
Overflowing Tears

Baekhyun looked at the door in front of him. He needed help and guidance. He believed that he could help him with his current love life problems. Heknocked on the door thrice and waited for the door to open.




The door opened, revealing a very sleepy Suho. It was obvious he was sleeping right before Baekhyun kind of intruded. His hair was sticking out in all direction and his was still in his blue and white striped pajamas.


Suho rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Oh Baekhyun. *yawn* You need something?" 


"I do but I think I'm disturbing your sleep. I should get going." Baekhyun turned to leave but was stopped.


"Nah. It's okay. I can sense your about to tell me something important and you need my help." Suho said.


He let Baekhyun inside the room before closing the door gently so as not to wake the maknae up. Sehun was still fast asleep on his bed. He was hugging his teddy bear so tight that he might've cried if it was separated from him. Baekhyun didn't even dare to take it away.


Suho sat down on his bed and gestured for Baekhyun to sit down too. After making theirselves comfortable, they started talking which turned out to be a long conversation.


"So you wanted to talk about something." Suiho stated.


"Yeah, I do. It's about the break up." Baekhyun answered.


Suho had a hunch on where this was going to. "What about the break up?" 


"Hyung, you know I love her right? I just broke up with her because I feel like I don't deserve her. A girl like her deserves someone better. But then Chanyeol told me that if I really loved her, this problem could be fixed. I'm so confused. My intention of breaking up was so clear at the first but now I feel like I don't even know what I've done." Baekhyun explained.


"Baekhyun0ah, why would you think she deserves someone better than you?" Suho asked.


"Well, you know how our lives are. It's hard to keep a relationship with all the fangirls around you." Baekhyun said but was cut off by Suho.


Suho's face crunched up. "So you broke up with her just because of the fangirls?"


"No. It's more than that. I'm not the perfect boyfriend she wished she could have. I can't be the boyfriend who picks her up and drives her to school, protect her from bullies, hang out with her all the time, take her to the prom and all the other things normal couples could do. I don't want her staying up late at night just waiting to see me. I don't want her to suffer." Baekhyun let his heart out. He was close to tears but he tried to be strong.


"You know Baekhyun, love means having to take sacrifices sometimes. Look at Sunye sunbaenim. She took a very hard sacrifice telling that she has a boyfriend. But seeing how determined and how much she loved her boyfriend, everything went well. Fans accepted the fact that Sunye was taken. She almost had to sacrifice her career for someone she truly loved. That's the risk. She was willing to sacrifice her carrer just to tell the world how happy she was with the man she loved. You could learn a lot from her confession. And look at Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na. Hyun Woo confessed to her in public. It might've ruined both of their careers. But he didn't care as long as he confessed. He was willing to go against the odds to be with her."


Baekhyun looked at Suho intently, taking in every word he said.


"You thought it was for the best to leave Minyoung but f you asked me, I guess you were just a little scared. Scared of what the future might hold.When you said that she would suffer because you couldn't be the best boyfriend ever, you're wrong. The thing that is making her suffer is you goodbye." Suho continued on giving his advice.


He took a sheet of paper and a pen from his drawer. He put in down in front of Baekhyun. "Here, write all the disadvantages and advantages of your break up. I'll wait for you to finish."


Baekhyun looked at Suho. Suho just gave him a half-smile in return. He then started writing down on the piece of paper. After several minutes, Baekhyun finished and handed the paper to Suho.


"See Baekhyun. You just weren't ready to take a sacrfice yet at that time. Breaking up with Minyoung was wrong. Chanyeol was right all along. Maybe you were just scared that both of you will be ruined in some way which caused you to be afraid." Suho said.


With Suho's statement, both of the became quiet. Silence was the only thing that could be heard except for Sehun's occasional breaths. Baekhyun thought about what Suho said. He was right. He was scared. Scared of what the future might hold. He wasn't ready to take a risk but now he was.


"Hyung, thank you for making me ralize this." Baekhyun said.


"Your welcome." Suho replied.


"But hyung, I realize now that I'm willing to sacrifice anything for Minyoung. I just don't know how to get her back." Baekhyun said before lowering his head down.


Suho patted Baekhyun's shoulder. "If she loves you the way I think she does then she would still accept you. She couldn't have found another that easy. She wouldn't have stopped loving you."


A smile appeared on Baekhyun's face. A new hope was waiting for him.


"Thanks for the help hyung." Baekhyun said before leaving their room and head out.


"I've got problem to fix." Baekhyun thought to himself.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ 


i don't mean to make you feel bad but...




i don't mean to trouble you but....i would really love to read your comments...

it motivates me...A LOT.....


but anyway...


thx for reading this....

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Chapter 15: Awww so sweet. Love it so much.
Chapter 15: Omg ;a; this story is the best!
Chapter 6: Where's the first gif from? And this story is making me cry :$ whyy
Chapter 15: i love your story!!!!!
i love sad fics but this was the best!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: Omo.. I thought he died.. My heart's already like beating fast but then it broke down when the doctor cuts his sentence. Anywho, I laughed (in my mind or somewhere else except out loud or showing it to anybody xD) when he said to Minyoung's appa could give a sign by blowing wind or something x))
Chapter 15: Oh my gosh! Thank goodness it wasn't Baekhyun! You WERE giving everyone heart attacks with that kind of cliffhanger! I would subscribe to future exo stories! Congratulations on finishing your story! ^^
Chapter 15: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! THIS IS SO DAEBAK! JJANG!! *O* *wipes my remaining tears* I think I need mo tissues :DD
AWWWW....THANKS @Crayon @squishy-fruits @luvleejoon @ForeverB2UTY
thanks for the awesome comments...
Crayon_ #9
Chapter 15: the story ended... ): but i must that you are really awesome in writing especially those sad parts. of cuz i would read yr other fanfics too. who would miss out on an awesome story. fighting! (: