Unnie and Oppa

Shining Debut

Sorry for not updating for a while. It was my friend's birthday so I was at her party. I ate way too much candy! >.<

WARNING: Cheesy romantic scene ahead!



I was realeased from the hospital later the following day. I had instructions not to work too hard, and to change the few remaining bandages every day. I brought a bottle of painkillers back to the dorm. I called my parents, who really did seem worried. The call lasted for almost an hour, and I knew it would be expensive.

My friends had talked to my parents before, but they forgot to call one important person - my older sister. That night, Kim HyunA burst through our door.

"Where is she?" she called.

I looked up to see her standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She glared at me and I turned away in a lame attempt to hide.

"Kim Kylie!" she shouted, "how could you not tell me you were in an accident? I didn't know about for three days!"

"Unnie, I'm sorry, I didn't know!" I squeaked. She had scary eyes when she was angry. They had often been directed at me when we were younger. 

"I just found out ten minutes ago! And I was on the other side of Seoul! Do you know how many drivers I got to hate me today?" she cried. She came over and started pinching and stretching my cheeks.

"Unnie - Ow! - I didn't know - really! You can - Ow Ow Ow! - stop that!" I slapped her hands away. I shielded my face with Mint, the turtle I had gotten from Taemin.

"Sorry, I guess I went to far?" Hyuna laughed awkwardly.

I just glared at her while rubbing my sore cheek.

"Where did you get that?" she asked, pointing to Mint. I blushed.

"Taemin oppa," I told her. Her eyes lit up.

"Wah, he got you a stuffed animal? You guys are so cute! So I'm guessing you guys made up?" she giggled. I nodded.

"I think we might have, hopefully," I said.

"That's great! Oh, do you mind if I leave? I left in the middle of a show," she asked.

"Yeah, of course! Bye, Unnie!" I said while hugging her. She waved and walked out of my room.

Angel made my and Yuri's favorite foods for dinner - kimbap, steak burritos, and rice, lots of rice and soy sauce. We all ate together, the members and I, and we watched movies late into the night. We alternated between Yuri's horrors and my drama DVD's. We watched Dracula, some werewolf movie, and few episodes of Goong. Both lead actors were so cool!

We finally fell asleep at almost two in the morning. I decided to sleep late into the day. That idea was ruined when Angel knocked on my door at seven.

"Hey, can you take care of yourself and Yuri today? Clover, Kaname, and I all have stuff to do," she asked.

"Sure," I sighed and pushed off the blanket, "It's not like I have anything better to do."

"That's the spirit! We're leaving now, okay?" she grinned and left the room. I stood up and did my morning stretches before changing into a soft and fuzzy electric blue sweater and black and white striped skinny jeans.

I took Yuri her breakfast of grapefruit and greek yogurt. Why couldn't she just eat cereal and toast like everyone else - or maybe even a bagel? She was complaining for every second I was in her room even though she had snacks, a TV, books, her music player, and her phone, on which she was constantly texting. I knew it would be a very long day.

I sat on the couch for the rest of the morning, watching various dramas and variety shows while trying to ignore Yuri's music and blaring television. I was starving by lunchtime. I made myself tomato soup. Yuri refused to eat it until I refused to make anything else.  She realized I was serious when she didn't get the tuna she wanted after an hour. She finally ate the soup.

I wasted half of the afternoon the same way as the morning. At two, I recieved a text. It read, "Can I come over?" It was from Taemin. I quickly typed back, "yes" and went to put my hair up. It turned out much worse than how the other members did it, but when I asked Yuri to, she just looked at me as if I was crazy. I ended up leaving it down, letting it fall to my waist.

Soon, I heard a knock at the door. I ran to open it. Taemin stood there. I saw that he had pierced his ear.

"Hey." He waved. I smiled.

"Hey to you," i said and pushed a strand of hair out of my face. I stepped to the side to let him in. He immediately walked to the couch and sat down. I sat in a pink chair opposite him. He sighed.

"What is it?" I asked. He seemed lost, like he didn't know how to word something.

"I.... I want to apologize, for, well, you know what I said," he mumbled, "Can you be friend again?"

"Of course! You're my best friend! But, why did you say that?" I asked, very curious. I didn't care if I was the cat about to be killed; I just wanted to know - so i pounced on the subject.

"That's what I was going to tell you next," Taemin sighed again. he twisted an armband around his wrist.

"Okay," I prompted him.

"Well, to be honest, I liked Kaname noona," he confessed and my heart sank, "or at least I thought I did." My heart returned to normal. He thought he had been in love with Kaname?

"You know how when you start seeing someone as an actual girl - not just a friend? Well, I guess in your case it would be a boy, not a girl," he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I do," I agreed. Oh, if only he knew!

"I started to see you that way, but I still saw aname more. Then I was confused when I saw her less and less, so when I saw you and Zak, I guess it made me snap. It made me so angry; I'm not quite sure what the feeling was. So I panicked and yelled at you. I felt terrible afterwards!" he began to ramble on and on. My eyes went wide. Was he saying what I thought he was saying?

"And then I realized that I really, really like you. I think I'm in love with you actually. So then, after I heard about the accident, I rushed to the hospital. They said you would wake up soon, but you didn't! I thought what I yelled that day would be the last thing I ever said to you, and you would hate me forever!" Taemin said the words, his voice cracking towards the end. He was blinking a lot again.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Taemin was in love.... with me? Was that the moon I saw below me? Or maybe I was on Cloud Nine.

"Taemin oppa...." I whispered, not trusting myself not to jump up and shriek and dance. He looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I shouldn't have suddenly told you something like that." He stood up, so I quickly followed him.

"No, oppa, it's just that," I paused for second, "I've loved you for a really long time now and.... what you said then - I don't care, it doesn't matter!" I grabbed his arm.

"Kylie," he said, looking into my eyes, "Is it really true?" He seemed doubtful. I knew that I thought I was dreaming.

"Of course it is you idiot!" I insisted. The old Taemin was finally back and I was thrilled. He smiled with all of his teeth showing. He stayed for another hour or so, and we were talking the entire time.

Reluctantly, he stood up to leave.

"Hey, Kylie? It's time for me to go now," Taemin said.

"Okay," I stood as well, "I have a question though. Are we.... you know...." I wasn't quite sure how to phrase it; I wanted to ask if we were dating. I didn't want to sound to eager, right?

"Together?" Taemin grinned broadly, "I thought we were when we both said we liked each other." He took a step closer to me and I had to look up.

"Do you want me to make it official?" he teased, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Yet again, my dense nature was showing through. Taemin laughed quietly and bent down. Our lips met. It was different than kissing Minho; it was much better. Minho was like my brother, but Taemin was my boyfriend. Shivers went down my spine as I put my arms around his neck. He pulled away much too soon. We stood there somewhat awkwardly before we said our final goodbyes and he left.

Yuri walked into the living room just as the door shut.

"Was someone here?" she asked. I started laughing.

"What? What's so funny?" she cried, which made me laugh harder.

"What? Tell me!" Yuri crossed her arms, awkwardly, considering she was balancing on crutches.

"You'll find out soon enough, I promise!" I shouted. I flopped down on the rug. She poked me in the stomach with her crutches.

That night, I told the members about Taemin and I. They were all happy for me; only Angel was worried about what would happen if it went public. I didn't really care. The fans would have to put up with it whether they wanted to or not!



Don't say I didn't warn you about the cheesy romantic scene. What did you think about it?


from your evil author,


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Story: Complete! :D


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Hii!! n_n I loved your fanfic, evil author!! XD (I wanted a girlfriend for Onew because he's my bias... T-T, but I still love the story) I think the end was very quick... I wanted Kaname and Kylie fougth or something like that xD (¬_¬ I didn't expect that for Kaname... She was Kylie's friend... She was my friend T-T) But I still love the story xD
(Well, before someone kill me, I should say I'm spanish... So I'm sorry for my bad english, I can read but no write v_v" I'll keep studying xD)
sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
i love it <3<3<3
its really beautiful
u know u should make a sequal
of them getting married and having beautiful kids =3
anyway i should say you are an amazing writer and do your best
keep it up FIGHTING !
saranghae <3<3<3<3
Waaahh cute :3
I love this story soo much! I'm so sad that it's finished!! But, congrats on finishing your first fan fic and cant wait to read more fan fics written by you! ^^ :D
squinny #5
Thank you for the great story. I'm sad it is over, but the length made the pace of it perfect. ^_^
Ihh!! My name is Emilie!! xD
But eh.. I wish my last name was Choi.. Ugh - Minho!! <3
poor Minho! i hope he finds someone that loves him back.
ugh! Joon needs to disappear!