Chapter 12

Taking Back What I Said

As we got downstairs we saw Jae and Yunho on one side of my couch. My couch is pretty big and shaped like an “L” so all four of us can fit on it comfortably. Jae was sitting in between Yunho’s legs on one side and Hyukkie went to get comfy on the other side while I turned down the lights and started the movie.

We were watching How To Train Your Dragon. I love this movie! It's so cute and Yunho hasn’t seen it yet. Plus, everyone said that we couldn’t watch Finding Nemo again because we watch it too much. xD

After clicking play, I went to go sit next to Hyukkie. I let out another yawn as I was still really tired but I wanted to enjoy this movie with my friends so I just had to endure for a little while longer.

About 20 minutes in I could feel myself drifting off again. Hyukkie saw me again though and said, “Why don’t you rest Hae? You look really tired.”

“But I want to watch the movie with everyone else,” I tried whispering back to him.

“I know you have seen this movie like 10 times and so has Jae. Why don’t you just use my lap as a pillow and you can watch until you fall asleep,” he suggested.

I glanced at him to make sure he looked okay with this. It seemed okay so I gave in and got into a comfortable position across the couch. Hyukkie was playing with my hair and I only lasted about 5 minutes before drifting off into another one of the most peaceful sleeps I have had all summer.


The Next Day

“Hae wake up. We have to go back to school today,” Hyukkie said trying to wake me up.

I got up a little groggily, but quickly realized that it was morning and we had school today. I looked around and realized that Jae and Yunho were gone.

Hyukkie saw that I was confused and tried explaining. “Jaejoong and Yunho went home after the movie ended. You were still sleeping though and I couldn’t find it in me to wake you up. So when your parents came home, I asked them if I could sleep over and they said that it wasn’t a problem. So I slept here on the couch with you,” he told me.

My jaw must have been on the floor by now. Because of me, Hyukkie couldn’t move at all last night and he didn’t get a chance to go home. I felt so selfish. How is someone so perfect?

Hyukkie cut off my thoughts though when he said, “Okay Hae. We both have to get ready for school so I will go home and get ready. You should too and I will be back to pick you up okay?”

“Ah! Okay. I will see you in a little bit then. Thanks for staying last night,” I said with a slight blush.

“Haha. No problem. Like I said before, ‘what are friends for?’” he replied with a smile as he walked himself out.

I sighed once he was out the door. How did I end up with such an amazing friend anyways? He always does all these things for me but I feel like I don’t do anything for him. But he is coming back soon so I have to hurry and get ready.


A/N: There will be quite a bit more eunhae interaction from now on and the story will finally start picking up~ yay ^-^

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Chapter 22 has been updated with an actual chapter! Make sure to check it out :D


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Ladyghai #1
Chapter 25: So cute! Hyuk so sweet with Hae! Omo!
Chapter 24: LOL he forgot to invite Hae xDD
jewelsvalencia #3
Chapter 24: Wowww, yay you're back! And i just found this story, it's good and i love how Hyukkie always make Hae feel protected ^^
Chapter 23: awww so cute! he saved her!!
Oooowww.... Cute~ <3
SHOOOOO COOT~~~ ;A; I seriously just want to hug EunHae right now ;~~;
eunhaeimnida #7
stick with the fluff :))
eunhaeimnida #8
stick with the fluff :))