
They pulled me to the dance floor and I danced for the fun of it.  Then after a while, we all left the dance floor and headed to a large private booth.  "So Jooyeon-sshi, what is a lovely girl like you doing alone at a club?" Intense gaze guy asked.  "Nothing really, just killing time." I said.  "You guys still haven't told me your names." I added.  "Oh, right.  Well, I'm Kris, and these guys are Chanyeol, Xiumin, D.O, Luhan, Sehun, Kai, Chen, Lay, Baekhyun, Suho, and Tao." Intense stare guy said.  "That's a lot of names..." I said.  "Don't worry, you'll remember them eventually." Deep voice guy (Chanyeol) said.  I talked with them throughout the night and they were completely arrogant and annoying.  "What school do you go to?" Xiumin casually asked.  "I-I'm home schooled." I almost gave myself away, , did they notice?  "Really?" Tao asked.  I nodded.  "That sounds so lonely..." Sehun said.  "Not really, I doubt I'd have very many friends if I went to regular school anyways." I said.  Damnit, I need to stop letting things flow out of my mouth...  

I got a text from Jungjae and from Taejun.  "Who you texting?" Baekhyun asked as he looked at my phone.  "No one important." I said with a smirk.  "Hey is that Kim Taejun from our school?" D.O asked as he looked as well.  "You know him and Jungjae?" Luhan asked.  "I met them tonight." I said.  "Planning on messing with them." Kris asked.  "You read my mind." I said.  "Messing around with people is one of my specialties." I added.  SHUT YOUR MOUTH DAEUN!!  They looked at me weirdly.  
At around midnight, my phone buzzed as an alarm and I realized how much time I had spent with them.  "Well I gotta go, maybe you'll catch me another time when you stop by." I said as I stood up.  "May I you?" Kris and Chanyeol asked at the same time.  They gave each other glares and the other guys looked slightly worried.  "I'm fine actually, my friend is picking me up." I said.  "Oh, okay." Kris said and they watched me as I left.  I stopped by the bar and Key gave me my bag.  "Wanna go for a drive?" Jonghyun asked.  "Please." I said as I tried to help my headache which was hurting more and more from the horrid smell of alcohol.  Minho and Jonghyun brought me to Minho's car and I sat in the back seat while they drove in the front.  "Those guys are freaking annoying..." I said.  They talked and they dropped me off at a house a few blocks from my apartment and I waved to them as they drove away.  When they were around the corner, I walked to my apartment building.
The next morning, I stayed in bed until around lunch time since it was a Saturday.  I needed to go grocery shopping so I changed my pants and put on a big hoodie over my pajama shirt.  I put on my nerd glasses and I brushed my hair out.  I put on some tennis shoes and grabbed my cellphone and wallet.  "To the grocery store~" I said to myself.  I went down the elevator and then I walked down the street to the nearby grocery store.  I walked in and I grabbed a basket.  After heading down the fruits and vegetables isle and grabbing some apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, salad greens mixes, and some other healthy stuff, I headed down the frozen food isle to grab some TV dinners in case I got lazy.  Then I went down the junk food isle, my favorite isle.  I grabbed at least two boxes each, of my favorite snacks.  I also grabbed a few packages of ramyun before I went to the cashier.  I paid for everything and the cashier lady helped me pack all of the stuff into the plastic bags and then I left the store.  As I walked down the street, I saw a couple familiar people.  I could hear them even when they were a block away from me.  "Dude, are we going to the club again tonight?" Luhan asked.  "Only if Jooyeon is there, she was pretty..." Sehun said.  "You shouldn't steal Kris' target Sehun." D.O said.  "Steal?" He asked.  "Aish, too innocent for his own good." Suho said.  Kris's target? I walked passed them and I hid my face so that they wouldn't notice me.  I successfully avoided them and hurried to my apartment.  
I put my groceries away and I looked at the clock.  11:30 am.  I still have a half an hour until I have to go to work so I just decided to watch a little TV.  I turned the TV on and the news was on so I waited for the commercials to end to see the news.  "Breaking news!  There have been suspicious sightings of unidentified organisms roaming through the streets late at night.  They have bright red eyes and they don't seem humane.  Please refrain from going outside late at night until the police find out what these organisms are."   The newsman said.  There was a picture of the park down the street from the club with a pair of blood red eyes staring around.  "Creepy..." I said.  I switched the channel to watch something more entertaining and I ended up watching some random TV show.   
After half an hour was up, I headed to my work place which was a flower shop near school.  Hours passed by and it was around 6 pm.  I watched as my eyes changed from the darkest brown possible that wasn't black to an emerald green once again.  I packed my things and headed back to the apartment.  I made some hot chocolate and looked for a good hair style online that would match the new black, off the shoulder, long sleeve dress I had.  I had bought a long sleeve dress since it was getting colder and closer to December.  I went with a pretty braided bun updo.  My makeup was pretty simple and I when I was ready, I headed back out into the streets of Seoul.  I walked with my phone in hand and then I felt a hand on my shoulder.  "Annyeong Jooyeon-sshi." The person whispered in my right ear.  I turned around to see Minho.  "Aigoo, you scared me!" I said as I punched him lightly on the chest.  "Owww... That hurt." He said in fake aegyo.  "That's what you get for scaring me." I said as I walked off.  He caught up to me and we walked to the club together.  "Where are the others?" I asked.  "They are being lazy butts and they decided to take the car to work." He said.  I nodded and sighed.  "Why you sighing?" He asked.  "Just because." I said.  He slung his arm over my shoulder and patted my head.  "Well whatever it is, I hope you get over it." He said.  We walked into the practically empty club and he went to change while I sat at the bar with Taemin and Key.  We talked for a while and I helped out set up the bar with them.  
At around 8 the people started to flow into the club and it was pretty full by around 8:30.  "I'm bored..." I said.  "Get some fresh air then." Onew said.  "I'll come with you!" Taemin said as he interlocked his arm with mine and then he pulled me towards the back exit of the club.  Guys and girls kept on looking at me like usual and it was starting to get annoying, but I put on the act.  We stepped outside and a gust of wind hit our faces.  "Ah~ This feels nice." I said as I closed my eyes and took a breath of 'fresh' air.  After a few minutes of fresh air and talking, we went back inside.  Unlucky for me, the guys had just arrived and I could feel their eyes follow me and Taemin to the bar.  They were all wearing pretty nice clothes, like dress shirts and nice jeans with new shoes.  
I managed to stay away from them for a little bit while I worked on my target from the night before, Song Haemi.  She brought her boyfriend once again and they were with a group of friends as well.  I easily lured her boyfriend away from her and she threw quite a bit of a tantrum.  Her boyfriend was too struck to notice her anyways.  I smirked inside and walked away.  There was no way she was going to take him back now, not that he wanted to be with her again anyways.  "Mission accomplished I see." Someone said behind me as I walked back to the bar.  I turned around to see Kris, Xiumin, and Luhan.  "Hey Jooyeon-ah." Xiumin said happily as he slung his arm over my shoulder.  "What do you mean by mission accomplished?" I asked.  "Song Haemi." Kris said.  "... Go on." I said.  "She was you target wasn't she? You accomplished what you wanted over there." Luhan said.  "Oh, her? Yeah, I did my dirty work and finished her off within ten minutes." I said.  "Jonghyun-ah, can I get a water please?" I asked Jonghyun who was walking by where the four of us were standing.  He smiled and nodded.  "Can I borrow one of you guys tonight? I need to finish the other two that I started yesterday." I said, remembering Taejun and Jungjae.  "Who do you want to borrow?" Luhan asked.  "Hmm, I don't know, whoever is nearest to me at the moment either of the targets comes around." I said with a shrug.  
Jonghyun walked back over with a glass of water and I smiled and said thanks as he handed me the glass.  I took a sip and we walked to sit in one of the booths.  "Wait, doesn't Haemi-sshi go to our school?" Luhan asked.  "Oh yeah, now that you mention it, the name is familiar." Xiumin said.  "All of your targets so far that we know of go to our school Jooyeon-ah." Luhan said.  "Really? I didn't know that." I lied.  We talked about other stuff and I checked my phone from time to time.  It was around 9:30 and Taejun walked in with a group of guy friends like before.  "He has arrived..." I said, grabbing the nearest guy which happened to be Kris.  Taejun and his friends went to sit by a booth and we went to another booth in between their booth and the bar.  Just as I expected, Taejun lost in rock-paper-scissors and was sent to order drinks from the bar.  "You don't mind right?" I asked, before I snuggled into his arms.  He just shook his head and smirked.  "What's with that smirk of yours?" I asked.  "That's just my face..." He said.  I burst into a little giggle fit and then I saw Taejun approaching the bar.  "Show time." I said.  Taejun walked by and he 'just happened' to look into our booth on the way by and he stopped dead in his tracks.  "J-J-Jooyeon-sshi?" He asked.  I looked at him with a disgusted expression.  "Who are you?" I asked in a cold voice.  "It's me Taejun, from yesterday. You don't remember?" He asked in a heartbroken voice.  "Sorry dude, but I don't know who you are." I said.  
Personally I felt a little bad, but after remembering his horrid comments to the real me, Ahn Songmi, I didn't feel guilty anymore.  He just looked absolutely dumbfounded and he stumbled away from the booth.  After he was at the bar, Kris and I burst into laughter.  "His face was priceless!" He said.  "That was too funny." I said.  "You could be an actor Jooyeon-sshi." He said.  "Nah, I just have pent up anger that I need to get rid of sometimes." I said.  SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD LEE DAEUN!  "Anger?" He asked.  "You know, that anger that just kinda builds up from small things and then you just need to get rid of it?" I covered.  He nodded.  Taejun walked by without giving our booth one glance and I started to giggle once more.  We could see him give out drinks, say something, and then head out the front entrance.  "Target locked and shot." I said.  The night went on and Jungjae had the same fate, he caught me with Kris a few minutes after Taejun left.  "My life is too fun." I said as I plopped down at the bar in front of Key.  He just laughed and sighed. 
"Hey Jooyeon-ah when's your birthday?" Onew asked.  "It's on New Years." I said.  "Really?" Key asked.  I nodded.  "That's pretty cool..." Taemin said.  "That means its coming up soon right? It's already December." Jonghyun said.  I realized that my birthday was coming up yet again.  I just nodded and then my phone vibrated, signaling that it was midnight.  "I'll stay a little longer." I said, turning my alarm off.  I went back over to the twelve guys of which four were drunk.  "Do they always do this?" I asked as I sat down next to the calm Suho.  "It's usually Baekhyun, Chen, Xiumin, and Lay. But today Xiumin passed on the alcohol and Chanyeol stepped in." He explained.  I nodded understandingly.  I watched as the four of them went berserk and when I looked closely, I swear I saw a little bit of red in their eyes.  I checked my phone and it was already 12:30.  "I think I'm head home for tonight." I said.  "See ya!" I said as I wave at them without facing them.  
Onew and Key drove me back since they had watched the news earlier and they wanted me to be safe.  The walked me into the apartment and I stepped into the elevator.  I waved as the doors closed and then the elevator went up.  That night I fell asleep quickly and I slept off the fatigue.



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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥