I have a date?

Art Geeks


Hyuk Jae had no idea why he was in Dong Hae’s room, watching Sung Min go through the clothes bought the day before.




Hyuk Jae watched with amusement as the bicker started. Dong Hae must be so pissed off at Sung Min.


“Geez, calm down. I’m here to help you, duh.” Sung Min just kept on putting outfits together.


“I’m NOT your toy that you can play dress up with or make STUPID storylines with! I’m in a bad mood today Lee Sung Min. You better get lost right now.


Hyuk Jae’s grin was growing wider by the second.

Then, the thing happened.


The thing that made Hyuk Jae want to rip Sung Min into pieces, shredding him like a ing piece of tissue paper.


Sung Min pecked Dong Hae on the cheek. That little .


Dong Hae had this deer caught in head lights look as if he was heart fluttered.


No, his ing heart cannot flutter like some stupid girl.


Just as Hyuk Jae was about to diffuse the situation, Sung Min just pushed Dong Hae into the wash room.


“Phew. Shut him up there. Now I know what to do the next time I want some peace and quite.” Sung Min said triumphantly.


Hyuk Jae really wanted to strangle Sung Min.

“The next time you do it, you’ll die by Dong Hae’s hands. If not, mi… Never mind. Just be quiet” Hyuk Jae threatened.




Dong Hae drummed his fingers on the sticky table top of the diner. The guy was late. Not getting a good sore then. Wait wait. He is not at all serious about this thing. Why is he giving score? Kim Ryeowook. Hmmm.


The door to the diner slid open, revealing a panting boy enter.


The boy scanned the faces in the diner and his eyes focused on Dong Hae. His face broke into a smile and he approached.


“Hello. Lee Dong Hae?”


After apologizing for being late, the guy sat down.


Dong Hae assessed (and may be silently judged) him. Not bad looking. But so cheerful. And wearing a baby pink sweater. Hope he doesn’t wear pink leather pants or something.


“So.”  They both spoke at the same time.


Dong Hae motioned Ryeowook to speak first.


“What are your hobbies?”


Dong Hae, as always, answered photography.


But as ryeowook rattled off uncountable sports, Dong Hae’s could feel a frown starting to form.


Until he mentioned design.


“Really? What type of design?” Dong Hae’s eyes shone.


“Graphic. I’m really good at it. But I’m more interested in interior, which I’m hopeless at. Talk about dilemmas huh?”


Hmmm. Not bad. Graphic design.


“Can I say something?” Ryeowook looked apologetic.


Dong Hae nodded for him to go ahead.


“I was goaded into coming to meet you today. There was a dare and lots of threats. I wanted to be honest about this first. Because you seem like a great guy and I don’t want anybody getting hurt.”


When Dong Hae did not say anything, it looked like Ryeowook shrunk in on himself.


“I’m sorry. I had to say that because now that I’ve seen you, I’d like to give it a try. You and me.”


Dong Hae gaped like a fish.




“It’s okay if you don’t want to but I’d like it if you gave a chance. Just one date.” Ryeowook said.


Dong Hae did not know where his decision came from but he agreed to one date. Perhaps he was tired of thinking about Hyuk Jae all the, no, some times. Or he just wanted to get Sung Min off his back. Yes. That’s it. He wanted to get Sung Min off of him. That’s the only reason. Besides, Ryeowook seems like a pretty cool guy.


“But I have two other guys that stupid Sung Min set me up with. And even if I told him I’m going out on one date with you, he would not let me cancel on the other two. I’m sorry. But he has dirt on me than he could blackmail me with.” Dong Hae said.


“Of course. We don’t even know how it would turn out yet. Don’t give up on your options because of me.” Ryeowook replied with a smile.


Wow, a really cool guy.




“OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH!” Sung Min shouted.


Hyuk Jae that had dozed off on Dong Hae’s bed woke up with a start.


*Muacks* Sung Min planted a big wet kiss on Hyuk Jae’s forehead.


Hyuk Jae batted him away.


“Stop with the random kisses. What happened?”


Look at this!


            From: Ryeowook

Hey, met Dong Hae. Pretty cool. I’ve a date. Thanks. And I don’t want any reward from the dare anymore.


From: Dong Hae

Because of you, I have a date. But ryeowook looks like a good guy so I agreed to a date tomorrow. Not sure if it’ll work out. And besides, I know you would not let me cancel on the other two guys. Hate you so much.


Hyuk Jae felt a tug at his heart. What is wrong with him?

Hey guys, I just saw my previous chapters and realised I have some grammar and spelling mistake. But I'm too lazy to go back and edit haha. I have some problems with tenses as well. If the mistakes get too annoying, let me know! Also, I have this other story that I started. It's called Perhaps Love. It's Eunhae as well. I know the title sounds boring but give it a try yeah? LOL shamelessly promoting. Thanks.

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rendunk #1
Chapter 15: woohoo!!! double update!! (even triple or perhaps love! <3)
im glad you are back and less busy now ^^
its okay take your time before continuing this fic again and as you said we still have perhaps love as distraction.
meanwhile, Hyukjae needs to take action before its too late, because orz Jay is nothing but nice and got interest.

Chapter 15: Jay would be an awesome boyfriend for Hae. Go for him! But I also want Eunhae. Tough choice. Hehehe
Chapter 15: Lol yay! I like Jay's thinking ! I would have the same thought process ^-^ Kyumin on a date! *squeals* I like this idea! Jay is undeniably perfect! How is Hyuk ever going to top this adorable piece of y awesomeness ♡
Thank you for updating! Again! Lol you're the best ^-^
Chapter 14: Its okay ^-^ looks like Donghae has a non date though ahaha ♡
Hope life calms down a bit so you can relax :D Fighting! ♡♡♡♡
Eunhaeology #5
Chapter 14: Aha, you're back! hope all is well and this was a super short update but atleast we know you're still around and writing ^^
rendunk #6
*pokes pokes* just wanna say miss you and this story :)
Chapter 13: I really love this fanfic!! I can't handle all the funny and fluffiness ;A; hope you can update soon!!!! <3
Eunhaeology #8
Chapter 13: Lol these two, I'm loving this, carry on <3
Chapter 13: The poster is cute and Hyukjae is cuter, trying to stay on top of this like he owns the place xD silly silly man ♡
Chapter 13: Please hyukjae just confess! Or at least please realise your feelings!!!