born in England and yet I came back to Seoul when I was 7!" she giggled. "What do you have for first period?"

"English...But I'm actually lost....How about you?" I looked at her curiously waiting for an answer.

"NO WAY!" she squealed, "I have that too! Haha don't worry, It's right over there!" The bell suddenly rang.

"We're going to be late c'mon!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me into class. No was there just me and Sora. We took our seats and waited. More students rushed in took their seats and waited. 

"Seems like our Professor is late...." Sora rolled her eyes as she doodled in her notebook. Then the professor came in running and sweating into the room.

"Now...let's take attendance!" he grabbed his clip board, clicked his pen and started to call out names. 

"Lee Sena?" I raised my hand. 

"Park Chanyeol?" My eyes widened and I frantically looked around. "Park Chanyeol? Seems lik-"

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" A deep voice shouted. I hid behind my notebook and I saw Sora laughing at me, clapping like a seal. This can't be happening...Being neighbors are bad enough -.- 

"You sit over here next to Sena." The Professor point at the empty seat next to me. Chanyeol jumped when he heard the word, "Sena." He went to his seat and sat down. Not a word was said until class was over. I snatched my bag and when I  was about to leave until Chanyeol grabbed my bag stopping me before I walked out the door I turned around and our eye met.

"YAH! Let go!" I started to turn red and looked away from his eyes. 

"Yup your Sena alright. I know that voice when you yell." He let go of my bag.

" that EVER again...." I scoffed, tried to push him out of the way and ran to 2nd period: Trigonometry. When I entered the room I found D.O sitting there properly. "Sena!" He smiled brightly when he saw me. I bowed to him and took my seat. 

3rd period: Word History. There was Sehun

4th period: Physical Education: There was Kai. I was surprised that most of them were all in my classes. But the period I love the most LUNCH. Sora was sitting alone beside the corner. Wae? She doesn't have that much friends....Aigo~ But she is super friendly and nice! I sneakily walked up to her and poked her sides. She jumped and ready to slap my face.

"SENA! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" Panting as she held her chest.

"How come your all alone!" 

"No one really wants to talk to me....I have no friends actually" 

"YAH! I'M YOUR FRIEND!" I began to hug her.

"Sena...your about to kill me...." She gasped for air.

"O- I'm sorry!" I released her from my deadly grip. Suddenly I see the door open seeing my neighbors walking in the cafeteria. Catching every girls eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"WOW...Did you just ignored them?!" Sora whispered in shock, 

"De...I just did! Anything wrong with that?"

"NOPE! It make me love you even more! Finally, a chick who turns them's rare to find one of those in this school." I laughed at her response and began to eat my lunch. My first friend, she even hates them too! Ah this is a good day so far.

>>Baekhyun's POV<<

I entered the cafeteria. Every girl's eyes were on us but a simple smile just makes them faint. I found Sena in the corner with another girl laughing and smiling. Whoa...she just SMILED! I'm about to die just seeing that...Suho was right she did smile heavenly. 

"Baekhyun! Over here!" I see D.O waving from our table and Suho,Chanyeol,Kai, and Sehun were already there munching away on there lunches. 

"Have you guys seen Sena yet?" I asked curiously as I sat down.

"YUP! She's in one of my classes!." Chanyeol boasted.

"Same here!" Kai, Sehun, and D.O smiled as they take glances at Sena which was having a really good time just sitting there. I frowned looking down at my lunch. No fair....I haven't got any classes with her!


This chapter makes me cringe XD It pretty much is ummm....crap? LOL It's just really poorly written.

Hopefully I improve in the future. Cya later! :)




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EXOtic_mimi #1
is this the end of this fanfic? it would be better if u complete it. this fanfic is one of my favorite fanfics to be honest. plz update soon...
I Think Its A little to short but other then that its amazing keep updating and it would be funny if exo-m came
infinitemask #4
this was too short :(
What is Baekhyun going to do so that she will like him?
I'm curious!!
Please update soon!
tweety #6
Oh baekhyun,
Update soo! I really like this story! :D