Partying after Kikwang's graduation!



 It was finally graduation day for Kikwang. The rest of us were finally a step closer to our final year of high school.


Our school had rented out a nearby stadium and the entire place was filled with proud, teary-eyed family members who were clamoring to get the best seats. My friends and I huddled together in our row, close to the front, and we took pictures as we waited for the seniors to finally step across the floor.


Kikwang had gotten accepted to the University of California at Berkeley, which wasn’t too far from home. The eight of us, Jaehyung, Seohyun, Jessica, Yonghwa, Seungho, Key, Hyuna, and I, were all holding flowers and posters in anticipation of the final moment.


Loud cheers erupted like a wave across the space as the principal stepped forward and began her opening speech. Scream after scream exploded as the seniors walked one by one. When Kikwang made his journey across the stage, we leaped into the air and yelled obnoxiously, not caring who was listening- after all, it was time for celebration.


We gathered afterwards at Kikwang and Seungho’s house for the party. His parents had decorated the gorgeous house with balloons and the like, and the atmosphere was lively as even their dog pranced around with his tail up. Kikwang’s other friends were there, having a blast, as music blared, people danced, and friendships were cemented. One kid was pushed into the pool, much to the amusements of the onlookers, and he came up spluttering. Needless to say, his friend soon ended up in the pool alongside him, water pouring from his head as he surfaced.


I had been watching the duo from inside the house, where I had settled myself comfortably onto the incredibly soft couch. Jaehyung sat down next to me and handed me a bottle of water, which I graciously accepted. “Why aren’t you dancing?”


“Why aren’t you dancing?” I replied, a small smile hinting at the corner of my lips. “There are a lot of girls here who have been eyeing you this whole time.”


“Because I don’t want to dance with them,” he answered simply. “I want to dance with you. Come on.” He stood and waited for me.


Sighing dramatically, I placed my hand in his as he led me to the center of the living room, which had been transformed into a dance floor. Jaehyung was quite the dancer, I must admit. I was definitely enjoying myself, and judging from Jaehyung’s laughs, he was having a good time too.


By the time the sun set, our energy had been spent and the other guests had already retired home for the day, leaving behind the original crew.


“Let’s share ridiculous stories of Kikwang,” Jessica smirked as she cuddled against Seungho. Kikwang shot her a glare, but Seoyhun already leaped in with her retelling of the time Kikwang saw a pretty girl sitting by herself at the cafeteria and tried to hit on her, failing miserably when he found out she was a substitute.


Soon tales poured out, much to Kikwang’s horror, but the night flew by with laughter and fun. When the clock struck 12, Kikwang’s parents offered to let us stay the night, which we gladly accepted, and the girls instantly ran to crash his room. The guys trudged after, grumbling about how the girls got the bed and how they had to sleep on the floor. Deep down inside, however, I knew they would gladly offer us the comfort rather than the cold ground.


No one slept; instead, we spent a good hour planning our summer trip. The girls argued for the beach while the guys were satisfied with a trip to the local pool, where a well-known babe was the lifeguard every summer. Of course, the girls won the argument.


Jess was the first to fall asleep, right in the middle of talking. One minute she was cracking up at her own jokes, and the next minute she was silent and still, already in dreamland, leaving the rest of us to stare, mouth agape, at how she dropped cold. Everyone else began to slowly drift away around 5.


I figured I was the only one still conscious and I lay on my back staring at the ceiling, thinking about the day’s events- the graduation, the party, the laughter and the tears, the stories, the bonding.


Next year, when the rest of us graduate, someone was bound to go out of state. We couldn’t always stick to each other the way we do now. Goodbyes are a part of life.


The thought of saying goodbye made me terribly sad, and I sighed softly as I to my side.


“You’re still awake?” Jaehyung called out lightly.


I raised myself on my elbow and looked over to see him facing me, awake. When our eyes met, he rose to his feet and held out his hand in an invitation to go outside, where we were freer to move about.


“Time flies, huh?” He chuckled as we leaned on the railing on their balcony, overlooking their pool and beautiful, lush backyard. Our arms were touching, and I leaned slightly against him to keep from the cool breeze.


“Too fast,” I replied faintly. The stars were out, brighter than ever, since the skies had been clear.


“I’m almost eighteen,” he mused, so quietly I could barely hear him. I glanced up at him, wondering what he was thinking about in that handsome head of his. “There are some things….” He cut himself off and gave me a wry smile before ruffling my hair with a nonchalant, “nevermind.”


I scrunched my nose and head-butted him lightly. “You know I hate it when you do that.”


“I know,” his eyes twinkled with mischief as he nudged me in return. “Hey, you want to go swimming?”


“Now?” He was officially crazy.


“Yeah, now.” Without warning, he slipped his hand in mind, intertwined our fingers, and pulled me through the house silently and out into the backyard. He continued until we were standing in the shallow end of the pool.


The water was slightly cold, but nice, as it lapped softly against my sides. I couldn’t help but shiver as a gust of wind swept by, and Jaehyung instinctively hugged me close.


We stood like that for a while, not speaking, hugging, under the stars. I leaned my head against his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat rushing through his body. Slowly he placed his chin on my head and sighed.


“Hey, Kaina?”


I could feel his jaw move as he spoke, and the vibrations that resonated in his chest. “Hmm?”


“I… Thank you.” Jaehyung was choosing his words carefully. “Thank you for being so welcoming when I first came. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for showing me what a family is like. Thank you for caring for me.”


My hand cupped his face without me thinking. He looked down, and our eyes met.


Before I knew it, his lips were on mine, his hands on my hips, and my arms were wound around his neck. I was breathless when we broke apart, and I rested my head against his shoulders, startled by what had just happened. After a few moments, I finally collected my scrambled thoughts. “Jae-“


He cut my words off with another kiss, one that I responded to, and welcomed, and wanted. Ever since my conversation with Jessica, I had been thinking about what it would mean to love Jaehyung. I still didn't have an answer, but now I was okay with it. There was one thing I knew for certain- I loved this guy, no matter what it may bring. 


“I love you, Kaina,” he whispered against my lips. I searched his eyes. Then I pulled him toward me, this time initiating the kiss.


“I love you too, you idiot,” I muttered with my forehead against his. Both of us couldn’t stop our smiles, and I eyed him as I sneaked a splash.


A water fight ensued, and soon we were both soaked to the bone. The cold no longer bothered us, and the rising sun chased away the chills.


We snuck back into the house after drying off outside, and ducked into our respective covers, pretending to sleep as the others slowly woke up. Seohyun shook me, trying to wake me. I opened my eyes and didn’t have to fake the yawn that broke out. Jaehyun and I shared a secret glance as we passed by each other in the hall, and I continued toward the waiting Jess and Seoyhun with a smile on my face.


Soon the everyone was ready, and we gathered to go out for a fast breakfast.


Jaehyung and I ended up squashed next to each other in the backseat, and while the others were bickering, he planted a quick peck on my lips.


“So how did everyone sleep?” Key asked. “We slept so late that I have bags under my eyes!” He pointed at the invisible marks and howled.


“I slept like a rock,” Jess nodded drowsily.


“How about you, Kaina?” Hyuna asked.


“Decent,” I replied.


The conversation moved on, and I let out a hushed breath of relief while Jaehyung rocked with concealed laughter beside me.  


I elbowed him, which resulted in more chortles.


As we began to bicker, I marveled at how things turned out. Jaehyung and I met, as strangers, as siblings, and then I slowly realized I was falling in love with him, and now, early this morning, he kissed me, returning my feelings.


My eyes curved into crescents as I suddenly beamed up at him, in the middle of our playful banter. He paused at my sudden action, and then rolled his eyes.


“That’s a way to win an argument,” Hyuna noted. “Smile like an idiot, and the opponent shuts up instantly. How interesting.”


“Poor Kaina’s future boyfriend,” Key sighed. “He won’t win anything.”


“We’ll see about that,” Jaehyung muttered beside me, low enough so that I was the only one who could hear him.  


“We need to find you a boyfriend,” Kikwang threw at me. Jaehyung squirmed uncomfortably beside me, but couldn’t say anything.


“Yeah,” Jess joined in. “On our summer trip, which I’ve decided is next week, we’ll hunt for a good hunk for you, okay?”


Jaehyung huffed softly beside me and stared out the window.


“Sure,” I grinned, purposely provoking Jaehyung. I saw him turn toward me from the corner of his eyes, but he caught himself and straightened up at the last second. “I want a guy who is… taller than me.” I tapped my finger against my lips in thought. “And he has to have a kind heart. And strong. And preferably good-looking.” I smirked at Jaehyung’s attempts to hide his irritation.


“We’re here!” Whoops followed suit as everyone piled out of the car and strolled up to our favorite restaurant. Jaehyung tapped my nose with his finger while his eyes narrowed with annoyance before following after our friends. I laughed and trailed behind.  






I was considering ending it here and making a sequel (I have a story for them already- I actually started writing this fic with the sequel in mind), but I haven't decided yet. Either way, whether there is a sequel or just a longer fic, don't worry, there are still some chapters that are coming for our couple! This fanfic isn't ending yet (:


& thanks to all my new & old readers! I love reading your comments <3

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Beastjunhyung #2
Chapter 18: I love this story!!
Chapter 18: WAs just looking for fanfics and kinds came across yours ~ !
Totally didn't expect her to warm up to him that quickly at the start, she's too nice to a stranger :3

But then when the love progress, twists and turns in life, it started getting so much more exciting. Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 17: this story is really good~ I like the plot~ xD <33
Beastjunhyung #5
Omg please update! I've been waiting!!
This comment section is filled with my name xD LOL MYNAME.. Well, back to the main point. So, Kaina likes Jaehyung and he likes her back but they both won't admit it to themselves and Jaehyung's scared? LOL Pretty messed up life they have xD
LOL Is Jiyong G-Dragon? I suddenly thought of it xD But THAT BASTARD DESERVES TO DIE! So glad he did :D Or did he? I don't wanna spoil the surprise for the new readers xD
Ouch, I never knew she saw her own brother being killed. That would be traumatizing... o.O Anyways, great chapter! I really like how this is going :D