The Ending Of Their Story

Overflowing Tears


Days, night passed. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. His face always popped out of her mind as if it was forbidden to be erased.


She though everything would go alright. She loved him and he loved her. She believed they were destined for each other. But one thing made her think twice of her statement.




Minyoung walked happily out of her classroom. A big smile was plastered on her beautiful face. Her life seemed perfect at the moment. She overcame all her problems in life. She passed the school’s iron gates. She was on her way home when her phone suddenly rang. She wondered who on earth would send her a text message at this time. She took her phone out from her pocket.


The message was from Baekhyun, her boyfriend.


She looked like a fool grinning in front of her phone’s screen.


“Minyoung-ah, meet me at our usual place in Hongik University. I need to tell you something. See ya~


Her smile went from ear to ear. She was happy she could meet him. She can finally see his face, his smile, and his eyesmile once more. Schedule’s been really hectic for him but nevertheless, she was happy he spared time for her.


She went to the university and rushed over to their usual place. It was nothing to look at for tourists. It was just a plain bench. A bench that contained lots of memories.


She took a seat and waited. She swung her legs freely, keeping a lookout for Baekhyun. Minutes passed, but her hope of him coming never died. And her prayers were answered.


Minyoung saw him. He was dressed in tight jeans, white t-shirt with a hoodie slung over his shoulder and a black cap and sunglasses to conceal his identity.


He went up to her as soon as he spotted her. Minyoung immediately stood up from her seat and hugged him tight. Baekhyun was taken aback by her movements so he had no choice but to hug her back.


They broke the hug and both sat down. Silence engulfed the two of them. Neither spoke up. There was tension between them. Baekhyun decided to get things straightened out and went directly to the point why he asked to meet up with Minyoung.


“Minyoung-ah….” He started, looking at her in the eyes.


“Wae?” Minyoung asked, oblivious of where the conversation was leading to.


“I have to tell you something very important.” He continued.


Minyoung just looked at him intently. She hoped it was surprise. A whole day with her maybe.


“I can’t do this any longer.” He said before heaving a sigh.


Minyoung was confused at the moment. “Do what? The idol thing?”


“No, I mean between us. I can’t let this relationship continue any longer. It just feels wrong, being in a relationship with someone you don’t love.” He explained, noticing that Minyoung tried her best to restrain her tears from falling.


Minyoung tried to convince herself it was all just a nightmare. “O-oppa, you’re lying gright? This is just a test to find out how much I love you right? Right?”


“I’m sorry Minyoung-ah. But it’s true. I don’t love you. I never did. I love someone else.” He said, while looking down on the ground.


Minyoung stood up. “That’s not true! Look me in the eye and tell you don’t love me.”


Baekhyun also stood up and gripped Minyoung’s shoulder tightly. He looked her in the eyes full of hatred and told her,  “I DON’T LOVE YOU MINYOUNG. I NEVER DID. CAN’T YOU SEE THIS WAS ALL JUST A BET??!!”


The words that Baekhyun said pierced through Minyoung’s heart like a dagger. She couldn’t believe it was over and that their relationship were just pretend. All the “I love yous”, hugs and kisses were all fake.


Minyoung looked at him one lasttime before storming off. He left her. He used her. She walked off the streets not knowing where she was going since her tears had made it hard for her to see. His words replayed in her mind again and again like a song stuck on rewind.




The tears started flowing again. The pain was unbearable. She would have happily jumped off a building just to get rid of the pain.


She couldn’t see a thing. Her vision became blurred from all the tears flowing down. One, two, three. She didn’t stop all of her crammed up feelings from letting out. It hurts so much. She hugged herself and continued crying, knowing that there was no one to comfort her, no one to love her anymore. The pain was slowly killing her inside. It was just unbearable. His smile, his laugh would never be seen or heard of again. Without him, she felt empty.


“It…..hurts….” she said in between sobs.


She continued crying. Her tears fell down like rain falling down from the clouds. She couldn’t live without him.


“Please…come….back…I….need….you.” she said, as if she wanted him to hear her words. She tried her best to make her voice sound audible.


He used to love her. But it was all just a lie.


If anyone would pass by her house and look up to the window on the second floor, a crying girl could be seen. But no one paid attention to the sound of her crying, except for one. A pair of eyes looked at her with sadness and longing eyes. He wanted to comfort her, tell her to just let it all out be he couldn’t. For he was the very reason why she was in this state in the first place.


“I’m sorry Minyoung-ah but this is for the best. I had to do this so you can fulfill you dreams and get the future you always wanted…without me. Bye Minyoung, I love you.” He said those words even though he knew she couldn’t hear him.


Even if she doesn’t know the real reason why he made her hurt this much.


Why he broke up with her.

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Chapter 15: Awww so sweet. Love it so much.
Chapter 15: Omg ;a; this story is the best!
Chapter 6: Where's the first gif from? And this story is making me cry :$ whyy
Chapter 15: i love your story!!!!!
i love sad fics but this was the best!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: Omo.. I thought he died.. My heart's already like beating fast but then it broke down when the doctor cuts his sentence. Anywho, I laughed (in my mind or somewhere else except out loud or showing it to anybody xD) when he said to Minyoung's appa could give a sign by blowing wind or something x))
Chapter 15: Oh my gosh! Thank goodness it wasn't Baekhyun! You WERE giving everyone heart attacks with that kind of cliffhanger! I would subscribe to future exo stories! Congratulations on finishing your story! ^^
Chapter 15: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! THIS IS SO DAEBAK! JJANG!! *O* *wipes my remaining tears* I think I need mo tissues :DD
AWWWW....THANKS @Crayon @squishy-fruits @luvleejoon @ForeverB2UTY
thanks for the awesome comments...
Crayon_ #9
Chapter 15: the story ended... ): but i must that you are really awesome in writing especially those sad parts. of cuz i would read yr other fanfics too. who would miss out on an awesome story. fighting! (: