Chapter 8

The King & Queen

The maid immediately went to open the door. What stood in front of the door was not the little boy I used to know when we were younger and cry but a grown boy with muscles and a stylish haircut.

“Oppa!” I screamed and ran towards him. I opened my arms and gave him a big hug. He smelled kinda minty with a tiny hint of lavender maybe? After a few seconds, I released my hands from his neck and looked up at him.

“Hey Minah. Long time no see.” He said with a smile that could light up the whole world.

“Hello Kikwang. Welcome back!” Mother said in a warm voice before giving him a hug. “Come on in.”

He was wearing a dark blue cardigan with a white shirt on the inside and brown khakis. He got rid of those nerdy glasses he used to wear. Behind him were Uncle and Aunt Lee. I went up to hug them both. Uncle still smelled of cinnamon. I always loved hugging him.

After we chatted for a while in the living room. It was time for dinner. The dining room was filled with the aroma of different types of food made by Chef. A beautiful set of china was laid out with matching silverware.

Oppa sat on my left while Mother sat on my right. Uncle and Aunt sat across from us while Father sat at the head of the table. Mother got chatting with Oppa and I found out that he would be transferring to the same school as me. He will start this Monday. I wonder what classes would he take… hmmm


The breeze was blowing in my hair as I walked into the school grounds. I was greeted by the familiar scent. Another day of school and seeing that bastard.

I leaned against my locker and began to daydream about a life without that stupid dinosaur, Kim Jonghyun. What a peaceful thought. But oh so fortunately, almost like fate, I was snapped out of this lovely picture when that freaking bastard freaking bumped into me. 

"Yah! What's your problem?!" I yelled giving him the most evil glare I could that early in the morning.

"What is YOUR problem? Shouting at me so early in the morning." he raised his voice but didn't really yell but still, I was pissed as hell.

"Oh I'm sorry your highness," i said gently and sarcastically, "Yah, what's your problem." it almost sounded as if I sang it, delicately I might add.

He tilted his head slightly and cocked one of his ferociously bushy eyebrows, like a confused little puppy. How. Cute. Ew.

"Are you being sarcastic?" he finally managed to ask.

"Me? Sarcastic? Never." I said as nicely as possible. I mean who could even try acting nice with someone as stupid, idiotic and not to mention, boastful as that half-man. He just looked at me with a blank expression for a while, and then smiled.

"Okay then."  He said and practically skipped off. What the ef? Is he pmsing? gahhh and they say women are complicated.

I saw Tiffany coming towards me with a smile. Such a pleasant change of scenery. 

"Hey!" she greeted me.

"Bonjour!" I giggled. Something was weird though. I could sense she was hiding something from me. That's what happens when you know someone so long, you develop bat senses that allow you to know when something's off. And something was off. 

"What's up?" I asked eyeing her curiously.

"Nothin' much"

"So.... What happened with you and Jonghyun huh?" She asked.

"Same-old. Pissing each other off." I replied. Too tired to care. "What's up with you? Something smells fishy"

She giggled nervously and played with her hands. How peculiar. And I think I saw open to answer when just my luck- the bell rang it lasted a good 5 seconds. 

I guess Fany took this opportunity to get out of my mental grasp.

"We should really get going." I just stared at her in disbelief. Changing the subject eh? I stood there determined not to move. She pulled my arm and dragged me to class.

And I might be wrong about this but I swear I heard her mutter under her breathe so fast it could've been anything like "saved by the bell." and I couldn't help but wonder why she had to be saved... what was she hiding?

Classes zoomed by so quickly I almost missed it. I practically spent the whole school day in another realm thinking about what could have been so secretive. I told her everything! She knows all my deepest darkest secrets. She knows things about me my parents don't know. She knows things about me I don't know. 

Chives entered the parking lot and I walked towards the car, arms hooked with Fany. We were going to the mall just as planned.

We reached the mall. This one was my favorite; it was big and clean and smelled crisp. I wanted to forget all my worries and shopped till I dropped. We entered the first store, Chanel. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I stared at the mannequins. Each dressed so perfectly. If I could, I would buy the whole store. 

From the corner of my eye I could tell Fany was texting. I was a little annoyed by that. Let's have funnnnn. ARGHHH! After what seemed like forever of waiting for her to stop, she looked up at me. 

"I need to... go to the toilet!" She exclaimed. And the people in the store turned to us. What are you staring at? I seriously didn't care about those es. 

"Okay... I'll go with you!" I smiled a small smile.

"NO! You can't." 

"What do you mean I can't?" I was getting impatient.

"Just wait here. I'll be quick." And she ran off.

10 minutes passed and I was going to look for her. But then I witnessed a sight so horrible I felt like throwing up. I may have a little bit, in my mouth.

It was that effing dinosaur.

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Hey guys. Sorry for not updating D: but I promise to update soon. I really don't know what to write. If you have an idea, feel free to message me about it :)


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Why is jjong's Johnson always getting hurt??? It's like every writer loves the guys pain! Oh well it makes me laugh every time! Update soon :)
You updated:) lol jjong, you have no idea how many fics I've read where Jjong gets hit there .___.
Hormones making all kpop idols strip instantly for people they just met XD
omfggggg plz update, been waiting for ever:)
Update ^-^
kaiilynvuu #7
Update more please it so interesting
ImBeautiful: Nope~ Fany doesn't really consider Jonghyun as a boyfriend for herself. Just maybe a friend~
Jonghyun is out with fany??
Juleeyaaa #10
i bet it's jonghyun~~~~ update update~~~