
Our Love Is Unbreakable


Mr. Lim entered the classroom and banged on the whiteboard to get the class's attention.

Everyone stopped what they were doing immediately and turned to the front.

Everyone in the classroom was smart but not as smart as Yongguk and Yeonhee. They topped the level for every examinations, with Yongguk as first and Yeonhee as second.

"Ok, I will return you your maths test. Bang Yongguk, as usual, full marks. Congrats. Kim Yeonhee, full marks as well." Mr Lim beamed.

Yeonhee got up and got her test paper. She rolled her eyes, scrunched the test paper and threw it on the ground.

Yongguk got his test paper and smirked.

He saw what Yeonhee had done and smirked. "Feisty huh?"

Yeonhee rolled her eyes and cracked her knucles. "You aching for a beating?"

"Aishh as bad-tempered as ever." Yongguk snickered.

"You got a problem with that?" Yeonhee glared at him.

"Nope, I have a problem with you." He winked.

"What the ." Yeonhee hissed.

"Kim Yeonhee! Bang Yongguk! Stay back for detention after school! I just praised you two and now creating trouble?" Mr Lim raised his eyebrow and continued scribbling on the whiteboard.

*Yes! Plan succeeded!* Yongguk smirked triumphantly.

"Argh great. Now I have to stay back with this loser." Yeonhee growled.

"I heard that!" Yongguk said.

"I said it loud enough for you to hear." Yeonhee smirked.


The bell rang and students rushed out of their classrooms like there was no tomorrow.

Yeonhee packed her bag and turned around to leave when Yongguk stopped her. "What now?" Yeonhee spat irritably.

"Detention. Remember? STM huh?" Yongguk teased.

"." Yeonhee rolled her eyes.

She walked in front while Yongguk stayed close behind her.

"Stop following me." Yeonhee turned around and hissed.

"Was not. Going to the staff room aren't you? Same direction." Yongguk casually shrugged.

"Pshh." Yeonhee snorted.

Yongguk smirked and continued walking.

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Chapter 17: Well... this was.....eventful~~
Chapter 17: Hehe kamsahamnida! xD
Chapter 17: so adorable :'D <3
Hehe he's just so adorable right xD
Chapter 14: Ohh~ so cute.. love zelo very much..
Chapter 11: Huh!! That girl. Poor Bang~
Hehehe did you like it? Please check out my other fanfics if you have time! ~ xD
Chapter 17: ㅇㅅㅇ what a twist. Anyways, I feel sorry for gukkie O: ^^~
Chapter 1: Whoa nearly had a heart attack when I saw ForeverRainbow. Im sure that it's another person, but I still happy nonetheless LOOOL <3 now off to reading~
Wa blingforever siol! Beipan byunghun! Haha thanks for commenting anyways <3 must subscribe and comment more ok! Haha! How was it anyways? Hehe!