Chapter 23

Taking Back What I Said

I was woken, again, by the attempts of my mother. It appeared to be happening just like yesterday. Only this time, it felt much earlier.

"You know, I'm glad you had a good date with Hyukjae but if you can't wake up for school, I'm going to have to say no more dates before a school day," my mom threatened with authority in her voice.  I knew she would follow through too.

"Okay I'm up!" I sat up quickly, glaring at her.

"Good. Now get ready for school," she called as she walked out of my bedroom.

I sighed since I was still tired and had no desire to go to school at all. Did I mention how much I hate Mondays? But I didn't have a choice so once I was ready, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Today I prepared my specialty: cereal and milk. To be honest I'm not a bad cook but I'm so tired that I can't even muster up enough energy to make anything else.

As I was lazily eating away at my meal, oppa came up to me and handed me some kind of paper. "A note from your Hyukkie," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm and a smirk on his face.

Too tired to think of a proper comeback, I stuck my tongue out at him and continued eating while reading the letter.


Did you have a good rest? I was lonely on the way to your house since you fell asleep. ;~; But you seemed tired and I didn't want to wake you. So when we reached your house I brought you to your room and now I'm writing you this note. I guess we will see each other in a little bit so I can take you to school. So until then.

Bye~ And I love you <3


I realized that somewhere in the middle of the note, I had stopped eating. Really this boy is too sweet for words. I decided that this week I would make him some really good lunches and some snacks after school for his practices. It is the least I could do.

As I was thinking about all the things I could do for him, I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see who it was.

"Awh Hae. I wanted to surprise you," Hyukkie said pouting.

"Hahaha. Sorry, but you are going to have to do better than that. I heard you the moment you walked through the door," I said while laughing.

"That's no fair," he said. "Well are you ready for school?"

"Physically, yes. Mentally, no," I replied.

"Well ready or not, we have to go," he said as he took hold of my hand and guided me out the door.


As if the fact that it was Monday wasn't bad enough, the lessons today are extremely boring. Since nothing has caught my attention yet, I decided to write a letter to Hyukkie since he wrote me one yesterday.


Thank you so much for the picnic date yesterday. Not only did you save me but I had tons of fun. And thank you for the note too. It made my morning so much better. So hopefully I can make your day a little brighter with my note. I hope you aren't peeking at it right now because that would ruin all the fun. But I should probably listen to Mrs. Kim before she gets mad at me for not paying attention.

<3 Love you too~


When I was done writing the note I folded it and put it away so I could slip it into his bag later.

Eventually lunch time came around and this is the perfect time to slip the note into his bag.

"Why don't you guys go on ahead. I need to finish this worksheet before I go to lunch," I lied.

"Okay. Do you want me to stay and wait with you?" Hyukkie asked.

"No it's okay. Why don't you go save us a table with Jae and Yunho?" I suggested.

"Alright if you say so," he said. "When you are done come and find us though." And with that he walked towards the cafeteria.

After waiting a little to make sure he wasn't coming back, I slipped the note in his bag and was about to leave the classroom but three girls quickly blocked my way.

"Well, well. If it isn't the little selfish brat," said Sooyeon. She is a girl in our class and is pretty popular if I'm not mistaken. The other two I didn't recognize but it wasn't necessary as neither or them chose to speak up.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I said with feigned courage. To be honest I was pretty scared. I didn't have any idea what was going on.

"Sure you don't. First you are all friendly with Eunhyuk and take up all his time. As if that wasn't enough for you, you had to go and become his girlfriend, not giving a single girl at this school a chance. Ever since the beginning he never even gave any of us a thought, it was all about you," she ranted on.

This reminded me of a time back in elementary school. It was a bad memory and I didn't really want to remember but hearing all of this was like deja vu.


Break had just started and while Hyukkie went off to play basketball, I tried to make new friends.

I walked up to a group of girls who were talking and asked if I could talk with them.

"Why should we talk with you?" on girl asked.

"Aren't you too good for us?" said another.

"You should go talk with Eunhyuk and the other boys." 

"They like you so much anyways."

And with that I was shunned from their group.

Not knowing what else to do, I walked to the edge of the school and sat down. I wasn't sure when I had started crying but for some reason I couldn't stop. I buried my head in my knees, hoping no one would notice how pathetic I looked.

Then I felt someone's hand on my knee. I was too afraid to look up though because of how I looked. But when I heard his voice, I knew I was safe.

"Hae, what's wrong? Today is such a beautiful day. You shouldn't be crying," Hyukkie said, his voice laced with sympathy.

Without saying a word I jumped into his embrace because it was there I felt loved and appreciated. Not dejected and loathed like those other girls made me feel.

End Flashback

In this moment I wished for him to come save me like the time when we were little.

"Hey are you even listening to me?" Sooyeon barked out at me, snapping me from my thoughts.

I didn't really know how to reply so I chose to stay silent.

Sooyeon looked at me and scoffed, "Not too strong without your little prince now are we?"

Then the door opened revealing Hyukkie and I had never been so relieved in my life.

"Are you okay Hae? I was wondering why you were taking so long," Hyukkie said.

Sooyeon and her friends quickly left out the open door before Hyukkie could even ask what happened. When he looked back to me though, a look of worry made its way to his face.

"Hae... Are you okay?" he asked again.

Still too shocked to form a proper sentence, I shook my head no and immediately found myself in Hyukkie's embrace.

"I don't know what happened, but it's okay now," he said comfortingly.

He always seems to know how to make me feel better.


A/N: Okay so I'm sorry for any typos, I just edited it but I literally finished typing this as my mom was walking out the door to go to dinner. 

Anyways~ I hope you guys like it. Hopefully it was worth the wait because I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. School is starting up again soon and I still have a lot of summer homework to do xP The story is almost finished anyways. I hope I can finish it before school starts.

And for those of you who know, yes, Sooyeon is Jessica's (SNSD) real name and I only made her an antagonist because she seemed to fit the character. I really have nothing against her or anything I just decided to use her name.

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Chapter 22 has been updated with an actual chapter! Make sure to check it out :D


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Ladyghai #1
Chapter 25: So cute! Hyuk so sweet with Hae! Omo!
Chapter 24: LOL he forgot to invite Hae xDD
jewelsvalencia #3
Chapter 24: Wowww, yay you're back! And i just found this story, it's good and i love how Hyukkie always make Hae feel protected ^^
Chapter 23: awww so cute! he saved her!!
Oooowww.... Cute~ <3
SHOOOOO COOT~~~ ;A; I seriously just want to hug EunHae right now ;~~;
eunhaeimnida #7
stick with the fluff :))
eunhaeimnida #8
stick with the fluff :))