


I woke up in the morning and I looked out the window while I yawned.  I got up and changed into my uniform for school.  I walked into the little kitchen in my apartment and I grabbed an apple for the walk to school.  I always walk to school even though all the other students come to school in fancy cars and limos, or something of that sort.  The way the people acted, like as if they were freaking royalty, pissed me off.  But there were these twleve guys in particular who rode their extremely expensive motorcycles to school, and they were the most annoying of all.  They only started going to my school a week ago and they kicked our old Kingkas right off of their little pedestals when they walked through the school gates.  I don't even know their names or anything else about them for that matter except that they are extremely annoying and that I shouldn't get involved with them.  It's not like I would be able to anyways considering my nerd status at school, but if they ever decided to stop by the club I go to all the time, they would be begging on their arrogant knees for me.  I have that secret double life that nobody knows about and I stay on the outskirts of the social city.  I do that so my cover won't get blown.  


All of the arrogant past Kingkas and the Queenkas were/are complete asses to me at school and all of those rich people who bullied me with them.  I didn't care about what they did unless it involved my face or other important things.  I could always just seduce and then break their sorry little hearts later at the club.  The next day they wouldn't even go to school or leave their rooms.  And that went for both girls and guys.  I would steal girls' boyfriends or targets, and seduce and break the guys' hearts.  Anyways, I walked out the door and made sure that it was locked before I left.  My big nerd glasses and my long black hair helped my nerd image.  All of the other girls at school took hours styling their hair in the morning when I just combed through it at least twice right after I wake up.  The girls also put on layers and layers of that stuff called makeup.  I didn't believe in foundation or blush or that other junk except for maybe a little bit of eyeliner for school and some added mascara for the club.  


There was one thing that made me stand out at the club though, my eyes.  They changed color everyday at 6pm and they didn't fade back until around 6am the next day.  The colors varied and they had been many different shades of blue or green or brown or other colors as well.  From 6pm to 6am, my senses were also heightened, adding on to the whole eye color changing thing.  I could hear better, smell things from farther away, hear things from farther away, those kinds of things.  I walked to school and I stepped through the school gates.  I headed to my locker and when I opened it, I saw hundreds and hundreds of post-it notes posted all over inside.  I could tell who wrote which post-it note and I would read them later during lunch.  I piled the notes nearly and stuffed them into my bag for later.  Then I walked to class early, like a nerd should, and I waited for the lessons to start.  


During lunch, I went up to the quiet roof top and I started reading each note while I drank from my juice box and munched on my sandwich.  They all said weird things and I wrote down each name that I could recognize.  'Okay, tonight's targets are hmmm, Kim Taehun, Song Haemi, and Ahn Jungjae.' I thought as i finished looking through my long list of names.  After school, I went back home and did my homework on the way back.  I finished ten minutes after I got home and I started to prepare for the night outing.  I opened my closet doors and walked inside.  The closet was longer than  the whole apartment room and it was completely full of clothing.  I searched around, looking for a particular dress and when I found it, I grabbed a pair of shoes to go with it.  I put my cell phone, lip gloss, and wallet into a small purse.  Then since it was only 4 o'clock, I took a rest for a couple hours.  I woke up around 7 and I decided to eat something before I went to the club.  I checked my eyes and they had turned emerald green.  I made myself some ramyun and ate it quickly.  Then I changed into my dress and shoes.  Once I was ready, I walked out of the apartment and caught a taxi that would bring me to the club.  


When I arrived, the club was already in full swing even though it was pretty early.  I cut the line and headed straight into the club and I caught all of the people's attention.  The club was pretty big and it was always filled.  


I found the bar tender who was really nice and I sat down in front of him.  "Hey Key, how's it going?" I asked as he handed me a glass of water.  "The place is packed today for some reason, and the other four are pretty busy as well." He said in an annoyed diva voice.  I laughed.  "You look pretty tonight." He said.  I stood up and twirled around.  "Cute right?" I said.  He smiled.  I handed him my bag after I sat down and took my phone out.  He stored it up on a shelf under the counter so I wouldn't have to carry it around.  "Who are your targets tonight?" Jonghyun asked as he came up and swung his arm over my shoulder.  "Kim Taehun, Song Haemi, and Ahn Jungjae." I said as I checked my phone.  "Are they coming here tonight?" He asked.  "Most likely, I've seen them here a couple times before and they all seemed stressed today, except for Haemi..." I said.  "She's probably going to drag her boyfriend along with her so, that just makes my life a whole lot easier." I said.  The two of them just nodded.  I had put notes in their lockers during school, telling the guys to come at different times and Haemi was probably just going to show up whenever.  


Half-an-hour passed by and my first target, Taejun-sshi, walked in right on time.  "Target spotted, heading in..." I said.  I handed Key my phone and I walked off in Taejun's direction.  He was with a group of friends and I plopped down in a chair next to him.  "Hello there~" One of his already drunk friends said.  I looked at him and smiled slightly.  I looked at Taejun and smiled brightly at him.  "What's your name?" I asked him, giving him an intense gaze.  His eyes were locked to my emerald green eyes and he stuttered out his name.  "I want to talk alone with you Taejun-sshi, come with me." I said as I pulled him by the hand, out of his chair and to the empty hallway.  I smirked at Key when I passed by him and he just laughed silently.  We talked and I sighed inwardly when the situation started to get boring.  He gave me his number after he said he had to leave and he walked giddily out of the club.  I walked back over to the bar and sat in front of Key while I waited for my next target.


Jungjae walked through the doors of the club a couple minutes later and I was on the move again.  I made sure to go somewhere different when we talked and he gave me his phone number as well after he talked for over an hour.  I went back and talked with Key after he left.  "Some guys can be so stupid..." I said and then I sighed.  He just nodded and he handed me another glass of water.  Then the club got louder, a lot louder.  "What in the world is going on?" I asked.  "Look over there." Jonghyun said as he came next to me again.  I looked to where he told me to and I saw the twelve people who annoyed me the most.  "Ugh, why are they here?" I said.  "You know them?" Minho asked as he came over.  "I know of them, and they piss me off with their attitudes..." I said.  They spotted me and I hoped that they wouldn't come over here, but what can I say? I looked beautiful... -_- All twelve of them walked over and I stood up.  "What's a cutie like you doing with a bunch of dopes like them?" A guy with a deep voice said.  I almost didn't think it was him because his face definitely didn't match his voice.  The three of them looked a little depressed at his comment, but they shook it off.  I just stared.  "Not a talker?" Another guy with chubby cheeks said.  Haemi and her boyfriend walked in at that moment and I decided I would leave her alone for the night, but I would get her another day.  "What's your name?" A guy with an intense gaze asked.  "Lee Jooyeon." I said.  "Pretty name for a pretty girl." Chubby cheeks said.  Deep voice lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.  "How about you join us tonight?" He said.  I gulped, but didn't let my disgust show.  




so guys..... I've changed a few things: the name of the OC/You character and the story format.  There may be further changes but so far I'm starting off with this.  It's the same story so don't unsubscribe (T ^ T).  The rest of the old chapters should be up soon~

- infinitesummer623


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sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy with summer assignments... screw those xD but i'll be working on a new chappie soon!


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Chapter 25: It been a while ..... but when I come back from school, log in then see you already 11 chapter ... I feel very happy!! Thank you for the story - Yuki
Cool story, explaination & description! - Yuki
Chapter 25: I love this story I remember reading this in July 2013 and I have been trying to find it ever since I'm so happy I found it please update ^^
Winter98 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon pls~
plz update soon
oh niceu~ ^^ the hollywood bowl?! O.O Uwah~ double niceu! update soon! ^^
That was SO cool i love this story plz update soon :-)
Kewls! xD So, I Have A Feeling That Kris Likes Her! x3
Hehe~ It Was Hoya! Keke~ One Of My Lovers! xD I Love Him So Much! ♥