
Our Love Is Unbreakable



Yeohee looked up. It was Yongguk.

He gave her his signature gummy smile and her heart fluttered.

*Whatthe?! Why is my heart reacting this way?* Yeonhee mentally cursed.

She slightly nodded and Yongguk was surprised she acknowledged his presence,

Yongguk snickered, leaned in and whispered, "You look hot today."

Yeonhee blushed for a moment and then shoved him off. "ERT!" She screamed.

Everyone turned to look at them.

"Sorry." She mumbled and sat down.

Yongguk rubbed his elbow and whimpered, "Ouch. Aren't you gonna help me up?"

"Get up yourself. You have hands and legs." Yeonhee rolled her eyes.

"But my hand is injured!"

"Sorry, but this doesn't work on me."

"Touche. Plan failed." He snickered and then got up.

He accidentally kicked a chair and injured his foot.

"OWWWWWW!" He yelped in pain as he hopped around on one foot.

"Just sit down!" Yeonhee hissed,

"Wow. Suddenly, I don't feel pain anymore. Is it because I'm sitting beside a big beauty?" Yongguk teased.

"Shut up."

"You're blushing aren't you? Huh huh? Hahaha!" Yongguk laughed.

Yeonhee hated the fact that he was right.

Lately, her heart has been acting weirdly around him.

*. Am I falling in love with him? .*

Yeonhee closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Yongguk saw her sleeping and laid his head on the table too, gazing at her back view.

"Look at those two. Is Yongguk staring at Yeonhee? I think they're in love. Haha." Students whispered and Yeonhee heard that.

*I shouldn't get to close too him. Rumors would start spreading.*

After school ended, Yeonhee packed her bag in a hurry and scurried off before Yongguk could stop her.

Yeonhee tried her best to avoid Yongguk whenever she could.

When she saw him, she would pretend that she didn't see him and just walk pass him.

When Yongguk , she would just ignore him and not retaliate.

Yongguk thought it was strange and scratched his head. *What happened to her? She used to scold me when I but now? She is ignoring me and avoiding me like I'm some alien.*

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Chapter 17: Well... this was.....eventful~~
Chapter 17: Hehe kamsahamnida! xD
Chapter 17: so adorable :'D <3
Hehe he's just so adorable right xD
Chapter 14: Ohh~ so cute.. love zelo very much..
Chapter 11: Huh!! That girl. Poor Bang~
Hehehe did you like it? Please check out my other fanfics if you have time! ~ xD
Chapter 17: ㅇㅅㅇ what a twist. Anyways, I feel sorry for gukkie O: ^^~
Chapter 1: Whoa nearly had a heart attack when I saw ForeverRainbow. Im sure that it's another person, but I still happy nonetheless LOOOL <3 now off to reading~
Wa blingforever siol! Beipan byunghun! Haha thanks for commenting anyways <3 must subscribe and comment more ok! Haha! How was it anyways? Hehe!