17 not 18

Shining Debut

I sat in the back of Fleurs' van, along with Umma, Appa, Jonghyun, and him. I glared at the back of Umma's head. Not one of us was speaking. Finally, my dad broke the silence.

"So, are we going to meet all of your friends soon?" he asked. He looked back to where Joon and I were sitting in the very back.

"Most of them," I said, "but SHINee is in Japan right now, so you won't get to meet Onew oppa, Jonghyun oppa, Key oppa, Minho oppa, or my Taemin oppa." Umma and Joon both turned to look at me.

"Your Taemin oppa? Oh right! He's one of your close friends right?" Umma said and acted relieved. I nodded.

"Not only close friends. He is my boyfriend!" I crossed my arms. Joon's eyes went wide behind his glasses.

"Boy - Boyfriend?" he cried.

"Kylie, did you forget the deal we made?" Umma asked.

"No, I did not," I replied. When I had first entered high school, my parents told me that if I didn't have a boyfriend by the time I was 18, then they would pick who I would marry. The deal was stupid, and I had realized that, but they kept on bugging me so I finally had to give in. They only made it seem like I had a choice to agree or not.

"Well, maybe if you had started dating before you turned eighteen, then we wouldn't have a problem. You knew what was going to happen," Umma sighed. I kicked the back of her seat.

"Umma! My birthday isn't for another two months! I'm only seventeen! How could you forget? You didn't even come to our debut stage. Neither of you did!" I raged. I blew my bangs out of my face. All of the other member's parents had been there - even Clover's parents who lived in America. I let all of my anger for them out at once. I had been excited when I first heard that they were coming, but this was a totally new story.

"Well, you know that we were busy with work," she explained, "but we'll see your new stage. Are you popular?" I rolled my eyes.

"That's not the point! Taemin and I are dating, and I'm still seventeen! So the deal is off!" I huffed and leaned back against the seat.

"Kylie, don't be like this," Appa finally cut in. I raised my eyebrows.

"Appa, not you too!" I whined and pouted. He sighed, disappointed in my actions.

"Joon's parents have already agreed. He can't just go back," he told me, "but I guess there is one thing." I perked up.

"What is it?" I asked eagerly.

"Yeah, Kwangsun, what is it?" my umma chimed in, obviously mad.

"Why don't you date both of them until your eighteenth birthday?" he suggested, "And then you can decide then?"

I didn't see any other way to avoid it. It was either Appa's idea or be automatically engaged to Joon. I chose Appa's way. I shot daggers at Joon out of the corner of my eye.

"Fine," I said, turning back to him, "but what do you think Unnie will have to say about this?" I waited for their reaction.

"Oh yeah, Hyuna," Umma remembered. I shook my head. I hoped Jonghyun would have a better relationship with our parents than my sister and I did. If not, I hoped that Hyuna and I would be closer to him, just like Hyuna was to me.

"It will be fine. But you two need to get to know each other, so why don't you take him to a cafe or show him around Seoul. He's been living in Taiwan for the past ten years," Appa said. The car stopped to let us out almost immediately.

"Seoul is pretty large... He might get lost..." I trailed off and looked at him for a second, "you know what, let's go." I unfastened the seatbelt and got out of the car. Joon followed. Umma and Appa waved and sped off.

"Some parents they are," I sighed. I began to walk down the street. I didn't really care if he followed me or not. I just hoped that nobody noticed me walking with a strange boy and took pictures. Who was I kidding - I was all dressed up and he was walking right beside me!

"Kylie-ah," he finally spoke, " where are we going?" I stopped and turned to face him with my arms crossed.

"Why did you just speak to me informally?" I asked. I tried to remember how long it had been since we met. Was it ten minutes?

"We used to talk like that all the time! You called me 'oppa,' remember? You've really grown since then!" he smiled, recalling something that I couldn't.

"What?" I was confused. This was my first time meeting him.

"I have never met you before," I said, "What are you talking about?" He looked shocked.

"You don't remember me? We used to see each other every day when we were little," he explained, a little hurt. I shook my head.

"No way. I would remember something like that!" I said defiantly.

"Oh! I have a picture!" he exclaimed and pulled out his wallet. He showed me a picture of myself when I was about five with a younger version of him. I knew that it was me. I still had the necklace that I was wearing in the picture. I grabbed it from him.

"No way...." I whispered. I started running to the place the picture was taken. It was a cafe that I often went to during middle and high school. The sign could clearly be seen in the photograph. I heard Joon following me.

"Wait up! Kylie!" he yelled. People turned to stare at us. I eventually reached the place. Joon appeared next to me, panting. He looked up.

"Oh, it's here," he said. I glanced from the picture to him, and then back and forth again.

"Changsun oppa?" I asked finally. They had different names, but he could have changed it. He smiled and nodded.

"You remember?" he asked. I blinked.

I remembered that I used to play with a boy who lived near us a lot, and his name was Changsun. He's the only person that I've called oppa that wasn't in SHINee or Super Junior. I didn't remember much more than that, though.

"Not much," I admitted.

"Why don't we eat?" he suggested. A few minutes later, we were sitting at a table outside with two plates of food. I had a chicken sandwich.

"How old are you? You're older than me," I asked him, curious. He laughed,

"Guess you don't remember much! I'm twenty-two," he said. I frowned.

"That's five years older than me," I sighed. That was a much larger than Taemin and I.

"So who is your boyfriend anyway? I want to know who my Kylie likes," he asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Your Kylie? I don't belong to you," I corrected him. He laughed.

"But you're my fiancee!" he retorted.

"No, I'm not."

"Not yet, but your parents seem to think so."

"You'll meet him in a few days. He's much better than you!" I growled, "If he's knows who you are, he probably won't let you live if Minho oppa and Key oppa agree with him, because then Onew oppa and Jonghyun oppa will help too!" I stuck my tongue out.

"Aigoo, you're so cute!" he giggled and ruffled my hair. It was not the response that I had been hoping for.



I just found out that Lee Joon acted in Ninja Assassin!!!!! O.O I watched a few clips. Hehe. He had a shaved head.

from your evil author, 



I really want to know what you think of the story so far!!!!

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Story: Complete! :D


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Hii!! n_n I loved your fanfic, evil author!! XD (I wanted a girlfriend for Onew because he's my bias... T-T, but I still love the story) I think the end was very quick... I wanted Kaname and Kylie fougth or something like that xD (¬_¬ I didn't expect that for Kaname... She was Kylie's friend... She was my friend T-T) But I still love the story xD
(Well, before someone kill me, I should say I'm spanish... So I'm sorry for my bad english, I can read but no write v_v" I'll keep studying xD)
sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
i love it <3<3<3
its really beautiful
u know u should make a sequal
of them getting married and having beautiful kids =3
anyway i should say you are an amazing writer and do your best
keep it up FIGHTING !
saranghae <3<3<3<3
Waaahh cute :3
I love this story soo much! I'm so sad that it's finished!! But, congrats on finishing your first fan fic and cant wait to read more fan fics written by you! ^^ :D
squinny #5
Thank you for the great story. I'm sad it is over, but the length made the pace of it perfect. ^_^
Ihh!! My name is Emilie!! xD
But eh.. I wish my last name was Choi.. Ugh - Minho!! <3
poor Minho! i hope he finds someone that loves him back.
ugh! Joon needs to disappear!