Rigth & Wrong

Overflowing Tears


Just then, all of them heard a groan.




He was stirring.


They immediately surrounded the bed and was anticipating his awakening. He opened his eyes slowly and the sight of his relieved (and smiling) members were the first thing he saw.




Each member expressed their concern for him and Baekhyun appreciated each and one of them. He was happy to know that his brothers cared for him.


Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun. “Hyung, someone special is here for you.”


The boys showed Minyoung to him. They could hardly tell whether he was happy or angry for his face remained expressionless. This was the moment that Minyoung dreaded, when Baekhyun wouldn’t take her back just because of that night.


“We’ll leave you guys alone.” Kai said. The tension around the two of them was just too much for him to take.


The boys evacuated the room and left the two of them alone. Minyoung couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes.


“Why are you here?” Baekhyun asked her, a hint of coldness in his voice.


“I was on my way to your dorm and then I saw you being pulled up in the stretcher. I was worried about you.” Minyoung answered, her voice barely audible.


“Well, you shouldn’t that. You’re nobody in my life right now.” Baekhyun said, his face still blank.


Minyoung couldn’t hold her tears in anymore. “Baekhyun, please don’t say that. I need you. I regret that I didn’t even inspect all the contents of that package you sent me. If I had seen that letter, I would have meet up with you and tell you that I still love you no matter what. Now that I’ve read it, I was so touched that a guy like you actually loves me enough to leave me just for my safety. I want to tell you that I never stopped loving you. I never did. Please don’t say that.”


For the next few minutes, only Minyoung’s sobbing could be heard in the room. Baekhyun believed her and his heart ached seeing her crying like that. He moved away from the bed and walked over to Minyoung.


He put his arm on her shoulder. “I’m sorry for saying that. I just that I already lost you. Seeing you again just makes me remember that you’re not mine anymore, that’s why I acted like that.”


Baekhyun embraced her in his arms. Minyoung just cried in his chest. But this time it was tears of joy. He lifted her chin up so that she looked up to him now. He started wiping her tears anyway.


“It’s okay now. We’re together. Would you still consider being mine again?” Baekhyun asked, this time with a smile in his face.


“Of course, I would. I’d rather die than be with anyone else.” Minyoung replied.


The two hugged each other tightly, suddenly missing the moments they had before.


When Baekhyun suddenly coughed.


“Baekhyun what’s wrong?” Minyoung asked, obviously worried.


“I..*cough*…can’t *cough*…” He couldn’t manage to speak a word without coughing.


The coughing continued. Minyoung was in a panic. She immediately called for the doctor. When he came, he asked her to go outside and wait for what he has to say.


When the doctor went outside, Minyoung walked up to him. “Doc, what’s wrong?”


The doctor looked at his hands before telling her that, “Well, he’s….”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The car screeched to a halt. Minyoung opened the car door and breathed in air.


“We’re here at the cemetery.” Sehun said sadly.


“Yeah, we have to visit him.” Minyoung replied, preparing herself for what may be an emotional breakdown.

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Chapter 15: Awww so sweet. Love it so much.
Chapter 15: Omg ;a; this story is the best!
Chapter 6: Where's the first gif from? And this story is making me cry :$ whyy
Chapter 15: i love your story!!!!!
i love sad fics but this was the best!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: Omo.. I thought he died.. My heart's already like beating fast but then it broke down when the doctor cuts his sentence. Anywho, I laughed (in my mind or somewhere else except out loud or showing it to anybody xD) when he said to Minyoung's appa could give a sign by blowing wind or something x))
Chapter 15: Oh my gosh! Thank goodness it wasn't Baekhyun! You WERE giving everyone heart attacks with that kind of cliffhanger! I would subscribe to future exo stories! Congratulations on finishing your story! ^^
Chapter 15: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! THIS IS SO DAEBAK! JJANG!! *O* *wipes my remaining tears* I think I need mo tissues :DD
AWWWW....THANKS @Crayon @squishy-fruits @luvleejoon @ForeverB2UTY
thanks for the awesome comments...
Crayon_ #9
Chapter 15: the story ended... ): but i must that you are really awesome in writing especially those sad parts. of cuz i would read yr other fanfics too. who would miss out on an awesome story. fighting! (: