It's A Boy

Stay Alive

''Jaemi? Hwang Jaemi!'' Why did I feel so happy? Everyone I love was surrounding me. Chansung, Jinyoung, Gongchan, my parents....even Onew, and Taemin.

Jinyoung was smiling at me and crying. There was a small baby in his arms. For some reason I couldn't move, there was something holding me back. I turned around and an infant was grabbing me by the hem of my dress. His eyes...they were big and brown

Like Minho's.

''Jaemi...come one! What are you waiting for?'' Chansung started laughing with tears staining his cheek.

''Oppa, why are you crying?'' Why was I crying? ''Eomma, appa, I promise I wasn't trying to run away.'' I wanted to tell them that. One of the many things I feared was dying in Minho's home not being to reassure my parents that I loved them. ''I love my family! I promise!''

''Jaemi-ah, we know that.'' Eomma smiled. I tried to run to them but the baby wouldn't let me. Even though he was a tiny infant his grasp on me was strong and I couldn't get out. 

''Jaemi..I'm so sorry'' Taemi cried. Onew held his shaking body in his arms. ''Everything is my fault. I did this to you...'' 

''Taemin-ah, I don't blame you. I never did.'' I smiled through my tears. This felt like a goodbye party. I didn't want to say my farewells. 

''Jaemi-ah! Hwang Jaemi!'' A girl's voice was calling from behind. I turned around and saw myself. 

''W-who are you?'' The baby that was clinging to my dress now crawled into the woman's arms.

''It's me, Jaerim.'' She smiled. ''We've never met.'' My throat went dry and no matter how frightened I was to be in her presence my feet dragged towards her. 

''Don't come!'' She put her arm up. ''You'll regret it.''

''But, you're my twin...we're sisters.'' I started to sob. ''Can't I touch you?''

''Ani, we weren't meant to be together sis.''

''What do you mean?'' How could two people that were born together not mean to be together?

''We didn't make it.'' She said hugging the baby. ''We weren't strong enough. have a choice sis.''

''A choice?'' I looked back at the people I loved and then at my sister and the baby in her arms. ''Why don't you come with me?''

''We can't. That's why you have to go back. You have to be there for them.'' She nodded to my family. 


''My son and I are happy here. I like this...I'm happy sis. You got lucky throughout life compared to me. For once I'm lucky too. Don't worry abuout me.'' Even though she smiled I could see it in her eyes that she regrets the way her life went. I wish I could just switch with her. I wanted Jaerim to have a happy life. She started to cry. 

''Jaerim-ah, I love you.'' 

''I love you too sis.'' She smiled. ''Can I ask one favor of you?''

''Of course.''

''Tell Minho...tell him I never blamed him. Please make sure he knows I always loved him.'' She started sobbing. 

''I'll tell him'' I would make sure to get that message to Minho for the sake of my sister. Nothing else. 

''Thank you, now go on!'' She shooed me away. ''They're waiting.'' I looked back at my family and there they were. Smiling and holding out their arms for me. 

''Eomma~'' The baby in Jinyoung's arms called for me. He said me. Was that...?



''Hwang Jaemi?'' The steady beeping of the heart moniter next to my pounding head was waking me from my sleep. The fuzziness finally disappeared from my vision and I realized I was in a hospital. Not Minho's brother's living room.

''He's going to come back for me!'' I sat up and felt a sharp pain in my stomach. ''Onew!'' I looked to my left and Jinyoung was sitting next to me. His eyes were closed and his chest rose slowly. He was so peaceful when he slept. Tears filled my eyes as I reached for his hand and saw mine taped up with IV needle sticking out of it.

''Mm?'' He stirred from my touch and met my eyes. He didn't look the same. It was still the Jinyoung I loved, but I feel like I ruined him somehow.

''Jinyoung-ah'' My voice cracked terribly as I started to sob. I wanted his arms around me to make me feel safe again. I wouldn't hurt anymore as long as he was with me.

''Yah~'' He my hair. ''I was worried I would never be able to do this again.'' A tear fell down his cheek and he dried my wet face. 

''I-I'm sorry I didn't listen-'' I grabbed his hand. 

''No! Don't apologize. Your parents are outside speaking to the doctor. No one's mad at you. We're just glad to have you back. I love you baby.'' 


''Ahh!'' I reached fro my stomach and felt nothing but padding. The baby was gone. 

''Jaemi! Are you alright?!'' Jinyoung panicked. 

''What's going on?'' The doctor ran in. ''Is she going into shock.

''Where's my baby?! Did it die?!'' I cried. Whether or not it died I was unsure of. Would I be okay if it did?

''Your baby..?'' Jinyoung's face went pale as if he was going to throw up.

''We had to operate quickly to get him out before we extracted the bullet.'' 



''Your son suffered a lot of trauma, but we were able to save him. He's in NICU right now.'' My mother stood by the door crying. She must've already heard the news. Her daughter gave birth to a son. She knew the child was born from terrible circumstances.

She knew I was .

''Eomma...'' I couldn't look at anyone. I was too ashamed. I wasn't strong enough to fight for myself. I'm a victim. Poor me!

''I hate it!'' I screamed into my hands. ''I don't want it!''

''Jaemi! It's okay.'' My mother rushed to my side. ''It's not your fault. None of it is.'' 

''Eomma! Mianhaeyo, mianhaeyo!'' 



For the next week I've been laying in a hospital bed not talking to anyone. My brother knew, my father, even Jinyoung found out. I didn't even want to see my son. He was proof. 

''Sis, please talk to me.'' Chansung sat at my bed side. I kept my head turned the other way facing the window. I felt his hand reach for mine and I flinched away out of habit.

''I don't like you! I like Jinyoung!'' I found myself saying that to any man that tried to touch me. ''Bring me Jinyoung! I don't want you!'' I turned my head and realized that I had been yelling at Chansung. 

''Jaemi...'' His voice broke. ''It's me your brother. Don't you see me?'' He was tearing up.

I nodded slowly. ''Bring me Jinyoung please?'' Forming a sentence became harder to do the more I was away from Jinyoung. I cried everytime I missed him which was every second. He hasn't come back ever since he found out I had a son. Maybe if he knew I didn't want the baby he would come back?

''Okay...'' Chansung's answer didn't sound too convincing. 

If I had to wait forever I would. I just wanted Jinyoung to look at me the same.....

A/N: Sooooo I kinda gave up on this fic a while ago, but when a few people kept asking for an update I was really shocked cuz I really thought I ruined this fic! So thank you guys soooo much! Sorry if this ending a lot, but I don't wanna make this chapter lengthy! :) I love you guys for the support and comments!

P.S Okay I had to spazz about this! For some reason EVERY time I write a fanfic there just happens to be a drama that comes out with the SAME characters and the SAME ING scenario! For example. When I was writing a sequel to my ols story Fashion King came out, and it had the same exact plot. This time!!!!!! I started this fic like back in the summer and I already knew I wanted the the OC to look like Yoon Eunhye! *spoiler alert!!!! FACKING I MISS YOU COMES OUT AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?! YOON EUNHYE'S PAST SELF GETS !!!!!! I think my brain and the writers for Korean dramas have a connecting bridge or something, IDK lol 

*now I hav the perf gifs to express her emotions!



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b2utiful_exotic_sone #1
You should update and finish this story! It's almost to an end!! Please and thank you!!
Palabra_viva #2
Chapter 21: ok... this may sound really bad but I side with Jaemi. I wouldn't be able to love the child.... heck I probably would have considered abortion but when I think of it I would feel bad.... but I would hate to go through delivery, argh, that's horrible.....
please update already~
Heipaadeg #4
Chapter 19: YOU NEED TO UPDATE RIGHT NOW!!! This story is so sad and addictive.
SHE'S PREGNANT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agh. Minseok! Aigoo Onew-ah...;A; /le sobs
Breanna #8
Wow..This is a..I want to say its a good story, but with whats going on in the story I feel that that isn't what I should say..
I read the description and even the first half of the first chapter a few days ago and decided not to read it..and now I kind of wish that I would have stuck with that decision..Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not saying your writing is bad or anything like that, cause thats not what I think..I just tend to get...emotionally attached? Like, I read I story and get really into the story to the point that my imagination gets gets really into the story and my emotions get the best of me when my imagination runs like that XD And so I've been trying hard to not cry or get emotional while reading, and so thats why I..don't like this story.. I have become REALLY attached to this story and so now I HAVE to wait for you to write the rest of the story and I HAVE to read it to the end.
So..I want to tell you to keep up with the good work and write more soon, hwaiting!
Ugh that stupid sohyun!