
"There are two types of people in this world.  The normal humans, and the mythical ones.  Jamie is catagorized as a normal, while all of us are catagorized as mythical.  There are many kinds of mythical races, but ours in particular is the Shifter race.  We can morph our bodies into that of another organism.  In the shifter race, there are hundreds of sub-races that one could be.  In this room, there are three sub-races excluding you.  Prehistoric, Canidae, and Felidae.  Your umma and I are in the prehistoric sub-race, Hoya and half of EXO are in the Canidae sub-race, and Lauren and the other half of EXO are in the Felidae race.  The Prehistoric sub-race can change into any animal of prehistoric times.  The Canidae race can change into any animal of the canidae biological family.  That would include things like domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, etc.  The Felidae race can change into any animal of the felidae biological family.  That would include things like domestic cats, tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc." He explained.  
"That book you have there has information about what you need to know about being a shifter.  It's kind of like a handbook, but there is a lot of stuff that isn't in there."  Umma said.  "Okay then, but why was EXO not normal animals like Hoya?" I asked.  "We are special you could say." Kris started.  "There are 12 shifters called the elements.  Those 12 shifters are these boys here.  They are incarnations of the past elements.  They are the guards of the princess, which in this case is you." Umma explained.  "You're calling me a princess?" I asked.  "Well techincally you are a goddess of the shifters, but yeah, you could say you're a princess." Hoya said.  "I don't understand.  Why am I a princess?" I asked.  "You are a special shifter, one that only comes every couple thousand years.  A full-rounder.  You have the ability to shift into anything living, even people." Appa said.  I was silent. 
"Our hidden society has been having some problems lately though.  In the last couple of years, the bad part of our shifter society has been acting up.  They havent done anything since the last princess died of murder." Appa said and he paused a little while I cringed at the mention of murder.  "They have been very careless about thier actions, like on the news there was an article about red eyed organisms roaming around at night all over the world.  They are called Personas, they can take on a human's appearance and if they are skilled enough, the person's memories and it's practically like they've become that person.  The person they take over, goes into a coma until the persona is done with that person.  The person wakes up and to them it's like nothing happened, but the personas usually do things to ruin that person's life somehow.  They sometimes end up becoming outsiders or loners, and sometimes they even commit suicide if it's that bad." Umma explained.  
"So that thing that I couldn't look away from was trying to pretty much take over me?" I asked.  They all nodded.  "That is just insane." I said.  "I'm still confused about why they are all magical while Hoya was regular." I added.  "The elements each have a specific power and they are able to use." Hoya said.  "Their appearances reflect thier powers and they make the perfect guards." He continued.  "Thier powers are-"  Appa started to say, but I cut him off.  "Flight, frost, time, fire, water, earth, lightening, telekinisis, teleportation, light, healing, and wind." I said.  "Yeah, how did you know?" Kris asked.  "I could see you guys and as he said, you appearance reflects your powers." I said simply.  They just nodded.  
"So why are the personas doing what they're doing?" I asked.  "They are rebelling against the rules since they want to go back to our real home.  We weren't born on this planet, well the two of us weren't."  Umma said with a grave expression.  I just gave them a confused look.  "We lived in a world similar to this world, but our world was smaller and it was destroyed.  We were forced to move somewhere  else and we all decided to come down to earth.  This is when all of our species was at peace, but when the last princess said that we couldn't fight back and go to our world again, they murdered her since they thought differently.  Their persona race is two thirds the size of our full animal shifter race combined.  If they had wanted to take us over when they killed the princess, they could've.  But something changed their mind and we still don't know what it is that they're planning." Appa said.  
"That's why we have to prepare the animal shifter race for whatever might happen."  Umma continued.  "You are going to be our leader." Appa said.  "Leader? How the heck am I supposed be a leader of something I had no idea existed until yesterday?" I shouted.  "Calm down princess, it will take years before they fully complete what they are trying to do, trust me, they are slow workers." The tiger said.  "But, why wasn't I told until now?" I asked.  "Because when our kind turns eighteen, their shifting powers come in.  Simple as that." Hoya said.  "You've known about this for four years haven't you." I asked him.  He nodded.  "Wait, you didn't include Infinite when you were saying the types of sub-races or whatever, and the didn't change either.  What are they then?" I asked.  "We are Guardians.  Human helpers who know about our world and are able to help us blend into normal human life." Sunggyu said.  I nodded my head. 
"Can you guys change again? I want to see it again." I requested.  EXO got up first and they changed into their elemental animals.  I looked at them and they were all about as tall as me while they were on all fours which made them pretty huge.  "Who's who? They need like collars or something so I can tell who's who..." I said.  "Wait, these aren't their only transformations right?" I asked.  "No, they can change into different animals too, and they can look normal as well." Appa explained.  "Can one of you guys change into a husky doggy?" I asked.  My favorite dog is a husky and I felt like trying it out on them.  The winged wolf changed into a cute teen age yeared husky and I immediately hugged it.  "So cute!!" I said.  Then suddenly there was a little pack of teen age yeared husky dogs and I was surrounded by six dogs. "This is so cool..." I said.  The cat guys changed back and everyone was laughing at how they all changed into husky dogs after I said it was cute.  
"Daeun, your training will start with them when you go back home and you also have Guardians there as well.  Infinite will visit and so will we.  You are to move into the new house with them and there will be practice rooms and everything you will need for lessons." Appa said.  I nodded and continued to play with the dogs.  They changed back and I stood up.  The tiger approached me.  "I am going to be your mentor as I have been the mentor of previous princesses.  My name is Baihu or Byakko,I prefer Baihu, the white tiger of the west.  You will recieve lessons from my partners as well; the dragon of the east, Qinglong or Seiryuu; the tortoise of the north, Xuan Wu or Genbu; and the phoenix of the south, Zhuque or Suzaku.  We each have three beings who help us.  I and the other ones who I have mentioned cannot change into human form, but we do turn into things and we have fighting forms.  Like this for example." The tiger said.  And then she turned into a ring which landed in my hand.  
The eyes were the same emerald green as they were before and then it changed again into a different form.
I jumped backwards at the sudden sight of spikes and floating orbs.  "That looks so freaking cool though." I said.  She changed back into her regualar white tiger form.  "Are you starting to understand everything?" Appa asked.  I nodded and smiled.  "I have one question though." I said.  "Will we be able to get our world back?" I asked.  "You are the first princess to have ever asked that..." Baihu said.  "Seriously?" I asked.  "Yes, the others have always been too timid to even try to get back home." She said.  "Well wouldn't the want to go back? If they had wanted to go back, we wouldn't be in this predicament with the personas right?" I asked.  "That's exactly what I've tried to tell past princesses..." She said in shock.  "Well I guess I'm special." I said with a smile.  



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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥