What doesn't kill you

Art Geeks

“OH. MY. GOD.” Dong Hae stood in his room, mouth hanging open.


“Hey, you’re back. Look at all of these! You have like awesome clothes. Why don’t you ever wear these to school?” Sung Min was still throwing out random pieces of tops and bottoms from deep within the closet.


“What the HELL are you doing?” Dong Hae was still frozen, horrified by the mess in his room.


Sung Min finally emerged. And Dong Hae’s jaw dropped even more. Sung Min was wearing plastic-like NEON PINK PANTS. He was like a formidable mini Lady Gaga, except the pop queen did not quite like pink as much as Sung Min. Where did he even get those pants?


“You’ve gotta hurry up and try these on.” He threw some stuff in Dong Hae’s direction and pushed him into the washroom.


Dong Hae finally came to his senses. “Why should I?! What are you even doing with my clothes and my room?! I am not putting these on!” Dong Hae tried to march back out of the washroom but was forced back in by super strength Sung Min.


“It’s for your date! Quick, now. Ki Bum is already half way to being famous! When you go out, people will probably recognize him! You have to look your best!” Dong Hae cursed the saxophone carrying Sung Min that developed super human strength.


He was impressed though. Although he thought Sung Min randomly threw some stuff, the pile of clothing included a top, a bottom, a scarf and a beanie. He quickly threw them onto himself and barged out, trying to act angry and pouting petulantly.


Sung Min was having none of that however, as he was not even looking in Dong Hae’s direction. He was now sorting the haphazard piles of clothes into sets of outfit. Dong Hae commended his organizing skills in his head but quickly followed with a mental slap to himself. He was NOT becoming like Sung Min. Even if he had to be gay, he would be the manly gay. Yes.


“Hmm. You look good but too… soft.” Sung Min said as he turned towards him.


“SOFT?! I don’t LOOK soft!” Dong Hae cried out loud. “If anyone’s soft here, it’s YOU!”


“Mmmhmm. Let’s see what we can do here.” Sung Min was circling him now. “Loose the beanie. Rearrange your scarf. Hmmm.” Sung Min’s hands moved like the wind as he constantly talked about what he was doing.


“Still not okay. Here go try this then.” Sung Min stuffed another outfit into Dong Hae’s hands and pushed him into the washroom again. Dong Hae did not even protest this time. It would have been fruitless. Besides, although he would not admit it to anyone, he liked trying on different clothes. Hence, the immense number of clothing he owned but never dared to wear them outside of his own room.


He took his time this time round. He wore the black tank top and pulled on the checkered shirt over it, leaving the buttons open. He folded the long sleeves up to his forearms. Then, he put on his dark jeans, fixed his hair and walked back out.


The sight that greeted him was Sung Min, Kyu Hyun and Hyuk lying on his bed, watching TV. “Wha…”


“You idiot! How DARE you ignore me the WHOLE DAY!” Dong Hae was not given time to process the scene before him as Hyukjae bounded right up to him and punched his chest.


“OW! If you really don’t know, I’m still ANGRY! At who? At YOU!”


“Well, imagine my surprise when I came here and found Sung Min and Kyu Hyun in YOUR room! People would think you’re replacing me with those dumbos.” Hyuk gestured wildly at the two guys that were making lovey dovey faces at each other on Dong Hae’s bed.


“Ew, you guys! Stop it! You’re on MY bed!” Dong Hae pulled the two guys apart. “And what? Replacing you? You don’t think I love adventure that much do you? I barely even know that greasy guy! And replace you with this demented pink gay?” Dong Hae wrinkled his nose.


Hyukjae smirked at Kyu Hyun and Sung Min who were now sitting on the bed, acting offended. “Well, since you got your priorities straight, let’s go out! Eat dinner with me!”


Dong Hae was about to agree but was cut off by Sung Min who very un-helpfully informed Hyukjae that he had that stupid date today. Hyuk Jae’s face fell. He had forgotten about that. And he never really understood why Dong Hae agreed to go even.


“Yes, hyuk. I really have to go. If not, the consequences would be disastrous.” Dong Hae sighed.


“Okay, enough. Let’s see. You do know how to dress Dong Hae! You look positively dashing!” Sung Min exclaimed after studying him closely. “Look at the time! It’s six! You’d better go now!”




Dong Hae thought of a million excuses to weasel out of his situation as he walked. But no matter what it was, his absence would have been reported to Sung Min and then his video would be spread. Hyuk had asked him to go on a date, no, eat with him. Stupid Sung Min. Stupid, stupid Sung Min.


The café they agreed to meet was near Dong Hae’s house. He was there before he even realized it. Resigning to his fate, he entered.


Someone waved at him. It was probably Kim Ki Bum, the guy he was supposed to meet. And Dong Hae just realized that he knew none of the guys’ faces while the others probably did. STUPID SUNG MIN.


“Hello.” Dong Hae set down opposite the guy.


“Dong Hae, right?”


Dong Hae nodded.


Here goes.




“How was it? How was it?” Sung Min was positively more excitable than usual. Dong Hae was on video conference with Sung Min, Hyuk and Kyu Hyun. He did not even know why Kyu Hyun was there. Probably because Ki Bum was his friend.


“It was… fine.” Dong Hae replied.


Hyuk smirked, Kyu Hyun frowned and Sung Min got curious.


“Fine? Fine, how?” Sung Min pushed.


“Well, the food was great. He was pleasant, mostly. And we exchanged numbers.”


This time, Hyuk frowned, Kyu Hyun smirked and Sung Min got even more curious.


“Does it mean you’re gonna keep on dating him?” Hyuk asked.




“No?” Hyuk smiled.


“What?” Kyu Hyun butted in.


“WHY?!” Sung Min threw up his arms.


Dong Hae explained that while Ki Bum was a good guy, he had said that he was focusing on his dream and dating was out of the questions. To be honest, Dong Hae was a little miffed at first, thinking Ki Bum was blowing him off. But he seemed sincere and Dong Hae, more than anyone, understood dreams. They exchanged numbers and promised to remain in contact. In general, they decided to be friends.


“I did NOT set up all this for you the get MORE FRIENDS! UGH.” Sung Min complained.


“Haha. I guess what doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. That date was awesome. We had a LOT of fun. And I am SO ready for the next guy. We’ll probably end up friends AGAIN!” Dong Hae taunted Sung Min and the pink one ended the call.


Hyuk finally smiled a smile that reached his eyes.



I got Dong Hae back without even trying. I think. I was going to drag him off to dinner, watch a movie and take him to a photo gallery that opened a while ago. I would have gotten him back 100%. But Sung Min ruined everything. Actually, the Ki Bum guy that I didn’t even know ruined everything.


They’re gonna be friends. Dong Hae and Ki Bum. Not that I care. Hae has a lot of friends. But none as good as me. He said so himself. And I don’t think he’s that angry at me anymore :D But I really have to find out how Sung Min is getting his way with Dong Hae. He must have something. He must. I'm sure of it.


My birthday is coming soon!

Okay this didn't turn out as fun as I thought. I had to downplay Ki Bum and Hae's meeting cos this chapter was already too long and I cannot split a day's happenings into more than two chapters can I? Besides, he's not a major character. The important thing is What would Dong Hae give Hyuk for his birthday? To remind you, it's march in the story now. And Hyukkie's birthday is on 4 April!

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rendunk #1
Chapter 15: woohoo!!! double update!! (even triple or perhaps love! <3)
im glad you are back and less busy now ^^
its okay take your time before continuing this fic again and as you said we still have perhaps love as distraction.
meanwhile, Hyukjae needs to take action before its too late, because orz Jay is nothing but nice and got interest.

Chapter 15: Jay would be an awesome boyfriend for Hae. Go for him! But I also want Eunhae. Tough choice. Hehehe
Chapter 15: Lol yay! I like Jay's thinking ! I would have the same thought process ^-^ Kyumin on a date! *squeals* I like this idea! Jay is undeniably perfect! How is Hyuk ever going to top this adorable piece of y awesomeness ♡
Thank you for updating! Again! Lol you're the best ^-^
Chapter 14: Its okay ^-^ looks like Donghae has a non date though ahaha ♡
Hope life calms down a bit so you can relax :D Fighting! ♡♡♡♡
Eunhaeology #5
Chapter 14: Aha, you're back! hope all is well and this was a super short update but atleast we know you're still around and writing ^^
rendunk #6
*pokes pokes* just wanna say miss you and this story :)
Chapter 13: I really love this fanfic!! I can't handle all the funny and fluffiness ;A; hope you can update soon!!!! <3
Eunhaeology #8
Chapter 13: Lol these two, I'm loving this, carry on <3
Chapter 13: The poster is cute and Hyukjae is cuter, trying to stay on top of this like he owns the place xD silly silly man ♡
Chapter 13: Please hyukjae just confess! Or at least please realise your feelings!!!