Secrets revealed.


My mind went blank as I stared at Wage, his preposition still hanging heavily in the air. I had a feeling that if I went with him, it'd be my death; if I didn't go with him, it'd be Jaehyung's death. And once again, I didn't have much of a choice.


I stood, scraping the chair back harshly against the tiled floor as I did so, and looked Wage in his eyes. "If I go with you, you promise that Jaehyung will be okay?"


Wage smiled, knowing that he had me. "You come, and your friend goes free, unharmed. I promise."


Unhappily, I followed the triumphant man out the door. His men instantly accosted me, flanking my side like I was a prisoner.


I was doing a lot for someone I've known only for a little while. But then again, Jaehyung is my... brother. Man, after about two months, I still couldn't call Jaehyung my brother; I could barely bring myself to even think it without feeling like I was betraying my real Oppa. But Jaehyung, indeed, is my... brother. Brother, brother, brother. And though he's only lived with me for a bit, we somehow managed to silently build this extremely strong and unusual bond. It sounds cheesy, but it's almost as if we had been fated to meet each other. How else am I supposed to explain this freaky connection we have? But no matter.


None of that mattered right now; all that did matter was that I get myself and Jae out alive.


My hands played with the ring Seungho had slipped onto my finger before he left. Mianhe, Seungho. I didn't want to drag him into this mess.


"We're here," Wage announced from his seat beside me. He disembarked from the vehicle and took hold of my arm as I followed suit. Instantly his men surrounded us as we swept past the doors, with Wage leading our party.


The halls were dark and dusty, and they omitted a creepy aura. The rooms to the side were all closed off; not a single light shone. I memorized the layout of the sections of the building that we passed through... Escape seemed impossible.


We finally came to a stop. Wage gestured to his men and two immediately steepped forth and held the doors open. Jae was still on the floor, bound, unconscious. More men were stationed on the edges of the room, keeping guard.


I flew past Wage and his startled men. They made to stop me, but Wage held them back with a smile. "Jaehyung!" I shook his still form. He didn't move. "What did you do to him?" I looked up at Wage with hateful eyes.


"He tried to resist my men," he shrugged carelessly. "And, has anyone ever told you that you're impossibly beautiful when you're angry?"


Ignoring him, I continued to shake Jaehyung's body. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"


The lack of response was making me anxious. My nerves calmed slightly when I felt his pulse, but it was too slow. It was a relief that he was alive, but... "Jae," I begged as tears began to form. Don't leave me like my brother did, I added silently in my mind.


When Wage took a step forward, I hissed and threw my arms around Jae. "What do you want?"


"How much of his previous life did Jaehyung tell you?" Wage twirled his dagger in his hand. Light reflected off the smooth surface and danced on the floor. At my stiff expression, Wage clucked his tongue. "Not much, I see. What a disappointment! I suppose I'll have to tell you then. Your perfect Jaehyung used to be the baddest and most dangerous gangster in all of korea. And what's this?" Wage just noticed the ropes that were wrapped too tightly around Jae. "Get these ropes off of him," he snarled at his men, who leaped to his command. "Ropes do not fit a man who is one of the best gangsters in Korea."


Gangster...? My Jaehyung was a ... gangster?


"No," I whispered hoarsely. This was impossible. There was no way that my Jae was one of those people, and apparently one of the best. Gangsters... had killed my Oppa.


"No, no, no!" I felt my body start to shake.


Wage smirked with pleasure at my shock and disbelief. "Something had happened so he had to come here. When I heard about his adoption, I came before him to check it out and that's when I found you, his wonderful little sister."


His hand caressed my face softly. "I took an interest in you." I finally managed to pull myself together, slightly, enough to smack his disgusting hand away. "I like them feisty," he grinned. He lowered his head near mine, raising shivers down my spine, and said quietly in my ear, "They're better in bed." I could only stare at him as I felt his hand land on my shoulder.


Jaehyung groaned and sat up shaking his head. When his vision cleared, he, too, stared. He recovered faster than me. Within seconds, Wage had been kicked a couple of feet away and I was safely tucked in Jaehyung's arms. A tear trickled down my cheek as a result of my conflicting emotions- relief, confusion, fear. "Did they do anything to you?" Jae demanded.


I shook my head no against his chest.


"Don't lie, they definitely did something if the cat's got your tongue all tied up like this and you're shaking." Jae looked up at Wage and cussed. "I swear, Jiyong, if you did anything to her... I'll kill you."


Wage's real name was Jiyong? I blinked, confused, but forgot all about the newfound information after I looked up at Jae.


Jae's eyes were deadly. Everything about him screamed bloody murder. In this context, he seemed like the gangster that he apparently used to be.


"My, my. You two have gotten awfully close, haven't you?" Wage was pleased.


"Leave her out of whatever you're thinking of," Jae hissed, his arms still wrapped securely around me. "Why did you bring her here?"


"I want her," Wage stated simply with a shrug of his shoulders.


Jaehyung's arms tightened around me. "Over my dead body."


My body stiffened at his words, especially the word 'dead', and I shook my bead frantically.


Jae looked down at me in alarm. "What's wrong?"


"Not dead," I croaked out. "Please no!" I felt sobs working their way out my body as memories of my Oppa flashed through my mind; combined with the raging emotions of the moment, the memories were threatening to bring an onslaught of histeria.


"I'll stay alive," Jae said softly, surprised. "I'm sorry, I won't ever say that again." His words were a comfort.


"What a touching moment," Wage sighed dramatically. "It's such a disappointment to cut it short, but I'm afraid I need to. I'm getting rid of you today, Jaehyung, because I'll return to Korea and everyone will bow down to me. And I'm taking Miss Kaina along to be my girl."


"Not happening. We're both staying here," Jae gritted his teeth.


"Then let me borrow her for one night," Wage's eyes swept over my body, and I shivered, despite my constant shaking.


At his words, Jaehyung was up on his feet and he swung, his fist connecting solidly with Wage's face. "Stay here, okay?" he knelt, his eyes searching mine, before he flurried away.


A massive fight broke out, and I watched in amazement as Jaehyung took down men twice his size. Now I believed Wage when he said Jae was a gangster.


Suddenly a arm wrapped around my neck and I cried out in alarm. My scream caught Jae's attention and his head whipped toward me. The split second of distraction was all Wage's men needed.


One man caught Jae's arm and wrenched it backwards. Jae let out an agonized scream of pain while the other men beat him mercilessly.


"One move from you," said the person behind me, "and I'll have my way with your precious Kaina right here on this dirty floor."


Jaehyung looked at us, his eyes filled with wrath and pain, from his crumbled position on the cement floor. "Don't touch her."


The person holding me had a stuffy nose, as if... Ah. Hello Wage.

Jae must've broken his nose when he punched him.


Wage's right hand s around my waist and I strained to get away from his touch. His finger started circling on my stomach and worked its way under my wrinkled shirt.


"I SAID, DON'T TOUCH HER!" Jaehyung struggled to his feet, but a bar came crashing down on him and he crumpled again.


"JAE!" I cried. "JAE!" I twisted my body, trying to work free of Wage's iron grasp. "LET ME GO, YOU FREAK OF NATURE!"


Wage's hand, under my shirt, began working its way up.


Tears filled my eyes. If it wasn't for me, Jae would've beaten all of these morons. Damn. What's wrong with me? I'm standing here, crying, while some bastard is ually harassing me, and Jae is lying on the floor, bloody.

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Beastjunhyung #2
Chapter 18: I love this story!!
Chapter 18: WAs just looking for fanfics and kinds came across yours ~ !
Totally didn't expect her to warm up to him that quickly at the start, she's too nice to a stranger :3

But then when the love progress, twists and turns in life, it started getting so much more exciting. Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 17: this story is really good~ I like the plot~ xD <33
Beastjunhyung #5
Omg please update! I've been waiting!!
This comment section is filled with my name xD LOL MYNAME.. Well, back to the main point. So, Kaina likes Jaehyung and he likes her back but they both won't admit it to themselves and Jaehyung's scared? LOL Pretty messed up life they have xD
LOL Is Jiyong G-Dragon? I suddenly thought of it xD But THAT BASTARD DESERVES TO DIE! So glad he did :D Or did he? I don't wanna spoil the surprise for the new readers xD
Ouch, I never knew she saw her own brother being killed. That would be traumatizing... o.O Anyways, great chapter! I really like how this is going :D