

The human figures approached and they all looked like the one who had attached to me earlier.  "Daeun stay behind us, and don't look, you won't like this picture." Sunggyu said.  (Infinite can't change only Hoya).  I stumbled behind him and the others.  I still couldn't register how EXO, Hoya and appa had switched from regular human beings to animals.  "Can someone explain this to me please?" I asked.  "Explanations come later, getting rid of these guys comes first." I heard appa's voice say.  "How is he talking when he's a cat?" I asked.  "You can understand him?" Sunggy asked.  "Of course she does, she's one of them too." Sungyeol said.  "One of them?" I asked.  "You're a shifter." L said.  "Shifter?" I asked.  "Explanations come later!" appa shouted.  From Infinite's point of view, it only sounded like a growl, but for some reason, I could interpret what he was saying.  Then they attacked.  The 14 animals clashed with the 50 human like figures and I stood behind Infinite.  I gasped when I saw a wolf rip the arm off of one of the figures and Sunggyu covered my eyes instantly.  "I told you not to look." He said.  "Sorry..." I said.  I heard growls many other noises and then Sungjong covered my ears.  "Thank you." I said.  
I moved Sunggyu's hand away slowly and I saw a huge war front looking battle in my backyard.  I saw a humanoid figure looking straight at me and it's eyes started to glow.  I was captivated by it's eyes, but I could tell I was starting to feel weak.  I couldn't tear my eyes away from the figure and I could slowly see it starting to change physically.  Sunggyu must have noticed because he turned my head in the other direction and shot the figure down.  I was looking at Woohyun since Sunggyu had turned my head away.  "We forgot to tell you, but since he was covering you eyes, we didn't think we'd have to tell you.  Those things can hypnotize people and take on their physical appearance.  These ones aren't the fully grown things so they can only take appearance, but the more experienced ones can take on more than just looks." He said.  "Think of it like a Medusa thing, but you can look at it until it's eyes start glowing." Dongwoo said.  I just nodded.  "I am so not looking forward to the explination about this whole thing." I said.  Sunggyu turned my head back and covered my eyes while doing so and then Sungjong covered my ears up again as well.  
The 14 animals were starting to get tired, but they pulled through with the help of Infinite.  They shot anything coming at their backs or if they were busy with another figure.  I moved Sunggyu's hand away again and I promised not to look at the figures in the eyes and I took a better look at the animals.  There was something different about 12 of the animals which I was guessing was EXO.  They didn't look like your normal tigers or wolves, each of them had something even more fantasy like about them.  Kris who was an arctic wolf, but he had wings, yes wings.  They were like angel's wings but stronger and more efficient I guess.  Chanyeol who was a white bengal tiger, but surrounding his back was and tail was blue fire.  The fire seemed to be one with him since it moved wherever he moved and it also didn't burn him.  Chen was actually a yellow wolf, and when his fur sent out little sparks around him, like he was full of electric charges.  His front and back legs were surrounded by lightening currents and he just looked like a fuze getting ready to burst.  D.O was a large lion that looked like he was carved out of freaking stone.  Even though he moved fluidly like a regular lion, his movements seemed a lot stronger and more mountain like.  Just think of a moving stone carved lion that can make parts of the ground rise up and fall down.  Tao was a brown wolf, and surrounding him were four hourglasses that always seemed to stay in the same place around him.  His eyes glowed a bright red when he made time flow slower or quicker in an area around him.  Baekhyun was a huge white panther and his eyes were always glowing different colors.  When he attacked, he sent out hyper beam like beams out at the opponent from his mouth like Dragonite in Pokemon.    
Xiumin was a large light blue coyote with cold steam surrounding him.  His breath was cold and when he wanted to, he could freeze what ever he wanted to in a thick layer of ice, for about 5-10 minutes.  Kai was a stealthy black panther with bright yellow cat eyes.  He would disappear in a dark whisp of energy and then appear somewhere else with in a second.  Lay was a white colored wolf with colorful accents all over.  He was able to heal injuries that the others got, but it would take away his own energy in the process and it took concentration and a bit of time to heal.  Sehun was a white tiger who was quite swift since it was like he was made of wind.  He was able to create whirlwinds and gusts of wind to keep the opponents away, as well as creating vortexes of wind to trap.  Luhan was a silver wolf with clear orbs that orbitted around his stomach area.  Like Tao, the orbs wouldn't move from their places around the body.  Luhan was able to use his telepathy to crush the opponents from the inside, but that left his physical side at fault.  Lastly, Suho was a sleek jaguar with blue spots instead of the usual jaguar spots.  His movements were elegant like water and he was actually able to become part water and the opponents would slice right through him without hurting him.  I watched as they tore apart the figures and I started to get grossed out again so I recovered my eyes with Sunggyu's hand again.          
I heard a couple gun shots and they came from the Infinite guys.  I was guessing that they shot whatever made it through the animal barrier.  After a gruesome half an hour, Sunggyu uncovered my eyes.  I gasped at the scene in front of me.  Body parts laying around everywhere and 14 semi-injured animals limping towards us.  The grey wolf which I think was Hoya, limped over and Dongwoo patted his head.  Umma came outside and I could see the guests were gone as well as the press.  "Where's Lauren?" I asked.  "She's in her room sleeping." she said.  I nodded and watched as she hurried over to appa.  We brought all of them inside the ballroom and the maids and butlers were in the process of setting up a mini clinic.  "This is so weird." I said.  "You'll have to get used to it..." Dongwoo said.   I sighed and I watched as they were being treated with these odd creams and powders.  After they were 'treated', they all rested for five minutes.  Then they changed back.  They all looked pale, even appa, and the nurses and butlers immediately started to bandage them up after giving them short checkups.  Umma told me to go and get some sleep and the Infinite guys walked me to my room.  They waited for me to change into my pajamas and then Sungjong helped me clean off the make up.  "I hope they're okay." I said.  "They'll be fine, the people who work here aren't ordinary people and they definitely know what they're doing." Woohyun said as he rubbed my back.  I fell asleep soon and then they left after making sure I was asleep.  
I woke up the next morning and I slowly got ready.  I took a  shower and then I put on a warm outfit since it was pretty cold.  I put my wet hair in two braids, I put my glasses on, and I put on my hat from two days ago again.  I checked my phone and it was 8:30 am.  After I helped Lauren get ready, I went to check up on the guys who had slept in the ballroom since they were injured and couldn't move anywhere.  Appa and Infinite were also asleep in the ballroom and I went with umma and Lauren to make some breakfast for them.  We prepared a whole bunch of food and when we finished we brought them all the food.  The maids brought in short tables and they set the tables while we woke them up.  After they all woke up, I helped them all sit up.  Chen and Lay had broken ribs; Luhan, Sehun, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol had broken arms and leg bruises;  Kris and Suho had broken arms and sprained ankles; Kai, D.O., Tao, and Xiumin had sprained arms parts and leg parts.  They had healed almost completely though since yesterday and I didn't ask questions after what happened yesterday.  Lauren was sitting with Sehun and Luhan and she was actually feeding them which I thought was extremely cute.  I went over to Suho and Kris and I sat in between them while they sat on the floor in front of their short table.  
"How are you guys feeling?" I asked.  They both smiled a little and winced at the same time.  I giggled a little and then they started to eat their food with their good arms.  "Feed me." Kris said.  I looked at him with an 'are you serious' face.  "My arms hurt." He said.  I sighed and fed him one bit of food and then I left to check up on the others.  In a few more hours of resting they were all pretty much completely healed.  How? I have no idea. But I know one thing and that last night wasn't a dream.  I wanted explanations and good ones.  Umma told me to wait until tomorrow but questions just kept on popping up in my head.  I decided to take a swim to clear my mind.  I got ready and I headed to the pool.  Lauren was getting her piano lessons and the guys were resting.  Infinite wasn't here today so I was pretty much alone.  When I reached the pool I took off my coverup and jumped straight into the perfect temperature water.  I stayed inside since it was extremely cold and I just floated around for a while.  I started doing laps around the huge pool and I practiced my diving.  After of couple hours the doors to the pool opened and I was floating on a long foam float that was staying in one place in the middle of the pool.  "Yah! Get your lazy up Daeun!" Jamie shouted loudly.  I was startled and I tipped the float over, causing me to fall into the water.  When I resurfaced, Jamie was laughing and she walked towards the chairs.  I glared at her and dragged myself out of the pool.  "What do you want?" I asked as I dried my body with a towel.  "Jeez, a girl can't spend time with her best friend?" She asked.  We laughed and then we headed to my room.  "The party yesterday was amazing!" she said.  "Yeah..." I said.  "Did you not like it?" she asked.  "Of course I did." I said.  She nodded and when we got to my room, she sat on my bed while I changed into a winter outfit since we would be going out.




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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥