Crazy friends = crazy fun.


"You've recovered faster and faster each time disaster strikes," Yonghwa commented one day during lunch. Seohyun jabbed him in the ribs. "Ouch! What was that for?! I was being serious!" 


"It's fine, Unnie. I'm fine now, sorry for worrying you guys," I smiled. 


Yonghwa's words were true though. The first time, after my Oppa had disappeared and been reported as dead, it had taken me a few years to fully become the happy girl I usually was. Then after Jiyong's first attack, it had taken, on the surface a week, but inside, it had taken about three weeks, which was a great improvement from the first time. But then again, it's not like someone I cared about had been killed during the second attack. Or was that the third attack? I can't even keep track anymore, and I didn't want to dwell in the past. This time, I was okay, truly okay, after a week. 


"So... you guys want to go hang out after school today?" Jessica suggested. 


We all instantly agreed. 


I pulled up in the mall's parking lot in my car with Jaehyung, Jessica, and Seungho sitting inside with me; Yonghwa pulled up with Seohyun; Kikwang pulled up on the other side of me with Key and Hyuna. 


Whooping and laughing, we entered the mall as a clump. The guys instantly parted ways with us and headed straight for the Apple store while the girls decided to actually shop. 


"It's been a while since we've hung out like this," Hyuna noted as she held up a red minidress against herself in the mirror. She slung it into the shopping bag and continued browsing for more items. 


"Yeah, it really has been," Jessica agreed. 


Once everyone had found their clothes, we took turns trying out the outfits for each other. If they honestly looked bad, we'd shake our heads with disapproval; otherwise, we'd nod encouragingly. 


"We totally needed girl time like this," I grinned as we exited our eighth store with bags weighing heavily down on our arms. "It's nice to just relax and talk." 


"So what do you think about Jaehyung?" Seohyun brought up a touchy subject. 


"Seriously, Kaina," Hyuna jumped in. "I mean, it's like, totally almost impossible for you to not have feelings for such a hunk who's living in the same house as you." 


"You guys are idiots," I rolled my eyes. "I can't have feelings for him." 


I stopped myself before I said anything else. I had forgotten that I haven't told them that Jaehyung was my brother now, not just a family friend. 


"Why's that? You guys would make such a cute couple!" Hyuna gushed. "If you can't have him, can I?"


"No!" I snapped before realizing what I was saying. 


"Gotcha!" Hyuna fist pumped. "Don't worry Kaina, I don't go after my friends' boys." 


"So you do like him!" Jessica's eyes lit up. 


"No!" Note to self: never go shopping with female friends, ever again. 


"He's just like... an oppa to me." I watched as Jaehyung approached with the other guys from across the room. "Just an oppa, yeah." 


"You don't sound that convinced," Seohyun snorted quietly as the guys drew closer. 


"You guys definitely did some shopping," Key raised an eyebrow. "Try them on for me, okay?" 


"Yes sir, Mr. Fashionista!" Jessica and Hyuna saluted the blonde. 


Yonghwa instantly left his friends and walked to his girlfriend with a bright smile on his face. "Hey, I missed you." He pecked her on the lips. 


She placed a hand on her hips and frowned. "No skinship in public, Mister." 


"But-!" Yonghwa protested. 


"I'm taking away a goguma," she declared. Yonghwa's shoulders deflated. 


"Whipped," Seungho snickered. 


"I'm going to be your future brother-in-law-in-law," Yonghwa threatened, "So watch it, bud." 


"Such a choding," Kikwang chided, joining in on the fun. "I wonder how such a sophisticated woman such as Seohyun can deal with such an immature kid like you, Yonghwa." 


"Says the single man," Yonghwa shot back. 


Seungho opened his mouth again, but Yonghwa cut him down before he could start. "And you. Don't even," Yonghwa glared at the boy. 


Meanwhile, Key was too busy poking his nose into our shopping bags to even listen to the playful bickering. "This outfit is adorable," Key prattled. "Oh my goodness guys. Such good taste. No wonder I'm such good friends with you." He was momentarily distracted by a goodlooking guy who happened to walk by. "Oh. Hey. There." 


Hyuna, Jess, and I shot amused looks at each other as we watched Key slither away towards his new prey. 


Jaehyung shook his head with a smile. "That poor guy."


"Why do you say that?" Jess asked. 


"Because I know what it's like to be hit on by Key. Man, Key's good to the point that I almost forgot that I was a guy for a moment." 


"Jaehyung, are you gay?" Hyuna questioned. 


Jae's eyes widened. "What?! No! I'm straight!" 


"As a circle," Jess snickered. Jaehyung shot her a withering glare. 


"Who do you like, Jaehyung?" Seungho turned his attention away from the other guys. "I mean, you've been here for what, four months already? Five? There has to be a girl you've had your eyes on."


"Oh do tell, Jaehyung," Yonghwa jumped in, grateful that the horrible 3 vs 1 argument was over. 


"No, no girl," Jaehyung raised his hands.


"He's lying," Seohyung rolled her eyes. "He totally has his eyes on a girl, he just won't tell us." 


"We'll force it out of you one day," Kikwang said sweetly. "Don't worry."


Jaehyung met eyes with me and shuddered. I laughed, and soon we were all laughing. 


The good mood lasted all the way until dinner time. We had all parted ways, besides for Jaehyung and I. 


After gathering up my courage, I let out a deep breath and knocked on Jaehyung's door. I was going to force a confession out of this guy, whether he likes it or not. 


"What's up Kaina?" He smiled when he saw me. 


I pushed past him and sat on his bed. He shut the door behind me with a confused look. 


"What are you up to?" I asked bluntly. "I feel like you've been trying to distance yourself from my parents and I ever since Jiyong. And don't lie," I shook my head when he opened his mouth, "because I know this for a fact. You better explain yourself, Jae." 


His mouth closed and he studied me with a serious expression. "Fine," he sighed in surrender. "You caught me. I suppose I couldn't have hid it for much longer, since you're so observent. You're right, I've been distancing myself recently." 


"Why?" I questioned. "Why act so kind, yet so distant? Why?" 


"Because... I'm scared," he answered softly. "I'm scared." 

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Beastjunhyung #2
Chapter 18: I love this story!!
Chapter 18: WAs just looking for fanfics and kinds came across yours ~ !
Totally didn't expect her to warm up to him that quickly at the start, she's too nice to a stranger :3

But then when the love progress, twists and turns in life, it started getting so much more exciting. Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 17: this story is really good~ I like the plot~ xD <33
Beastjunhyung #5
Omg please update! I've been waiting!!
This comment section is filled with my name xD LOL MYNAME.. Well, back to the main point. So, Kaina likes Jaehyung and he likes her back but they both won't admit it to themselves and Jaehyung's scared? LOL Pretty messed up life they have xD
LOL Is Jiyong G-Dragon? I suddenly thought of it xD But THAT BASTARD DESERVES TO DIE! So glad he did :D Or did he? I don't wanna spoil the surprise for the new readers xD
Ouch, I never knew she saw her own brother being killed. That would be traumatizing... o.O Anyways, great chapter! I really like how this is going :D