
Our Love Is Unbreakable


The alarm went off.

Yongguk held out his long arm and smashed the alarm clock.

*Another day of school.* He sighed.

He didn't like going to school even though he was the valedictorian of his class. He didn't even like studying. *Guess I'm born a genius.* He smirked.

He splashed cold water on his face and looked into the mirror. "Gosh, why am I so hot?"

He took a quick shower and put on his freshly ironed uniform.

After a quick breakfast, he hopped onto his motorcycle and rode to school.

Upon arriving at school, girls squealed as they crowded around Yongguk.

He gave them his signature gummy smile and strode into the school.

"Yongguk! Over here!" His friends spotted him and waved him over.

"Enjoying the limelight as usual huh?" Himchan smirked.

"Of course! I'm Mr. Popular afterall. Who doesn't like me?" Yongguk laughed.

"Her." Youngjae pointed to a girl sitting alone a few tables away from them.

"Kim Yeonhee. She is sure a tough one. Playing hard to get huh? She will be mine one day." Yongguk grinned mischievously.


First chapter omg! I know I'm lacking but I'll do my best! you please subscribe and comment! Kamsahamnida! <3

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Chapter 17: Well... this was.....eventful~~
Chapter 17: Hehe kamsahamnida! xD
Chapter 17: so adorable :'D <3
Hehe he's just so adorable right xD
Chapter 14: Ohh~ so cute.. love zelo very much..
Chapter 11: Huh!! That girl. Poor Bang~
Hehehe did you like it? Please check out my other fanfics if you have time! ~ xD
Chapter 17: ㅇㅅㅇ what a twist. Anyways, I feel sorry for gukkie O: ^^~
Chapter 1: Whoa nearly had a heart attack when I saw ForeverRainbow. Im sure that it's another person, but I still happy nonetheless LOOOL <3 now off to reading~
Wa blingforever siol! Beipan byunghun! Haha thanks for commenting anyways <3 must subscribe and comment more ok! Haha! How was it anyways? Hehe!