The Plan

Our Love Is Unbreakable


"After putting this here, and these cables there, it willl be done." Yongguk stared at the huge object in front of him.

It was a robot.

After one more hour, it was finally done.

He pressed the hidden switch and the robot came to life.

"Annyeong, Zelo imnida."

"Perfect." Yongguk rubbed his hands in glee.

His plan was: Using Zelo, A.K.A Choi Junhong to 'seduce' Yeonhee and then after Yeonhee falls in love with Zelo, he will break her heart.

"Zelo-ya, call me Yongguk hyung from today onwards. Arasso?"

"Ne, Yongguk hyung." Zelo's robotic voice echoed the room.

"Great." He then pressed another button, which was to make Zelo sound like a real human.

Yongguk already installed a new software into Zelo, which was to make Zelo have feelings, and to love, eat, laugh, sleep, play, just like a normal human being.

"I shall enroll you into my class tomorrow. I will introduce you to the boys too."

"Arasso, Yongguk hyung." Zelo spoke in a deep but adorable voice.

"Let's recharge you now." He plugged a cable into a socket and immediately, Zelo said in a robotic voice, "Shutdown, sorry." He closed his eyes and Yongguk went to switch off the lights of the secret place.

It was actually just a small house with a living room and a room, that was located not far away from his house.

*Kim Yeonhee. Jung Daehyun. I've said this before, and I'll make sure you, Kim Yeonhee especially you, for doing this to me.* Yongguk clenched his fist and proceeded home.

He took a quick shower and slumped down on his bed.

*I'm looking forward to what will happen. Kekeke.*

Smirking to himself, he covered himself with his blanket and fell into a deep slumber.


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Chapter 17: Well... this was.....eventful~~
Chapter 17: Hehe kamsahamnida! xD
Chapter 17: so adorable :'D <3
Hehe he's just so adorable right xD
Chapter 14: Ohh~ so cute.. love zelo very much..
Chapter 11: Huh!! That girl. Poor Bang~
Hehehe did you like it? Please check out my other fanfics if you have time! ~ xD
Chapter 17: ㅇㅅㅇ what a twist. Anyways, I feel sorry for gukkie O: ^^~
Chapter 1: Whoa nearly had a heart attack when I saw ForeverRainbow. Im sure that it's another person, but I still happy nonetheless LOOOL <3 now off to reading~
Wa blingforever siol! Beipan byunghun! Haha thanks for commenting anyways <3 must subscribe and comment more ok! Haha! How was it anyways? Hehe!