Perhaps it's something

Art Geeks


Wednesday means it was already the middle of the week. It also means Dong Hae has not done any work for the internship task. He was supposed to be getting back the result for his history test also. It was going to be a GREAT day.


That afternoon found Dong Hae in the dark room, just making more prints from the numerous pictures he had taken in the past. The methodic work was soothing in the silence. This was one of the times he can truly experience the beauty of photography.


Then, the idea hit him.


Beauty. Beauty!


It can be anything to anyone! A lot of people do not have time to appreciate the beauty that goes on in their lives. Like a smile from a stranger, simple passion for the work they do, the curve of the handle of a teacup, a light bulb, anything really. Anything that involved some history and some time before humanity got to this stage.


It would not be something cliché like a sunset or something.


And if this was for the internship, he can use it for the art exhibition too! It would be graded by Mario so he would know what to improve on before the show instead of blindly going for it and hoping he gets good response. That’s it!


Dong Hae was in a good mood when the bell rang to signal the end of the school day and went to find Hyuk Jae after storing his prints carefully.


He was met with the sight of Hyuk Jae blowing into the glass pipe. His arms straining to support the heavy blower, his cheeks puffing continuously as he blew and beads of perspiration on his forehead.


It was a sight to reckon. His expression was the slight pinch of concentration as he worked. His milky white skin on display as he was in a wife beater, made translucent by his sweat. Dong Hae hastily got his camera out and snapped a photo just as Hyuk Jae blew another puff of air in and removed the hot glass from the furnace.


There were a few other zealous people remaining to work on their pieces but Hyuk Jae was the only one that captured Dong Hae’s full attention.


“Hey!” Hyuk Jae called out over the roaring fire towards the door.


Dong Hae was about to step in when Hyuk put up a hand, shouting, “Don’t come in if you don’t wanna get burnt!”


Dong Hae stopped. It was true. The heat was formidable from the door. How hot must it be in the room? Not for the first time, Dong Hae was glad his chosen art form gave him a good working environment.


“Hey!” Hyuk Jae shouted in his ear.


“OW!” Dong Hae whined as he rubbed his ear.


“Wanna come over? Mom’s making your favorite today,” Hyuk said as he bounced along beside Dong Hae towards the exit.


“As if I’d refuse.” Dong Hae smiled. Hyuk Jae’s mother made the best instant noodles. Instant noodles might seem a bit small to be hung up on but there was a lot of mushy and sentimental stuff that both he and Hyuk Jae would deny ever happening. The noodles tasted good, is all.


Dong Hae had the urge to ruffle Hyuk’s hair and he did. What surprised him was a shiver on Hyuk Jae’s part when he did it. And a surprising mini-blush.


Dong Hae did not have time to think about that however, because Hyuk smacked him in the head.


“YA! You ruined my hair!”

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rendunk #1
Chapter 15: woohoo!!! double update!! (even triple or perhaps love! <3)
im glad you are back and less busy now ^^
its okay take your time before continuing this fic again and as you said we still have perhaps love as distraction.
meanwhile, Hyukjae needs to take action before its too late, because orz Jay is nothing but nice and got interest.

Chapter 15: Jay would be an awesome boyfriend for Hae. Go for him! But I also want Eunhae. Tough choice. Hehehe
Chapter 15: Lol yay! I like Jay's thinking ! I would have the same thought process ^-^ Kyumin on a date! *squeals* I like this idea! Jay is undeniably perfect! How is Hyuk ever going to top this adorable piece of y awesomeness ♡
Thank you for updating! Again! Lol you're the best ^-^
Chapter 14: Its okay ^-^ looks like Donghae has a non date though ahaha ♡
Hope life calms down a bit so you can relax :D Fighting! ♡♡♡♡
Eunhaeology #5
Chapter 14: Aha, you're back! hope all is well and this was a super short update but atleast we know you're still around and writing ^^
rendunk #6
*pokes pokes* just wanna say miss you and this story :)
Chapter 13: I really love this fanfic!! I can't handle all the funny and fluffiness ;A; hope you can update soon!!!! <3
Eunhaeology #8
Chapter 13: Lol these two, I'm loving this, carry on <3
Chapter 13: The poster is cute and Hyukjae is cuter, trying to stay on top of this like he owns the place xD silly silly man ♡
Chapter 13: Please hyukjae just confess! Or at least please realise your feelings!!!