Useful thinking

Art Geeks

Friday Night


9:29pm Why are you still ignoring me? I’ve got something urgent to talk about. Reply ASAP!


9:32pm Three missed calls.


9:35pm Okay fine. I won’t fill in the application forms if that’s what you want.


9:38pm Just realized yesterday was the first time you swore at me. Strange, isn’t it?


9:45pm You usually take about 2 hours to forgive me. Why u taking so long this time?


9:48pm Two missed calls.


9:50pm Ello? You dead?


9:55pm Oh don’t tell me this is about the video Sung Min showed you. He did didn’t he? That little bastard. I can help you unsee it!




Dong Hae was getting annoyed. At first, he was enjoying the attention and the messages were amusing but Hyuk Jae was relentless. He didn’t want to call back or reply because he had to teach Hyuk a lesson. Lee Dong Hae was not one to be played with.


Finally, when the messages turned into spam with an alphabet each, Dong Hae had to reply.


10:15pm Look here. I let you off a lot of times but I can’t do with you playing around with my dream school. And fill in those forms gosh. I already filled them in and am sending them off tomorrow. This does NOT mean you’re off the hook. Contd


10:16pm How dare you “transfer” me to Sung Min like I’m some object?! Now, I am stuck with four guys to go meet! I have a life and mind you, I’m not that desperate. Contd



“Listen here, Lee Hyuk Jae. I am not even half way there to forgive you.”




“No, shut up first. All this is because of YOU. Your inability to mind your own business. Of course I want to apply to NYASA. WHO WOULDN’T? Your freaking mouth is so loose, you don’t ever think twice about what you are going to say. Now that’s gonna stop. I won’t put up with this any longer.”


“Wait. Wait. You’re talking too fa…”


“And also, who the heck told you that the minute I came out, I was looking for a boyfriend? NO ONE! You’re straight and did you get a girlfriend the minute you went through puberty and realized you liked s? NO! I don’t know who… UGH. Just… UGH.”


Click. Beep beep beep.


“Hello? Um… Bye?”


Hyuk Jae was stunned into silence. This was the first time Dong Hae burst like that. Actually, Hyuk Jae knew he had it coming. All that pent up anger from three years being his best friend had to have taken a toll on Dong Hae. Hyuk Jae might be a little self obsessed but even he himself knew that he was a lot of work.


It was time to go into thinking mode. He took off his shirt, got into bed and tucked his hands behind his head.


First, about NYASA. Dong Hae said he already filled in his forms. So that’s settle then, one issue down.


Next, about his non-existent boyfriend. Let’s see. As far as I know, there are three types of gays:

Exhibit A. The extremely feminine type like Sung Min. Pink everywhere, constantly talks about hot guys.


Exhibit B. The subtle gays. Acts like a normal person.


Exhibit C. The GAYs. Those guys that come out in gay magazines with abs and muscles.


Dong Hae obviously fall into Category B. The normal gays. And I’m sure most of the gay population in this country falls into that too. So he doesn’t want a boyfriend? Makes sense, since I don’t want a girlfriend either. But it’s not settled cos he has to go meet the four guys.


Moving on, what was with me yesterday and the whole day today? Sung Min won’t say anything about what he showed Hae. And I’m dying with curiosity. It’s like Sung Min is taking away my best friend. No, I won’t give him up like that. Solution: Make Dong Hae like me more than Sung Min again. That shouldn’t be too hard.


I have an issue settled. One problem that cannot be solved. And a plan to get Hae back. Useful thinking. Hmmm. Sleep.

This update is really short. But I had to cut it here because, well, it had to be cut here. LOL. I Don't make sense.

And if you were thinking Hyuk Jae was sad because Dong Hae was going to meet those guys, you were WRONG! He just thought that Hae was being stolen away by the pink poncey git. No, Hyuk, Dong Hae is far from being stolen. Surely, y'all didn't think this story would end with this did you?


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rendunk #1
Chapter 15: woohoo!!! double update!! (even triple or perhaps love! <3)
im glad you are back and less busy now ^^
its okay take your time before continuing this fic again and as you said we still have perhaps love as distraction.
meanwhile, Hyukjae needs to take action before its too late, because orz Jay is nothing but nice and got interest.

Chapter 15: Jay would be an awesome boyfriend for Hae. Go for him! But I also want Eunhae. Tough choice. Hehehe
Chapter 15: Lol yay! I like Jay's thinking ! I would have the same thought process ^-^ Kyumin on a date! *squeals* I like this idea! Jay is undeniably perfect! How is Hyuk ever going to top this adorable piece of y awesomeness ♡
Thank you for updating! Again! Lol you're the best ^-^
Chapter 14: Its okay ^-^ looks like Donghae has a non date though ahaha ♡
Hope life calms down a bit so you can relax :D Fighting! ♡♡♡♡
Eunhaeology #5
Chapter 14: Aha, you're back! hope all is well and this was a super short update but atleast we know you're still around and writing ^^
rendunk #6
*pokes pokes* just wanna say miss you and this story :)
Chapter 13: I really love this fanfic!! I can't handle all the funny and fluffiness ;A; hope you can update soon!!!! <3
Eunhaeology #8
Chapter 13: Lol these two, I'm loving this, carry on <3
Chapter 13: The poster is cute and Hyukjae is cuter, trying to stay on top of this like he owns the place xD silly silly man ♡
Chapter 13: Please hyukjae just confess! Or at least please realise your feelings!!!