
We all left the room, I followed after everyone, Hoya was standing on my left and Baihu walked on my right, sometimes brushing up on my legs.  "How do you think Lauren's going to react when she sees Baihu?" I asked.  "She's probably going to run to Woohyun and hide from her." Hoya said.  I laughed and I agreed.  EXO, Baihu, and I went to my room and Baihu instantly jumped onto the bed and laid down.  I sat next to her on my bed and started to look through the book.  "So how do you do this whole change thing?" I asked.  "I want to try it at least a couple times." I added.  Baihu explained how I have to channel my 'inner animal' into my mind and then it should come naturally to me.  I thought of becoming a bunny and I closed my eyes.  I felt energy flowing through my body and my skin felt weird for a second.  When I opened my eyes again, the floor was a lot closer and everything looked really big.  "So cute!!!" Sehun and Luhan shouted.  I looked at my hands which were now paws.  "How do I look?" I asked.  I went over to my mirror and I was looking at a cute caramel colored labrador.  I looked over at the guys and I jumped onto a cushion.  "How about a lion?" I asked.  "You can try." Suho said.  I channeled my energy and concentrated on becoming a lion, but nothing happened.  "Why am I not changing?" I asked.  "It takes a lot of practice and concentration, so don't worry about it for now.  I'm guessing, your only ability at this stage is domestic cats and dogs." Kris said as he patted my head.  I changed back to human and I sat on the floor.  "Aww poo..." I said. 
"Do you guys want to go out to eat? We can drag Lauren along with us as well." I said.  We were still in my room not really doing anything.  Luhan was teaching Sehun, Kai, and Tao how to solve a rubix cube.  Suho was reading a book, Xiumin was resting.  The others were either playing games on their phones or watching TV.  "Can you take us around L.A?" Kai asked.  "Sure why not? Lauren's been dying to go to the aquarium since she never gets out much." I said.  "Now that's my kind of place." Suho said.  "I haven't been to an aquarium." Tao said.  "Really?" I asked.  He shook his head and some of the others hadn't been either.  "Then we are definitely going! I hope they have some kind of new years special." I said excitedly.  "I haven't been to this place in ten years so it's like I haven't been there." I said.  They all smiled and they went to get changed.  "Baihu, do you want to come with us?" I asked.  "Can I?" she asked.  "Of course, you just can't go in that form or, any living form actually." I said after thinking about it.  "I can still see and stuff while I am the ring." she said.  "That's freaking cool..." I said.  "What should I wear?" I asked. 
I was in a casual winter outfit and Baihu was in her ring form and I slid her on my finger.  I can still talk to you.  She said in my mind.  Whoa, that's pretty weird... You can't like read my thoughts can you? I asked.  Only when you are talking directly to me like right now. She said.  Oh, okay. I said.  I grabbed my good camera and my polariod camera and I put them in my small backpack.  After getting my wallet and phone, I headed over to Lauren's room.  "Unnie! Sehun oppa said we were going to the aquarium!" she said when I walked into my room.  She's a really cute kid. Baihu thought.  She's so much prettier than I was when I was her age... I said.  "Neh, come on, let's get you ready and then we can meet them downstairs.  She put on this outfit and I brushed her hair out a little, letting it curl at the bottoms a little bit.  I grabbed her hand and we went downstairs to meet up with the guys. 
Umma was sitting in the living room with the guys and she smiled when the two of us walked in.  She saw that Baihu was with me and she nodded slightly.  "I hear you guys are going to the aquarium?" She said.  "Yeah, we're probably going out for dinner too." I said.  "Okay, just bring Lauren back at around 9." She said.  We said okay and then Lauren clung to Sehun while we walked to the limo.  "How come no one remembers the little coincidence yesterday? Jamie seemed like she didn't remember a thing." I asked Lay.  "Well we can erase memories, but only memories of stuff that have to do with our race." He said.  I oh-ed and we got into the limo. 
"I'm suprised you guys don't have some sort of aquarium in that very aquatic house of yours." Chanyeol said.  "Sometimes I wonder that too." I said.  Lauren was playing with Sehun and Luhan while the others were showing each other things on their phones or resting or listening to music.  I didn't know the elements were so lazy... Baihu spoke up in my head.  Well you can't really blame these guys for falling under the spell of technology. I said.  True... How do you work technology? She asked.  I pulled out my phone and went through a little tutorial in my mind for her.  When we arrived at the aquarium, it was only around 11 am.  We purchased tickets and then we walked through the entrance.
"What is that unnie?" Lauren asked as she pointed to the large whale.  "Lauren, that's a whale, whale." I told her in the two languages.  The little whale show was just about to start and we all watched as the lights dimmed and lights were shown on the whale and a little show was being displayed on the wall. 
I held Lauren up to watch and the other boys were just watching the pictures since they couldn't understand it, besides Kris.  The show ended quickly and we grabbed a map from a little stand.  There was one map for four people and we huddled into three groups, not including Lauren.  We all decided to just walk around and just look.  As we walked further on the first floor there was a little exhibit and a bunch of little kids were looking up close through the glass while the parents were looking from further behind. 
Suho, Sehun, and Luhan went with Lauren up to the glass when a spot opened up and they looked at fish together.  "Just a question, but how do you know if a person has been taken over and how can you get the persona out of the body?" I asked.  We were standing in a little group by the side (like the area of where the picture was taken) and no one was really near us enough to hear.  "For us it's easy to tell because that person has a cold aura around them and it's not often that someone has a cold aura like that.  Getting the persona is a slightly harder process though." Baekhyun said.  "It's pretty much impossible to get a persona out of a body.  Only the princesses can do it or all twelve of us when we are together." Kris said.  "Seriously? It's that hard? That means I'll probably be all out of energy if I do get it out." I said.  They nodded.  The atmosphere was slightly grim.  "Why don't we get this whole thing out of our heads while we're here? Then we can just enjoy it like we would've if it was two days ago." Chen said in an attempt to lighten up the mood.  "I'm liking that idea." I said with a thankful smile. 
I took pictures with my cameras as we went around to the different exhibits and we all marveled at the sights.  At around 12:30, we went to the little food place on the second floor and we grabbed something to eat for lunch.  Then we headed to the other exhibits and the outdoor ones as well.  Tao and the others who hadn't been to an aquarium before were acting like little kids and Lauren ran around with them.  Kris wanted to use the camera so I let him use it and I watched as Xiumin, Lay, Baekhyun, and D.O were all watching the same shark go around in the tank and their heads moved at the same time.  Kris came back with the camera and we sat down on the step where the little kids stand on to touch the fish and looked at the pictures.  The last picture was of me while I was squatting next to Lauren and pointing out fish to her.  It was at a cool angle from right behind us and since the tanks were pretty bright, you could only see us as shadows.  My arm was up pointing at the fish as it swam by and Lauren was looking up at it.  "This one is so cute." I said.  He smiled and handed me the camera. 
It was around 5 pm when were done at the aquarium and it would take us half an hour to get to Hollywood where we were going to grab some dinner.  It was another one of the usual places and we walked into the italian restaurant.  "Welcome to Leo's- Is that you Daphne?" the middle aged hostess said when we walked in.  "It's great to see you again." I said with a smile.  I had been here so many times when I was younger, I even had a part time job when I came here on vacation a couple years back.  I had also used my english name, Daphne so it was easier on everyone.  "I see you have quite the entourage here." Sharry said.  I laughed and so did Kris.  "These guys can't understand a word you're saying right now except for that guy." I said.  They just looked clueless and Kris just smiled.  "Oh no wonder." She said.  "I see Lauren has taken a liking to that boy over there." she said as she led us to the table which was almost done being set up.  "Yeah, she instantly took a liking to him." I said.  "She still looks as cute as ever, same goes for you." She said.  "Don't flatter me." I said with a giggle.  We all sat down and she gave us menus.  "Benny will be out in a couple minutes to take your orders." She said.  "He's still working here?" I asked.  "Yeah, surprising right? He's been acting weird lately though.  It's like he went through an overnight personality change." She said sadly.  Kris was suddenly alert and so was I.  The others noticed and asked Kris about it while I asked her some more questions.  "What do you mean by that?" I asked her.  "It was a couple days ago, and he came late.  You know how he never likes being tardy.  Anyways, he would be very emotionless with the customers and a lot of our regulars have been asking if he was okay.  He is always very mean to the people in the kitchen now and he even yelled at me this morning.  I don't know what's gotten into my son..." She said.  She was on the verge of tears and I stood up to rub her back.  "He'll be back to normal soon, just give him a little time." Kris said.  "That's what I was thinking, I just hope he comes back soon." She said with a weak smile.  She went back to the hostess podium in the front of the restaurant. 
"Could it be a persona?" I asked them after explaining the situation to them.  "We'll have to see when he comes to take our orders." Suho said calmly.  Kris went over the menu with some of them while Lauren helped some of them.  You heard the conversation right? I asked Baihu.  Yeah, I had a bad feeling when we walked into the restaurant, but I wasn't sure about it.  She said.  We'll here he comes... I said.  Benny, a tall thin guy in his early twenties, sandy blone hair and green eyes walked up to our table.  He walked up next to my seat and smiled.  "It's nice to see you again Daphne." he said.  I felt a cold breeze and it sent shivers up my back.  Its a persona. Baihu said.  Watch out and be cautious of his every move. She advised.  I gave them all a little stare saying that he was a persona and they all felt the cold breeze as well.  "It's nice to see you again too Benny, how've you been?" I said to him.  "Good, just the usual." He said.  His expression soon was bored and he gave us all cold glares.  "What do you want to eat tonight?" He asked in a monotone voice.  We all ordered and then he left.  "Let me get Lauren sent home first and I'll be right back." I said.  I picked up Lauren and headed out of the restaurant.  The limo and our driver were waiting outside and I told him to bring her home immediately.  Since he was one of the human helpers, or Guardians, he knew why and it was a good thing Lauren liked him.  Lauren sat in the front seat with him and they drove off. 
I called up Appa.  "Appa, we found a persona, and it's already been a few days since his body was taken over." I said.  "Don't worry, Baihu will know what to do and so will the guys.  I'll be sending Infinite over a.s.a.p." He said.  "Okay, I sent Lauren home with the driver so she should be back soon." I said.  "Good thinking.  I'll see you later then." He said.  We hung up and I went back inside the restaurant.  What do we do now? I asked.  We just wait until we can get him alone after the meal and then I'll explain what you have to do. She said.  Okay. I said.  I headed back and sat in my chair.  "Appa's sending Infinite over and Lauren is on her way home." I said.  We waited for our meals to be served and while we ate, we were completely tense as we watched Benny as he worked. 
Suddenly before we were going to exit the restaurant, Benny went beserk.  A customer was taking too long to choose what to get and he got angry.  He lifted the table up and the people around screamed.  "Guess he's got a short temper..." I said.  "Would everybody please calmly evacuate the restaurant." Kris shouted and some of the guys headed to get control on the persona before it could harm any of the people as they fled the restaurant.  "Sharry, get everyone out of here please, we know what we're doing." I said and she just nodded.  She headed to the kitchen and gathered everyone.  They made sure everything was off and they headed out the back way.  We closed off all of the entrances and exits and made sure no one could see what was going on inside.  Chen shut off all of the security cameras in the huge dining room and Baihu changed into her fighting form.  "Since you aren't skilled enough yet, just stay out of sight and let them take care of it." She said. 
I stood behind a wall connecting the kitchen to the dining room.  The place was huge and the tables were all practically turned over and there was glass and silverwear everywhere.  The persona had changed into it's normal form which was a little different from the figures from before.  It was more human like, but there was no face.  It was like a clay figure in a human shape.  Benny's real body was lying on the floor near an over turned table and Lay and Kai brought him to another safe area.  They all changed and helped Baihu who was already attacking the persona.  They were being flung everywhere by the surprisingly strong persona and it was advancing towards me.  I made sure not to look at it's face and I could feel it's cold presence getting closer.  The persona flung off the guys and Baihu whenever they pounced on it and it was getting closer to me.  I wasn't looking and then someone shouted.  "Watch out!"



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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥