
Overflowing Tears

Baekhyun paced back and forth around the room. He's been like this for the past few minutes after Chanyeo left. Chanyeol's words disturbed him deeply. Was his decision wrong? Was it for the worst instead of the best? Thoughts like this flooded his mind. He was unable to think properly. 


But even if he did Minyoung the truth, would she still accept him? That was the question. If Minyoung still loves him or if she already found another man to replace him in her life. Baekhyun tried to imagine Minyoung with another guy and it was terrible sight for his heart. It was unimaginable. 


He was confused at the moment. He didn't know what to do with his life anymore. She gave him purpose to live but now that she was gone it seems that the light of his life flickered away. It was his fault anyway. He was the one to blame.


"I let her go. I broke up with her. I made her hurt too much." Baekhyun said to himself.


He gripped at his hair and let his tears fall down to the floor. He always believed that there was no such thing as mental breakdown in relationships but right now he was about to prove himself wrong. He was in a breakdown himself. 


Even though he put an end to their relationship, he never stopped loving her. He still does. But sometimes, being an artist and all was hard. In a relationship between an artist and an ordinary girl there are risks to take. Death threats are just one of them. Baekhyun didn't want Minyoung to experience any of those. She was too precious for him that's why he let her go so that nothing bad won't happen to her. 


He let her go because he loved her. He thought he'd be happy and assured but instead his feelings were the opposite. Pain and regret were eating him up. He regretted why he broke up with her in the first place when he knew that he loved her too much from all harm. It seemed like an accidental twist in life that made everything go wrong.


By now, Baekhyun's were swollen and red, the collar of his shirt soaked. A sign that he'd been crying. He wanted to hold Minyoung in his arms but it was impossible now.




Minyoung was crying. The queenkas had bullied her once again for getting high scores. 


"Minyoung-ah, stop crying. Oppa is here." Baekhyun tried to calm her down.


"Oppa, I want to......but I can't. What they did was just too much." Minyoung continued sobbing in his chest.


Baekhyun just held Minyoung tight in his arms. He wished he was there for her when it happened. Then it came to his mind that he couldn't be always by her side to protect her. He knew that Minyoung deserved someone better. Someone who would always be beside and her protect her. He wasn't the perfect boyfriend for her.



And that's when Baekhyun decided that he needed to break up with Minyoung




Protection. That was the point of this break up. Baekhyun knew that. But some part of him told him it wasn't the right decision. That there was still a way to salvage what he and Minyoung had before.


He was hesitant at first but realized he couldn't take it any longer.


He wiped his tears away and stormed out of his room. He decided to meet up with the person he hasn't seen in weeks.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 



i'm back guys.....just like I said I would be....

if you feel kind of disappointed with the story....u can tell me...

and...thanks for subscribing~!!! it means a lot to me....REALLY.....





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Chapter 15: Awww so sweet. Love it so much.
Chapter 15: Omg ;a; this story is the best!
Chapter 6: Where's the first gif from? And this story is making me cry :$ whyy
Chapter 15: i love your story!!!!!
i love sad fics but this was the best!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: Omo.. I thought he died.. My heart's already like beating fast but then it broke down when the doctor cuts his sentence. Anywho, I laughed (in my mind or somewhere else except out loud or showing it to anybody xD) when he said to Minyoung's appa could give a sign by blowing wind or something x))
Chapter 15: Oh my gosh! Thank goodness it wasn't Baekhyun! You WERE giving everyone heart attacks with that kind of cliffhanger! I would subscribe to future exo stories! Congratulations on finishing your story! ^^
Chapter 15: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! THIS IS SO DAEBAK! JJANG!! *O* *wipes my remaining tears* I think I need mo tissues :DD
AWWWW....THANKS @Crayon @squishy-fruits @luvleejoon @ForeverB2UTY
thanks for the awesome comments...
Crayon_ #9
Chapter 15: the story ended... ): but i must that you are really awesome in writing especially those sad parts. of cuz i would read yr other fanfics too. who would miss out on an awesome story. fighting! (: