Onew's Outing

Stay Alive

Why was she here? I went through so much trouble to get rid of the other one, and this person popped out of no where as if mocking me.

I would never have Choi Minho.

No matter how much I tried he will always love Park Jaerim.

All she did was sit there in a blank state. If anything it made me feel better, but at the same time just seeing her face brought out a rage in me. 

''Seohyun! You're tearing the bread!'' Onew snapped me out of my rage, and I realized my thoughts were easily readable. 

''Oh, mianhae~'' I put on a fake smile, and joined Jaerim on the couch. Every time I looked at her it was like looking at a ghost. Not only was her skin pale and waxy like one, but she was an exact look-a-like of the girl I tried so hard to get rid of. So many times I lost my sanity wondering if I finished the job properly. What if someone found her after I left.


She was definitely dead when I left her.

''You should eat something.'' I smiled handing her a sandwich.

''Please....don't touch me..'' She scooted away. 

''Oh stop being a baby! Just eat!'' Was she too good for my food?!

''Seohyun! Why don't you go ask Taemin if he wants to eat?'' Onew ran over from the kitchen. Ugh! Why did she get everyone's sympathy?! I'm just as lovable, and I'm prettier!!!

''Fine...'' I left Jaerim a disgusted look, and climbed upstairs.




''Jaemi...I'm going to sit next to you...'' I warned her before getting too close. She slowly nodded. ''I have an idea...'' She showed no signs of listening to me, but I knew she was.

''If I take you out will you eat something?'' I begged Minho for permission to take her out to eat. That was the only way she would be assured nothing was done to her food. She was sickly thin. Practically skin, and bones. It drove me crazy seeing her like this.

''...I want to go home...'' She croaked. Ugh! Why did it hurt so bad to hear that from her? Probably because I knew that was something I couldn't do.

''Jaemi..please listen to me.'' I slowly put my hand on her shoulder. Her hands clutched the blanket over her body. Tears were forming in her eyes, but I needed her too look directly at me.

''Jaemi?'' She couldn't look at me. I moved my head as best as I could to gain eye contact. ''If I let you go home Minho will kill the both of us...'' My words were no where near a bluff. I believed in my heart that Minho wouldn't care about my life if he lost his Jaerim. To him she was all he needed. ''Please come with me to eat...''

Her cheeks were stained with tears, and she couldn't give me eye contact. ''Let me help you...''

She slowly nodded her head. ''Please don't hurt me...'' The Jaemi I knew was lost. She didn't even recognize that it was me Onew. The one who's never raised a hand to her. She looked at everyone as a threat now.

''Jaemi...I'm not going to hurt you.'' 


''It's alright. I'm I'm not going to hurt you.'' She walked behind me at a slow pace. My fear of her running off was erased when I realized she could barely keep up with me.

''Where is this place?'' She eyed the red sign.

''Popeyes! They have the best fried chicken.'' Ugh I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into a drum stick. We took a seat to the back of the store.

''Hyung!'' I heard a familiar voice. It belonged to Daehyun.

''Oh! Annyeong!'' I smiled dorkishly.

''Annyeonghaseyo.'' He bowed politely to Jaemi before taking a seat next to her.

''Sit here!'' I shouted unintentionaly loud. Her entire body tensed up from Daehyun. 

''...Okay?'' He moved over, and sat next to me.

''Jung Daehyun this is  Park  Jaemi, Park Jaemi Jung Daehyun.''

''Here you guys go!'' The waitress brought over our bucket of twenty wings. I served Jaemi her share.

''Jaemi, you have to eat. You promised me.'' She eyed me, then the chicken before taking one tiny bite.

''Park Jaemi...where have I heard that name before?'' Daehyun thought biting into his drum stick.

''It's a pretty common name!'' Something didn't seem right to me.

A sudden spark flashed in Jaemi's eyes. ''...maybe you heard it on the radio...or t.v?'' She egged on.

''Would you look at the time?! We were supposed to be back by now. How about we bring the rest for Minho, and Taemin, hmm?''

''I think I did hear it on t.v...I just can't remember where?''

''Come on Jaemi!'' I didn't mean to cut our lunch short, but if Daehyun recognized her somehow I was a dead man. Jaemi's family must've put an ad on the news or something.

''It was nice meeting you Jaemi'' Daehyun bowed once I dragged her out of the store.

''Hand! Your hand! Stop! Don't touch me!!'' She was freaking out, and causing a scene. ''Help!!!'' Now everyone was watching. ''Somebody help me!!!!''

''What's going on over there?''

''Is she being kidnapped?''

People were closing in. I had to stop this. ''Honey! You're causing a scene.'' I forced my lips onto hers.

''Omo! Those kids are just playing around.''

''Couples these days!'' All the ahjummas, and ahjussi's waved.

I pulled away, and carried Jaemi over my shoulder. I couldn't deny that I've been dying to do that, but the circumstances were terrible. If anything I just betrayed her trust in me. I wished I had the ability to love her, to kiss her everyday in comfort. I wanted to hold her in my arms, but instead of her kicking, and screaming she would hold me, and tell me how much she loved me.

I love her

I'm hurting her

''I'm so sorry Jaemi...''

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b2utiful_exotic_sone #1
You should update and finish this story! It's almost to an end!! Please and thank you!!
Palabra_viva #2
Chapter 21: ok... this may sound really bad but I side with Jaemi. I wouldn't be able to love the child.... heck I probably would have considered abortion but when I think of it I would feel bad.... but I would hate to go through delivery, argh, that's horrible.....
please update already~
Heipaadeg #4
Chapter 19: YOU NEED TO UPDATE RIGHT NOW!!! This story is so sad and addictive.
SHE'S PREGNANT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agh. Minseok! Aigoo Onew-ah...;A; /le sobs
Breanna #8
Wow..This is a..I want to say its a good story, but with whats going on in the story I feel that that isn't what I should say..
I read the description and even the first half of the first chapter a few days ago and decided not to read it..and now I kind of wish that I would have stuck with that decision..Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not saying your writing is bad or anything like that, cause thats not what I think..I just tend to get...emotionally attached? Like, I read I story and get really into the story to the point that my imagination gets gets really into the story and my emotions get the best of me when my imagination runs like that XD And so I've been trying hard to not cry or get emotional while reading, and so thats why I..don't like this story.. I have become REALLY attached to this story and so now I HAVE to wait for you to write the rest of the story and I HAVE to read it to the end.
So..I want to tell you to keep up with the good work and write more soon, hwaiting!
Ugh that stupid sohyun!