Chapter 18

Taking Back What I Said

When I woke up the next day I smiled upon remembering what happened the day before. It was all real. Hyukkie is really my boyfriend now. I feel like the luckiest girl alive. Not only did I have the best friend ever, he managed to surprise me in the best way I could imagine.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that Hyukkie would be here at any moment to take me to school and I was still in my fish pajamas. It felt like the first day of school all over again when I got ready and made lunches for me and Hyukkie.

I felt like I needed to do more for him considering he does so much for me. This time though, I asked my mom to help me because I wanted it to taste really good instead of average which is what I'm usually only capable of by myself.

Just like any other day, Hyukkie let himself in but unlike normal, this time I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. I turned to look at him only to see his beaming face in front of mine.

"Good morning," he said to me as he placed a light kiss on my forehead.

My heart started beating like crazy as I felt my cheeks start to burn up. It only got worse however, when I realized that my mom was looking at us with a partially confused but mostly amused smile. I hadn't told her yet but I guess she was bound to find out eventually.

"Morning..." I mumbled back, still embarrassed about the whole situation.

"Good morning Hyukjae," my mom said to him before resuming her cooking. My mom loves Hyukkie, that much I know, and having known him since birth and being family friends, she is one of the few people who still call him Hyukjae.

"Good morning auntie," Hyukkie replied with a bright smile. "The food looks and smells really good as always."

"Why thank you," my mom said, clearly proud that Hyukkie complemented on her cooking.

Before Hyukkie had any more time to up to my mom, my dad arrived looking just as tired as ever.

"You owe me a dinner tonight mister," my mom suddenly said. I looked at both of them in confusion. It was unlike my mom to suddenly demand my dad to take her to dinner but my dad seemed to understand what he meant.

"Ahh~ So it finally happened," my dad nodded his head in understanding.

"What happened?" I asked more confused than ever.

"You and Hyukjae becoming a couple," my dad explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

I was completely shocked and judging by the look on Hyukkie's face, he was just as surprised.

"You guys made a bet on if Hyukkie and I were going to become a couple?!" I managed to choke out.

"Well to be more specific the bet was about when you two would become a couple. Your father didn't think you two would get your act together until after high school but I obviously just proved him otherwise. We both knew that you would get together though. It was just a matter of time. Which reminds me, Hyukjae, your parents need to be informed about this too. They also participated in our little wager. We could make it a double date!" my mom explained excitedly.

Now my jaw was officially on the floor as I stared at my parents. Weren't they ashamed about this at all??

"M-my parents were involved too??" Hyukkie asked. Equally, if not more, surprised than I was.

"Yep. Your mother agreed with me. I should go call her now!" my mom exclaimed as she ran out of the kitchen.

Suddenly Hyukkie's face lit up and I could have sworn I saw one of those little light bulbs switch on above his head. He asked my dad if he could talk to him for a little and then they both left for the living room, leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I stood there in shock for about five minutes before realizing that we still had to get to school. I hurriedly finished packing our lunched and went to go grab my backpack.

When I got to the front door it looked like Hyukkie and my dad had finished talking and we could now go to school. We bid good bye to my parents and arrived at school in no time. 

Once on campus we began walking straight to our class. I felt Hyukkie's hand reach out for mine and I smiled as I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. I was still shy about this whole thing but despite that, there was no way I would want to let go of the warmth of Hyukkie's hand.

Upon entering the classroom, all eyes were on us and it was really uncomfortable. I felt better though when Hyukkie gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and led us to the back of the classroom towards our seats.

Jae and Yunho were already there and they both had smirks on their faces. To be honest, it was creepy.

"Thanks Jaejoong for helping to make sure she went," Hyukkie said while throwing his arm over my shoulder. All this affection is going to take a while to get used to but there is no denying that I like it.

"No problem. She was pretty keen on going herself," Jae replied while continuing to smirk at me.

Then it hit me! "You knew?!?" I practically shouted in her face. Her smirk only got bigger if that was even possible.

"Of course I knew. So did Yunho," she said as if it was only obvious. I stared at them both in disbelief.

Before I could even retort we were approached by Sehun, Luhan, Kris and Kai.

"Congrats man," Kris said, patting Hyukkie on the back.

"Yeah, we are glad everything went as planned," Luhan continued on, sending me a warm smile.

"Thanks guys," Hyukkie said. "You were a big help"

"No problem. It was fun," Kai replied. Sehun stayed quiet but no one really minded. That was just his personality.

After chatting for a little, Mr. Park came in and we started another boring day at school. Somewhere in the middle of the lesson I saw a piece of paper slide onto my notes. I looked up at Hyukkie and he motioned for me to read it.

'You doing anything after school today? :)'

'Hmm.. Not that I can think of. Why?'

'Yay~ Let's go on a date!'

I looked up at him and he was smiling brightly. That actually seemed like a pretty good idea anyways since both of our parents will be going to dinner.

'Okay. Sounds fun :D'


A/N: Hehe lots of fluff. Thank you for all the lovely comments too guys. Each one of them made me smile and I'm so glad you guys liked it.

And I realized that I said the last chapter was long even though it wasn't really that long.. It just seemed long cuz it was jampacked with stuff. This one is actually quite long (for me) and I'm proud of myself. I'm going to try doing longer chapters from now on too :)

I do have a little announcement though. On Sunday I'm going off to camp so I added my best friend as co-author and she will update for me while I'm gone. It will still be my work but I will try to write as much as I can before I leave and she will just upload them for me. But that also means that it will not be daily updates because I can't imagine writing that much before I leave. So I apologize. But as soon as I get back I will try to get right back into the swing of things. :D Hope you liked this chapter~

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Chapter 22 has been updated with an actual chapter! Make sure to check it out :D


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Ladyghai #1
Chapter 25: So cute! Hyuk so sweet with Hae! Omo!
Chapter 24: LOL he forgot to invite Hae xDD
jewelsvalencia #3
Chapter 24: Wowww, yay you're back! And i just found this story, it's good and i love how Hyukkie always make Hae feel protected ^^
Chapter 23: awww so cute! he saved her!!
Oooowww.... Cute~ <3
SHOOOOO COOT~~~ ;A; I seriously just want to hug EunHae right now ;~~;
eunhaeimnida #7
stick with the fluff :))
eunhaeimnida #8
stick with the fluff :))