Five Years Later

Shining Debut

Hahahaha I've skipped ahead. Let the first part of the epilogue begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><




I picked up my ringing phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yah, Kylie, don't you have caller I.D. by now?" he teased.

"Oh, Taemin, what's up?" I asked. I could hear him laugh on the other end and I smiled. He was still so cute yet manly and hot at the same time.

"I want to go out today, just the two of us," he whined. It was my turn to giggle.

"Um, okay. But first," I began. He groaned.

"What is it?" he asked warily.

"I want you to sing something for me," I told him.

"What song? Is it one of our's?" he asked. I shook my head even though he couldn't see me.

"The song I choose is.... "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney. I haven't heard that in a long time, not since I was little," I requested. He sighed.

"Do you want Jonghyun to play the guitar in the background?" I could hear him call his hyung over. I couldn't tell what they were saying. It was another minute or two before Taemin spoke to me again.

"Looks like it's going to be a double date. Tell Clover-ssi," he told me. I laughed.

"Okay. One second." I put down the phone.

"Clover get your down here!" I yelled. She ran down the stairs of our new dorm.

"What? What's happening? Please tell me you didn't cook again!" she rambled even though she was out of breath. I rolled my eyes. My cooking wasn't that bad.

"Double date. Today. You, me Taemin, and Jonghyun oppa," I explained. Her eyes went wide and she squealed. 

"Oh, what should I wear? There's the green dress, and the skinny jeans and pink shirt, oh too much!" she went on and on. I blocked out her problems and picked up the phone again.

"She says okay," I said.

"I could hear," Taemin chuckled.




"I'm doing this because I love you, okay?" 

I smiled. He took a breath as the guitar began.

"I don't want another pretty face,

I don't want just anyone to hold,

I don't want my love to go to waste,

I want you and your beautiful soul.

You're the one I want to chase,

You're the one I want to hold,

I won't let another minute go to waste,

I want you and your beautiful soul." he sang in English. His English had gotten a lot better recently.

(Author's note: Okay. Go listen to the song. Now. I order you to. Now picture adorable / hot Taemin oppa singing this. I can't help but think this should be one of his next solos. >< Please, Taemin oppa. Sing this song!!!!!!!)

"Woo!" I cheered into the phone, "Thank you!"

"I'll pick you up in an hour. We are going to dinner, okay? See you then," he said.

"Okay. I love you Taemin!" I agreed into the phone with my excessive aegyo.

"I love you too~" he sang and hung up. I turned to face the still-talking-to-herself Clover.

"One hour. Get ready," I told her. I walked down the hall to my room. It was painted blue with white furniture, almost like a kid's room. I was twenty-two years old with the bedroom of a two-year-old. I still loved it. I had SHINee posters taped all over the walls. I had drawn hearts around Taemin's picture - several times.

I walked to my closet and pulled out a ruffley grey skirt and a hot pink tee-shirt with black writing all across the front of it. I wore black tights underneath it and short grey boots. I put on the locket that Taemin had given me so long ago. I looked at my hair in the mirror. It was too bad Angel and Yuri weren't there, that left me with Clover to fix my hair for me.

I suddenly thought about Kaname. I hadn't seen her for almost three years. She had kept on causing problems in the company, so she was finally kicked out of Fleurs. We were now a four member group, and it had worked out a lot better in the end. Last time I had talked to her, she had been on a date with Joon- yes, Joon. They were perfect together.

I walked upsatirs to Clover's room to find her in a mint green dress that ended just above her knees. She turned around to face me after I opened her door. Her light brown hair was up in a loose bun.

"Let me guess. You're hair?" she giggled. I nodded. I was the only member of Fleurs that still had not completely dyed their hair. I had had streaks before and that silver added during our promotions for "Heaven," but that was it.

She led me to sit on her bed. She put it up into that ponytail that I loved so much. I smiled up at her when she had finished. It was going to be a fun day.

If only I knew....










I will miss Kylie and Fleurs. :'(

Part two coming soon.

Definitely not today.

Possibly tomorrow.

But I really don't know.

from your evil author,


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Story: Complete! :D


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Hii!! n_n I loved your fanfic, evil author!! XD (I wanted a girlfriend for Onew because he's my bias... T-T, but I still love the story) I think the end was very quick... I wanted Kaname and Kylie fougth or something like that xD (¬_¬ I didn't expect that for Kaname... She was Kylie's friend... She was my friend T-T) But I still love the story xD
(Well, before someone kill me, I should say I'm spanish... So I'm sorry for my bad english, I can read but no write v_v" I'll keep studying xD)
sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
i love it <3<3<3
its really beautiful
u know u should make a sequal
of them getting married and having beautiful kids =3
anyway i should say you are an amazing writer and do your best
keep it up FIGHTING !
saranghae <3<3<3<3
Waaahh cute :3
I love this story soo much! I'm so sad that it's finished!! But, congrats on finishing your first fan fic and cant wait to read more fan fics written by you! ^^ :D
squinny #5
Thank you for the great story. I'm sad it is over, but the length made the pace of it perfect. ^_^
Ihh!! My name is Emilie!! xD
But eh.. I wish my last name was Choi.. Ugh - Minho!! <3
poor Minho! i hope he finds someone that loves him back.
ugh! Joon needs to disappear!