Jiyong comes back.


"Let her go!" I heard Jaehyung snarl. My heart thudded in my chest as I leaped down the stairs. My foot slipped, and I tumbled forward. I didn't notice the pain in my palms as they scraped the floor. I passed by the kitchen and my eyes flew to the knife holder. My hands tightened around the smallest knife and I continued racing toward Jaehyung. 


When I finally reached the door, I felt as if the world had frozen around me. All I could see was a crazed Jiyong holding a knife to my mother's throat. 


"Ji- Jiyong," I whispered. "Please, no. No." 


Jaehyung held his arm out protectively in front of me. "Kaina, stay back." 


Jiyong crackled. "Your perfect family is going to ruin now, Jaehyung! All because you wouldn't die and you wouldn't give your precious little sister to me!" 


"Jiyong. If this is because you hate me, then beat me instaed. Don't hurt my family." Jaehyung took a wary step forward. 


I gripped my knife harder behind my back. 


"Give her to me," Jiyong ordered. "I want her. Kaina."


"Hell no," Jaehyung hissed. 


"Then I'll kill your new mother." Jiyong's knife began pressing against my mother's throat. 


"NO!" I shouted, rushing forth. "Don't hurt my mother, please!" 


"Kaina, stay back!" My mother and Jaehyung yelled at the same time. 


"Such a perfect body," Jiyong sighed as his eyes traveled over me. "Such perfection belongs next to me." 


"Kaina!" Judging from Jaehyung's startled gasp, I knew he had seen my knife. 


"Let my mother go," I said through clenched teeth. I was standing between Jaehyung and Jiyong now. 


"Fine, you little mommy's girl," Jiyong smiled as he shoved my mom forward. I caught her and pushed her backward. From behind, I could hear Jaehyung sincerely apologizing as he urged my mother inside. 


"You." I narrowed my eyes at the guy in front of me. Jaehyung moved beside me and he placed himself between the crazy freak and me. 


"Perfection." Jiyong was still lost in his own world. "Perfect. You, Jaehyung. You ruin the perfection." 


Within seconds, he changed. He went from a crazy man lost in crazy land to a crazy man, still lost in crazy land, full of crazy hatred. His eyes were lethal, jet black. His stance was dangerous. His knife glinted in the sunlight. 


He charged. 


Jaehyung forced me backward as he met Jiyong head-on, weaponless. 


They were fighting too fast for me to help, and I stood by the side watching, waiting for when I could step in. 


Jiyong was a good fighter, but Jaehyung was better. 


The only catch was that Jiyong was armed. 




I heard Jaehyung's scream of pain and I blindly rushed forward to his side. He was on the floor, holding onto his shoulder. Blood was gushing out. 


Jiyong wasn't in a better shape. He was stumbling around the driveway in a shocked state, bruises and blood evident on his own body. 


Jiyong turned toward me with a drunken smile. "Come here, Perfection!" 


He lurched forward with his knife. "Let us go to the after world- together!" 


His hand, with the knife, slashed the air where I had just been. Jaehyung had pulled me back in the nick of time as he rose to his feet. "Don't you dare drag Kaina into this mess!" 


The fight began once again. Both sides were badly wounded. 


I bit my lip anxiously. 


I didn't want to risk the chance of me accidentally stabbing Jaehyung, since their figures were both blurs swirling around on the gray pavement. 


Jiyong kicked Jaehyung, making Jaehyung fall backwards onto the ground. With Jaehyung's back exposed, Jiyong raised his knife in the air. 


"NO!" I froze for a split second. This scene... was too familiar. Last time I hadn't been able to do anything, but this time, things were different. 


I ran forward and plunged my knife into Jiyong's stomach. He stared at me with wide eyes before falling over. I stumbled backwards. My hands were slick with his blood. Jaehyung caught me from behind and held me as he mumbled comforting words into my ear. 


The police pulled up. 


My mom must've called them from inside the house. 


They showed up too late. 


I just killed somebody. 


I looked up into Jaehyung's face. "I- I just- I just- Did I- I- Dead- He's-" 


He pulled me into his arms and tucked my head into his chest. "You saved my life, Kaina," he whispered. "Again." 


My body shook, but my emotions slowly calmed down as I understood his words. It was either Jaehyung who lived or Jiyong. In this fight, both couldn't have survived. 


And I was once again at the police station for my testimony. Jaehyung stayed by my side the whole time, offering me silent support. 


My mom embraced me the moment I stepped into my house. "Oh honey!" 


My father was there, too. He drew Jaehyung into a hug. 


"Son, I don't know why that man attacked us today. I suppose you do, and Kaina does too. I think I already know why... and I wish you'd tell me one day. But I want you to know one thing," my father looked Jaehyung in the eyes, "you are still my son no matter what your past was." 


Jaehyung was stunned. He had thought they'd hate him once they knew about who he was. 


"Thank you," Jaehyung whispered. "Thank you so much." 


I looked over at him, from between my mother's arms, and I smiled slightly. 


Later in my room, I broke down into tears once again when I remembered how they took Jiyong's lifeless body away on a stretcher. I


I knew that the horrors of today were never going to be forgotten, that the memories would always haunt me, but I also knew that I had someone by my side who would help me move on.


Someone named Jaehyung.  




Hey guys! 

Just letting you know that I'm going to be gone for the next week, so I probably can't update :[

I squeezed this one in though! My parents are yelling at me in the background- they want me to pack since it's already nine-thirty at night :P 

Have an amazing week, my lovely readers! 

& sorry that this chapter was slightly rushed. I'm pressed for time -.-

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Beastjunhyung #2
Chapter 18: I love this story!!
Chapter 18: WAs just looking for fanfics and kinds came across yours ~ !
Totally didn't expect her to warm up to him that quickly at the start, she's too nice to a stranger :3

But then when the love progress, twists and turns in life, it started getting so much more exciting. Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 17: this story is really good~ I like the plot~ xD <33
Beastjunhyung #5
Omg please update! I've been waiting!!
This comment section is filled with my name xD LOL MYNAME.. Well, back to the main point. So, Kaina likes Jaehyung and he likes her back but they both won't admit it to themselves and Jaehyung's scared? LOL Pretty messed up life they have xD
LOL Is Jiyong G-Dragon? I suddenly thought of it xD But THAT BASTARD DESERVES TO DIE! So glad he did :D Or did he? I don't wanna spoil the surprise for the new readers xD
Ouch, I never knew she saw her own brother being killed. That would be traumatizing... o.O Anyways, great chapter! I really like how this is going :D