
Our Love Is Unbreakable


"Two hours. You can do anything you want and I don't care what it is as long as you don't make any unecessary noise that wake me up from my nap. Araso?" The teacher-in-charge locked the door, snorted and went to the teachers' desk.

"Idiot." Yeonhee muttered.

Yongguk smirked.

Yeonhee took out her iPod and blasted music into her ears.

*Touche.* Yongguk smirked again, this time a wider one.

"Wipe that smirk off your face." Yeonhee said.

"You have been looking at me huh?" Yongguk teased.

"Shut up." She spat.

*Aigoo. That temper of her is still as fiery as ever. That's what I like about her.*

After a while, Yeonhee yanked out her earpiece and yawned.


A mischievous grin crept up her face as she saw the teacher-in-charge and some markers by the whiteboard.

She crept stealthily to the whiteboard, grabbed the markers swiftly and proceeded with her plan.

*Aishh. So much drool. How old is this old man anyways? Who cares.*

She gently scribbled some words on his forehead and she chuckled softly, pleased by her 'masterpiece'.

*What is she doing?* Yongguk tilted his head curiously and approached Yeonhee.


"Shh! You wouldn't want to wake him up!" Yeonhee whispered fiercely.

"Ahh I see what you are doing. I wanna join too!" Yongguk said gleefully.

"What a kid. Okay then." Yeonhee rolled her eyes then handed him a marker.

They had fun doodling on the teacher's face and time passed by swiftly before they realized it.

They scrambled back to their seats when they noticed the teacher's eyebrows twitching.

"Oh. It's been two hours. Leave now." The teacher checked his watch and unlocked the door.

*Finally! Freedom!* Yeonhee smiled, hi-fived Yongguk and rushed off to find her friends.

*Wow. It's actually the first time I saw her smile. She can't wait to leave me huh. But what was that for ..?* He stared at his hand for a while, smirked and slung his bagpack over his shoulder and went to the cafe to search for his friends.

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Chapter 17: Well... this was.....eventful~~
Chapter 17: Hehe kamsahamnida! xD
Chapter 17: so adorable :'D <3
Hehe he's just so adorable right xD
Chapter 14: Ohh~ so cute.. love zelo very much..
Chapter 11: Huh!! That girl. Poor Bang~
Hehehe did you like it? Please check out my other fanfics if you have time! ~ xD
Chapter 17: ㅇㅅㅇ what a twist. Anyways, I feel sorry for gukkie O: ^^~
Chapter 1: Whoa nearly had a heart attack when I saw ForeverRainbow. Im sure that it's another person, but I still happy nonetheless LOOOL <3 now off to reading~
Wa blingforever siol! Beipan byunghun! Haha thanks for commenting anyways <3 must subscribe and comment more ok! Haha! How was it anyways? Hehe!