

The thirteen of us were in a small tour bus that would take us to the airport.  "Daeun-ah, how is your house in LA?" Kai asked from the row behind you and Kris.  I thought about it for a while and realized I hadn't been there for exactly a year.  "Actually, I don't really remember it that much since the last time I was there was last year." I said.  "What was is like a year ago then?" Baekhyun asked. I dug. Into my memory and gave them a vague image of it and then I remembered I had a picture on my phone that I took with my parents when I was there.  "Whoa you are rich..." D.O said as he looked at the picture with his signature O.O look.  We all laughed at his reaction and then everyone talked among themselves.  I was actually starting to warm up to these guys, but I was still a bit wary about them.  Something about them was a little different, abnormal, but I couldn't put my finger on it.  I did feel a weird connection to them though.  Like I was being pulled to them through some weird mind thing or something of that sort.  I shook off the feeling and decided to take a little rest.  I closed my eyes and I lowered my head in front of me.  
"Your neck is going to ache like that." Kris said in a matter of fact voice.  I opened one eye slightly and looked at him.  "My shoulder is wide open." he said.  "And?" I said.  He suddenly pulled my head towards him and rested my head on his shoulder.  "Gosh you're stubborn." he said quietly.  I sighed and just stayed there.  When we arrived at the airport, we all got off of the bus and the thirteen of us walked into the airport to check our luggage in.  Thankfully we were all wearing flip flops and slip on shoes so we went swiftly through security.  I was wearing cute but casual airport fashion and the guys were just dressed casually which was something I hadn't seen before.  I had only seen them wearing the school uniform or their spiffy club outfits.  All of the girls in the airport were practically drooling over them and I just laughed inside my head.  We headed over to the VIP gates and sat down.  
"Let's go get some thing to eat really quickly." Suho suggested.  We spilt up into two groups (EXOK and EXOM+Songmi).  "What do you want to eat?" Chen asked as we looked at the menu at the little cafe we stumbled upon.  "Should I get a full meal and save some for the plane ride, or just a little something to munch on while we wait?" I asked as I scanned the many choices of food, drinks and snacks.  "What are-" I started to say, but I turned around to see all of the guys talking with different girls who were extremely pretty.  'I invite them to Los Angeles for my birthday party, and they flirt with other girls, yeah, you guys are cool... -_- I wish Key, Jonghyun, Taemin, Minho, and Onew could've come, stupid work and school.' I thought in my head with a frown plastered on my face.  I decided to order by myself and I picked a full meal since the flight was going to be really long.  The meal included: one large Chinese chicken salad wrap, a bag of potato chips, a chocolate pastry, and a drink.  The food came quickly and I chose my drink from the fridge that was by the cash register.  All the guys were still 'busy' talking with the girls and I doubt they even noticed that I had left.  The other six were no where to be found when I got back so I ate alone as I looked out the large windows of the airport at the planes as the took off and landed.  
After about half an hour, I was finished with my wrap and I decided to save the chips and pastry for the plane.  I felt like someone was coming up behind me so I turned around in my chair.  But right in front of me, only about a centimeter away from my face was Kris with the guys behind him still walking.  The others kept on walking and bumped into Kris.  The gap between our faces closed, I felt his lips graze mine quickly and then our foreheads crashed into each other, causing me to fall back onto the floor.  My back hit the thinly carpeted floor, but I made sure that my head didn't hit the floor too hard by trying to crunch up into a ball form.  Thank goodness for the many layers of clothing I was wearing and my back was cushioned by the puffy jacket.  "Daeun!" They shouted and they jumped over the rows of chairs and huddled around me.  "Yah! I can't breathe like this!" I shouted.  I pushed them away and I stood up.  People were looking at us and I pulled my hood over my head as I blushed madly and I sat down on the chair facing the window again.  My fingers touched my lips slightly and I looked up to see Kris doing the same thing.  "S-S-Sorry..." He stuttered quietly.  "Are you okay Daeun?" Lay asked as he squatted in front of my and put a hand on my shoulder.  I nodded my head and gave a small smile.  Lay stood back up again and sat down next to me.  "What happened anyways?" Chen asked.  "I felt someone was behind me and when I turned around, Kris was right there and you guys bumped into him, making his forehead hit my forehead, thus making me fall backwards." I said.  "Aren't you forgetting something?" Kris said, back to his arrogant self.  The others looked confused and he pointed to his lips while he looked at me.  I blushed slightly and turned away from his gaze.  "Did you kiss her?!" Tao shouted loudly, making people look at us again.  I pulled my hood over my head lower to hide my face.  "Ooooo~" Chen whistled.  Lay rubbed my back and the others chuckled slightly.
I ignored Kris the rest of the time while we waited even though he was sitting right next to me in the row of chairs facing the window.  The other six came back with bags full of magazines and stuff from the book store.  When the jet that my parents prepared was ready, we were called to the gate and I made sure that I stood away from Kris.  I placed myself between Chanyeol and Lay while we were getting ready to board.  We walked through the gate and headed towards the two story plane which awaited us.  I stepped inside and my mouth dropped open at the sight.  
This was the first floor and there was a stair case between the two areas.  I hurried in and dropped my bag into one of the chairs and I explored the rest of the plane.  
There was a full dining room just as you got off the stairs and went to towards the back.  There were scattered beds around on both floors and then there was a TV area with chairs and couches as well.  The others were looking around as well and I went back down stairs to the main area with the chairs facing each other.  The pilot told us over the intercom to sit in our seats and prepare for take off.  
After a successful take off, we were allowed to move around and use electronics.  The TV and some went to play some video games while others listened to music and talked.  I felt tired so I headed to the practically empty back part of the second floor with my bag and I found a nice quiet bed area to take a rest in.  I took off a couple of layers and I was only wearing my long sleeve shirt and pants.  I put my stuff at the side of the bed on the floor and I jumped under the covers.  I fell asleep immediately since there was very little turbulence and I slept deeply for quite a while.  
No One's POV~ 
"Young sirs, dinner is ready." A flight attendant said as she walked in to the room where the guys were.  "Hey, where's Daeuni?" Sehun asked as he realized that she wasn't there.  "Hmmm, I don't know." Baekhyun said aimlessly since he was only paying attention to the flight attendant.  Sehun sighed and went back to concentrating on the video game he was playing.  Chen, Lay, Suho, and Baekhyun got up to try and find you while the others continued to play video games and the others busied themselves as they tried to flirt with the flight attendant.  They walked upstairs and since it was so quiet, they could hear your slow breathing.  They walked down the corridors to find you and they walked right past you without noticing.  But then they did a double take and face palmed.  'She looks so innocent while she sleeps.' They all thought.  Suho walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down.  "Daeun, wake up." He said and he shook her lightly.  She didn't move one bit and Suho shook her just a tad harder.  She moved shockingly fast and whacked Suho.  He sat there shocked for a second and then Baekhyun checked to see if she had woken up, but she was still asleep.  Lay and Chen were laughing at their hyung quietly and he shot the two of them a glare.  "Daeun-ah~~~!" Baekhyun belted out with his vocal skills.  
My POV~ 
I jolted up from the bed in surprise and almost hit heads with Chen who had been looking at me in a bent over position.  "Aish, what do you guys want?" I asked as I let my upper body fall limp back into the bed.  "Dinner is ready." Lay said as he ruffled my hair.  I sighed and got up slowly off the bed and then I followed them to the dining room on the plane.  The others were already at the table and they were practically drooling over the many choices of food on the table.  "The princess is awake!" Luhan said as I sat down in the chair next to him.  I looked at him at the mention of the word princess.  "Oppa, why did you call me that?" I asked.  "You look like a princess who just woke up." he said with a sweet smile.  I smiled back and then everyone started getting food.  "Pass the ___!" was all I could hear and I just sat in my seat while they yelled and passed food platters around to the people who wanted them.  I wasn't used to this atmosphere whatsoever.  I've only been used to eating alone all of these years since I left the main house.  I watched their happy atmosphere as they bickered brotherly and they all dug into the food.  I silently ate my food and I watched them all.  When everyone was finished eating, we all went to the room with a large couch and we just played around.  The window shades were pulled down since it was pretty dark and everyone was sitting on the couches.  I was sitting in between Kris and Chanyeol and we were watching videos on my laptop.  There was a funny part and we laughed.  Then the plane shook from turbulence and I almost jumped off the couch.  Instead I grabbed onto one of the guys next to me.  I gripped onto his arm tightly and shut my eyes in fright.  The plane was steady again after a few seconds and I opened one eye.  I looked to see who I had grabbed onto and I turned my head to see Kris's concerned face.  I let go instantly and I looked at my lap.  "Are you okay?" He asked.  "Neh..." I said giving a small smile.  "Are you sure? You were holding on pretty tight." he said with a smirk.  Is he serious? I just ignored him and turned to Chanyeol.  "Channie oppa, what should we watch next?" I asked.  Chanyeol played along and Kris was getting a little jealous.  
I looked at the time and it was already midnight back at home and my eyes were starting to close.  I yawned and leaned on Kris.  "Ready to sleep?" he asked quietly, a majority of the others had fallen asleep already.  I nodded my head slightly and he adjusted his posture to make both of us comfortable on the couch with Chanyeol hanging on the edge.  I quickly drifted off to sleep on Kris and he fell asleep as well.  
"Young miss and sirs, we have arrived in Los Angeles." the captain said over the intercom.  I slowly opened my eyes to find that everyone else was still asleep or waking up.  "Sleep well?" I heard Baekhyun ask as I looked in his direction.  "Neh..." I mumbled.  "I find it funny that we didn't use any of the beds at all." he said.  I smiled and got up to stretch.  "Oppas~ wake up!" I said as I shook the sleeping ones awake.  Baekhyun, Chen, D.O., Suho, Luhan, and Lay were already up so it didn't take that long to wake the rest of them up.  We all grabbed our stuff and we were immediately taken to a limo which was waiting outside the plane.  "Wow, you're pretty well taken care of aren't you." Kai said as we were sitting in the limo which was taking us to my parents' house.  I just sighed and nodded guiltily.  I rested in the car again while they just talked and played games.  
The windows were tinted so it was a bit hard to see the outside from the inside.  I couldn't wait to see their faces when they saw the house if they were so amazed by the plane.  The limo stopped and the door opened.  I got out last and they were all just standing there looking at the front of the house.  "Holy f***..." Some of them said.  D.O had his O.O face on and I burst out laughing at their reaction.  "Aren't you guys wealthy too? I bet your houses are better than this." I said as I walked in front of them.  They just stayed silent.  Okay, my house looks like this:
Yes there is a pool surrounding the whole place and it leads to the backyard.  This pool has a little river like entrance into the indoor pool.  There are barriers that disable intruders to get in from the pool so we don't have to worry about it.  I know, why so many pools? What can I say, I like swimming...
Language Key:
Korean - Black
Chinese - Blue
Japanese - Red
English - Purple
Other languages will be given colors later one if they pop up
We walked in the front entrance and I was welcomed by a line of maids and butlers.  "Welcome home Daeun." They said.  "That wasn't English, what was it?" Kris asked.  "My parents like having them use Japanese since my mom thought it sounded cool...But don't worry they don't use it all the time." I said.  "Wait so how many languages do you know?" Baekhyun asked.  "Korean, Chinese both Mandarin and Cantonese, Japanese, English, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Tagalog, and I'm starting to learn some French." I said as I listed the languages.  They were once again shocked and speechless.  "Will you take their stuff to their rooms please?" I asked the butlers.  They bowed and the guys handed their suitcases and extra bags to the butlers.  "Are you guys tired or hungry or what?" I asked while we walked through the hallways to the living room.  "I'm a bit sleepy, to tell the truth." D.O said.  "Well then maybe I should take you guys to your rooms then?" I asked.  "Sure." They said.  We walked in a different direction towards the bedroom corridors and when I turned a corner I bumped into some one.  "Aish watch- OPPA!!" I said when I saw a smiling, brown haired guy in dance practice clothing.  I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back *Oppa?* The guys thought.  "Hey Daeun, when did you get here?" 




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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥