

The next morning, December 31st, I was woken up by maids and my mom pulled me out of the house in pajamas, slippers, and my hair was a complete mess.  Lauren was already in the car and the three of us were driven to a private styling salon.  We almost forgot to grab the dress but I grabbed it last minute and I held it in my arms while we were in the car.  I tried to make myself look a bit more presentable by combing my hair, and cleaning up my face with a wet towel.  We got out of the car and went through the back entrance so we weren't caught on camera and we got into the salon.  I was immediately taken to a shower to clean up more.  I finished my shower and my hair smelled really good because of the scented shampoo that I got to choose.  I was then sent to a massage area and I got a nice massage done.  After the massage it was already almost lunch time so we ordered some food from the place next door.  I ordered a chicken salad since it wouldn't affect my figure that much and my mom kind of ordered for me without asking.  Then I got a really nice mani pedi done for the first time ever.  Then it was time for makeup and hair, my least favorite part.  "Not too much make up or else I'll just take it off later." I said.  The stylist nodded and after at least a half an hour of doing make up, looked at the finished product of my face.  It was cute and not too much, the eye shadow was almost going over board but it matched the dress nicely.  
The stylists washed my hair again with the yummy smelling shampoo and then they started to style it.  After another hour of hair styling, I was almost done.  They did a plain half up half up do and they put waves in my hair to add volume.  They added a nice pick flower hair clip and it completed the whole look.  "I look like I'm getting married but in a pink drew instead of a white one." I said when I looked in the mirror after putting the dress on.  Lauren was also finished and we were waiting for umma to finish before we could head back to the house.  I was still wearing my slippers since we forgot to brig the heels and we couldn't help but laugh.  When we got back home I was given a big blanket to cover myself since it was really cold and I didn't want anyone to see the dress.  I wrapped it around me and my mom went to see how the preparations were going.  "Lauren, let's go find my shoes." I said and she grabbed onto a part of the blanket as we walked through the house.  "Sehun oppa!" Lauren shouted and she caught the attention of twelve nicely dressed men.  "You guys look handsome." I said.  "Why are wearing a blanket?" Xiumin asked.  "It's my cloak of mystery~." I said in a funny voice.  They laughed at my dumb humor and then I left Lauren to play with them while I went to grab my shoes.  "I'll see you guys when the party starts!" I shouted down the hallway.  
The ballroom was all set, people were starting to arrive and I was extremely excited.  I was stuck in my room until 4:30 when Umma came to pick me up.  I still wore the blanket and she laughed when she saw me again.  I walked in the heels and I was now even taller than her.  We walked to the room next door to the ballroom where everyone was gathering and I finally took of the blanket when I was inside the room.  "My baby sister looks so grown up!" Hoya said and he hugged me too tightly.  "Yah... Oppa... Yahhh!" I said as I tried to shake him off.  Dongwoo ended up prying him off.  "You look really pretty!" Sungjong said.  "Kamsaa~." I said.  "Five minutes!" one of the crew members shouted.  I held onto Hoya and Sunggyu's arms and we got ready to walk into the ballroom.  The others were behind us.  Lauren and my parents were already inside the ballroom and so were the other guys.  "1 minute!" the crew member shouted again.  I could hear the crowd starting to silence and then the doors opened. 
"Wow that's a lot of people." I said and then I put on a bright smile and west after walking down the carpet towards the slightly raised stage in the middle of the room.  An orchestra was playing music and the press was taking photos.  My relatives, friends, friends' parents, influential people, celebrities, and a bunch of other people were there and I was almost overwhelmed by the amount of people in the room.  I reached the stage and I was handed a microphone.  "Hi everybody, I'm so thankful that you guys could make it here today and I couldn't be happier." I said.  I said my little speech and it made sure the people were at least a little entertained.  "Thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoy the party, also Happy New Years!" I ended.  I gave the microphone back and then I had to go with Hoya, Lauren, and our parents to welcome important people personally.  After the greeting, I met up with Jamie and the guys at their table.  "So what do you think?" I asked as I turned in a circle.  "My yeoja chingu is so pretty~" Kris said and he hugged my shoulders.  "Yeoja chingu?!" the others asked.  "It's a nickname." I said as I pushed him away.  They all laughed and then dinner was being served.  It was a large buffet and there was a buffet bar for a each group of tables.  My eyes had changed to an emerald green with sparks of gold while we were eating and i made sure to go to the bathroom to make it seem like they were contacts.  After dinner it was already around 8:30.  Everyone was led outside to the new garden while they cleared the ballroom so we could all dance and stuff.  We all went back inside and the ballroom was cleared of all tables and buffet bars.  Umma and appa were the first ones to dance and there was a spotlight on them.  "Yah Daeun, let's join." Hoya said and he pulled my arm as we made our way to the middle where they were slow dancing.  "You stole my first dance at my birthday party so I get to steal yours." he said.  "You still remember that?!" I asked.  "I barely remember that." I added.  We slow danced around and then we switched partners.
I danced with appa and Hoya danced with umma.  Then I danced with Lauren and everyone smiled at the sight.  Everyone joined I soon after and it was like an actual ball.  I danced withe important people and then Infinite.  I moved onto the guys and so did Jamie.  "So how have you been?" Suho asked.  He was the second to last person on my 'dance card' and it was already 11:30 pm.  "I've been good, you?" I asked.  My arms were wrapped around his neck and his hands were attached at my waist.  "Good." he said.  "Do we really have nothing to talk about that it's led to this?" I asked, looking into his eyes.  "I guess we're both too boring to start a good conversation." he said.  I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled.  We made small talk for a little while and then someone tapped his shoulder.  "My turn." Kris said.  They traded partners and I was now dancing with Kris.  He pulled me closer as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.  "Did I tell you that you look really pretty tonight?" he asked.  "Kind of." I said.  "Well that's because it's the truth." he said.  I started to blush a little bit and my heart was beating quickly, but I didn't know why.  We danced around for a while and I rested my head on his chest.  "Okay guys, it's is 11:50 and we are starting to get ready for the countdown!" Hoya announced.  Everyone made their way outside and there was a large clock in the middle of the garden.  People were setting up the fireworks further down in the estate in an open area with fire marshals and everything.  Sehun was holding Lauren who was trying not to fall asleep and I smiled.  I grabbed a microphone and went to stand in the open area by the clock.  "And the countdown starts now! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!" I said and everyone joined in during the countdown.  "Happy New Years!" I said and we watched the fireworks go off the the background. 
When the clock struck midnight and the fireworks went off, we all watched in awe, but something felt wrong.  I looked around the area and I spotted something on the roof.  "EVERYBODY DUCK!" I shouted.  Everyone suddenly went to the floor.  I heard a gunshot and something skimmed my face and it burned.  I looked up at the roof but the figure that was there was gone.  There was a small crater like thing in the ground a couple feet behind where I was standing and I ran over to see what had caused it.  "Holy crap..." I said.  There was a bullet, but it wasn't an ordinary bullet, it seemed somewhat different.  People started screaming and there were a few more gunshots aimed at me, but they kept on missing me.  The guests had started running inside and I saw Hoya talking to appa.  Appa whispered something in his ear and he sprinted off.  Lauren and umma were already inside and some of the guys were as well.  Someone grabbed my arm and I whipped around.  There was a masked person in all black.  The weird thing was, the person's eyes weren't something human.  They were a bright color, almost completely white.  I also noticed in the short amount of time that the person had cat ears and a tail, not weird at all... -_-.  I tried to push the thing away, but it's grip was extremely tight.  "Songmi don't move!" I heard someone shout.  Then something whizzed by from behind my head and it hit the person.  The person's grasp loosened and I immediately wrenched my arm away and I jumped away.  That's right, I jumped away.  Not ran, but jumped.  I jumped a few feet in the air and I landed a few feet away from the paralyzed figure.  
I looked around and appa had a shot gun in his hand, Hoya and Infinite were lined up and they also had weapons.  The twelve guys had gathered and they were lined up as well next to Infinite.  "What in the world is going on?" I asked.  Suddenly all of the guys had ears and tails.  Some cat ears some dog ears.  I rubbed my eyes slightly and looked again, but they were still there.  "Why do you guys have ears and tails?" I asked.  Suddenly the ground started to shake slightly and I looked at where the guys were looking.  There were at least fifty human figures running towards us and I just stared.  The ballroom was closed off and I couldn't go in and no one could see what was happening outside.  Kai appeared in front of me and so did the other guys.  "You're going to want to make that dress shorter if you want to survive." Hoya said.  "What are you talking about?" I asked.  Hoya grabbed a part of the dress near my mid-thigh to knee area and he started to rip the dress.  "Yah!" I shouted.  "Hyung they're getting closer..." Sehun said.  "Get ready to change." Suho said.  "Change?" I asked.  "This is why I was asking about wanting to chase my tail earlier." Hoya said.  "What? I so freaking confused right now..." I said.  He finished ripping the dress and I sighed when the part he cut off landed on the floor.  "Change, like this." He said and then he was engulfed in a column of light.  When the light faded away, a huge grey wolf was standing in front of me.  "What the hell is going on?" I asked.  "You'll find out soon enough princess." Sunggyu said.  The others changed into an assortment of animals like Tigers, Foxes, Lions, Panthers, Wolves, Coyotes, etc.  Each of them had a symbol on their bodies and they actually looked quite captivating.  Appa was standing in front of them and he then changed into a saber tooth cat.  "This doesn't make any sense..." I said.  *I'm definitely dreaming right now.  Maybe someone put something in the food, yeah, I'm probably not even conscious right now.* I thought.  



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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥