

I checked my watch and it was around 4 pm.  We were all out of the pool and Hoya had gone out to hang with the rest of Infinite.  Jamie had gone home and Lauren was with umma who was giving her piano lessons.  The guys and I were all in my room and we were just hanging out.  "Let's go out for a while, so we can get some fresh air." I said.  "Kay, we'll meet you at the entrance in a half an hour." Suho said.  I nodded and the guys went to their rooms to get ready.  "Oh, and we are going to the club later so don't be dressed too casual." I said.  "Okay!" They shouted.  I went into my large closet and picked out an outfit.
The polka dotted sweater was warm and comfy so it wouldn't be a problem if it was really cold outside.  I looked in the mirror and started to put my hair into a braid.  I started to feel a little dizzy for a second and I lost my vision suddenly.  *Crap am I going blind?* I thought.  I tried to feel around and I blinked a few times and I could see again...  *What the heck was that?* I thought again.  I went back to doing my hair but when I looked in the mirror, I gasped.  *Why the do I have cat ears?!* I shouted in my head.  I felt something brush my leg and I looked back.  "A tail too?!" I shout/whispered.  *What the heck is going on?*  I felt my vision start to go away again and when I regained it, I was able to see again but no tail and ears in sight.  I just blinked a few times as I looked in the mirror.  *I'm probably dehydrated, yeah, I just need to drink some more water.* I thought.  I put my phone and a small wallet into my pockets and I headed down stairs.  I found all of the other guys waiting in the entrance and I grabbed a water bottle and then we got into a limo.  "I want to warn you guys about the possibility of paparazzi and stuff like that.  I'm used to it since it's been happening since I was little, but these paparazzi in LA are really something, it's impossible to avoid them." I said.  "Well why would there be paparazzi?" Sehun asked.  "I'm the daughter of the Lee Business Group." I said.  "No wonder you have such a freakin huge house." Suho said.    
When we arrived at the restaurant, there was a large line outside.  As we exited the car, people were staring at us and I took off the sunglasses I was wearing.  "Oh my god, isn't that the daughter of the Lee Business Group?" some people were whispering.  "In 3,2,1." I whispered and then the paparazzi was there.  There were flashing lights and so many questions that were being fired from everwhere around us.  "Just follow me." I said.  I walked forward through the crowd and they followed me.  People cleared the way and we made it into the restaurant easily.  "Reservations for 13 under Song." I said.  The hostess looked up and blushed at the sight of 12 good looking boys and we had caught the attention of the whole restaurant.  "Right this way please." A waiter said.  We followed the middle aged man to the private room and he was having a hard time holding all of the utensils and menus.  "Let me help you." I said.  He looked at me in surprise and I smiled.  I took some of the utensils and some of the menus and he thanked me with a bright smile.  We made it to the private rooms and the others sat down in the chairs and I handed the utensils and menus to the waiter when he had finished putting the other ones down.  He left us so we could look at the menus after we ordered drinks.  "Your accents are cute." I said while giggling.  Kris and I helped the others figure out what they wanted to eat since the menu was in English.  The waiter came back and took our orders.  While we were waiting we all just talked.  "So, are you excited to be 18?" Suho asked.  "I haven't really thought about it actually..." I said.  My eyes started to get that usual sensation and that meant that it was almost 6 and my eyes would be changing colors.  I drank some of my water and sighed.
I checked my phone and a notification came up saying it was 6 o'clock and I closed my eyes for a couple seconds.  When I opened them, the guys looked at me, more specifically, my eyes.  "What color are they today?" I asked.  "It's kinda hard to explain..." Lay said.  I looked into the back of the spoon and a pair of blue grey eyes looked back.  Near the pupil, the iris was slightly green and it made my eye look like a galaxy or something.  "Woah, they've never turned this color before..." I said.  "They look pretty." Chanyeol said.  I smiled.  Then the waiter came in with other waiters and waitresses and they held plates with our food on it.  
After we finished eating, we headed back to the limo and we headed to the Masa Club (not real) in Korea town and we were let in instantly.  "You have a lot of influence here don't you." Kai asked.  "Yeah I guess so." I said.  We gained attention yet again and girls, drunk and sober, flocked around the guys.  "See ya laters!" I shouted to them over the loud music and I headed to meet up with the Infinite guys who I had seen walk in just before we arrived.  I plopped down in a chair next to Sunggyu and L.  "What's up?" I asked.  "Yah! What are you doing here you aren't even legal." Sunggyu said.  "Since when was Sungjong legal either?" I asked.  They were going to say something, but they knew they would just dig themselves into a hole.  "So what are you doing here?" They asked.  "I need to satisfy those boys someway or another." I said and we turned to see all twelve on the dance floor.  "You have a good point..." Hoya said.  "Well since we're here, let's have some fun." Sungyeol said and he and Sungjong dragged you with them to the dance floor.  
After a few hours of dancing and watching the guys get drunk, I rounded up the twelve.  "Kaja~! Home and sleep awaits you guys, even though half of you are almost passing out right now..." I said.  Suho, Kris, Tao, Sehun, and Kai helped me drag the drunk boys out of the club back to the limo which was parked in the back.  I dragged Chanyeol and when everyone made it into the limo, we headed home.  "Thanks for bringing us.  This is one of the only ways the guys can release stress." Suho said.  "No problem, I had fun too." I said.  The drunk guys had all passed out and I was getting a little tired because of the time difference.  When we reached the house we had the butlers bring the guys to their rooms and I went to take a nice shower.  
The next morning, I was woken up by one of the maids and the others had already inflitrated my room to get me ready for the breakfast and for the dress shopping.  I put on the outfit that the maids put together and I sat on a stool in the bathroom while a maid did my hair.  I put on my hat and I put the sunglasses in my jacket pocket.  I put my phone in my pocket and then I headed over to make sure the guys knew where and when to meet up.  After checking up/waking up the guys, I went to Lauren's room to help her get ready since she didn't like the maids helping her.  "Unnie!" She said and she pulled me over to her dresser.  She was still in her pajamas and her hair was all tangled.  She went through her dresser and she pulled out things to look at.  "Not pretty." She would say and then she would put the clothing back in the dresser.  
I gave her the green jacket to wear over since it was pretty cold outside.  I held her hand and she pulled me with her to the dining room.  We arrived in the dining room and everyone else was already there.  The guys were talking with my parents and my dad actually looked like he liked them more than he liked the rest of Infinite.  "Our princesses are here!" My mom said.  "Umma..." I said while giving her a 'don't call me that' look.  She smiled and nodded.  Lauren went over to Hoya and she sat in her seat next to him.  Sehun sat on the other side of Lauren and I sat next to my dad and Kris.
After we ate, my mom went to get ready, Hoya left to hang out with Infinite, and my dad went to his study room.  "What are you guys going to do while I'm gone?" I asked.  Lauren was sitting in my lap and we were all waiting in the living room.  "We were going to rest a bit since those guys are still dealing with their hangovers..." Suho said.  "Do you guys want to come with us while they rest?" I asked the guys who didn't have major headaches.  "Sure why not? I could use a new suit." Kris said.  "Same..." Tao said.  "Is Sehun oppa going?" Lauren asked cutely.  "Neh, Lauren, do you want to play with Sehun oppa?" I asked her.  She nodded and Sehun came over and played with her on the floor.  My mom walked into the room and she smiled at Sehun and Lauren.  "We can just leave them there." Suho said when she looked at the guys who were in pain.   
We got into the limo and we were taken to a fancy mall and I put my sunglasses on before we exited the car.  Lauren held onto my hand and the guys made a little ring arond the two of us.  My mom walked before Lauren and I and we were prepared for the paparazzi.  We walked through the entrance of the mall and there were people snapping pictures here and there.  "Doesn't that get annoying?" Tao asked.  "Oh you have no idea..." I said.  They all laughed and then we went into a store.  One side was mens and the other side was womens.  We split up and they looked for suits while my mom helped the two of us look for dresses.  
I tried on an endless amount of dresses and I still wasn't done by the time the guys finished paying for their new suits.  The dresses were either too girly, too short, too revealing, too long, or just not my style.  I decided to get Lauren's opinion on the dresses since she was the style guru of the house hold.  I tried on a few more dresses and then I found the one that I felt was the perfect dress.  Even though it was long I really liked the design and the color even though it was pink.  "Lauren, what do you think?" I asked.  Umma brought Lauren into the dressing room and she gasped.  "You look beautiful!" she said.  Lauren smiled and nodded in agreement.  "Neomu yeppo." She said.  I turned around in the mirror and observed the dress one more time.  "Do you think we could get it altered a bit?" I asked.  "Of course but it can't be too much of an alteration, the party is in two days.  And it's already really pretty." my mom said.  "Ara, I just want to make it more modern looking I guess the other dresses would be tighter in the upper part but they would flare sort of in the lower part." I showed her an example of what I was trying to say and she wrote it down on a note.  "We can get it done and then now we just have to find shoes." she said.  They left the dressing room and went to the shoe sections of the store with the guys.  I changed and then went to pay for the dress.  I didn't want the guys to see it yet because they would be surprised it was pink and long.  I got one of those bags that have the hanger stick out and the dress is covered up to keep it clean and stuff.  The wrapping wasn't clear so they couldn't see the inside of the bag.  I lugged it over my shoulder and I went to find them in the shoe section.  
My mom took Lauren dress shopping while I went with the guys to just look around.  We found a small cafe to hang in while we waited for Lauren to find a dress.  I ordered some strawberry milk for Lauren and a cup of black coffee for my mom when she sent me a text saying they were almost done.  They came over to the cafe right when their drinks came and we sat around while people took endless pictures of us.  "You want to show us your dress." Suho asked.  "Ani, you guys have to wait until the alterations are done." I said.  We finished our snacks and drinks and then we headed back to the house.  "Jamie? What are you doing here?" I asked when I stepped into my room.  "Is it so wrong for a friend to wait at their friend's house when that friend doesn't answer text messages?" she asked.  "I was trying on dresses nonstop for the last three hours." I said.  "Dresses?! Lemme seeee!" she said.  "Not yet! You have to wait with the others until the alterations are done." I said as I put the bag away in my closet.  "Come one let's go see if the guys are over their hangovers yet." I said and I dragged her with me.  
 The next day I was working on the alterations for the dress for the first half of the day and then I had party rehearsals.  Hoya and Infinite were going to be my escorts to the party and Jamie had decided to go with Baekhyun which was something new.  The other guys would just be forever alone and they would be by themselves.  The ballroom that we were using for absolutely as absolutely humongous.  And it opened up to the garden which had been under construction and it was just finished the day before.  There were going to be many guests and the press was going to be there as well.  I was exhausted by the time the reversals ended and I fell asleep instantly when I got to my bedroom.  I woke for a nice dinner in bed which was brought to me by Lauren, Sehun, and some of the other guys.  The party would start at 5 pm the next day and all that was going on during the day was preparations and even more preparations.  




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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥