Chapter 15

The King & Queen



When I heard Minah had found Jonghyun at the party, I was delighted. I was thinking maybe she was gonna try and chat with him in a civilized manner but I was wrong.. She just had to make him suffer in the cold and now Jonghyun is down with the flu.. That Minah will never get a boyfriend at this rate.

"Fany! Look at all those pretty leaves falling~" Minah eyes sparkled as she told me. Autumn was on the way.

"Minah...Jonghyun is sick now because of you. Shouldn't you go visit him?" 

"Ugh, not you too. My mom already gave me this talk. She's forcing me to visit him later." Minah groaned.

"Well," I said as I put my arm around her, "at least you two will become closer."

"Closer my ." Minah said as she shrugged off my arm and walked off.

Oh Minah



I don't understand why everyone wants me to hang out with that lame-o. Maybe they're hiding something behind my back. Hmmm...

School was let off early since the teachers had a meeting. Proffessor Min gave me Jonghyun's work to give to him. Maybe I should just chuck it in the bin. Nah, I'm not that cruel.

I headed home first before heading to his house.

"Omma, I'm home." I shouted but my voice just bounced off the walls. No reply. I walked into the living room and I saw a fruits basket on the table with a note attached. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Minah, 

Please give this to Jonghyun and be nice.

Love, Mom


I decided to take a shower before heading to his house. I changed into a white t-shirt and a pair of torn shorts. I slipped into my uggs and grabbed my Burberry coat, not forgetting the fruit basket and homework, and headed to the car.

When the car had reached, the doorman opened the door before Chives could. Wow, that rich bastard. His house seems bigger than mine but I beg to differ. I grabbed the fruits basket and lugged it up the steps. I only needed to press the bell once before a maid answered the door.

"Hello Miss Park. Welcome." she bowed to me.

"Er, hello. Erm, where is Jonghyun?" I said with a hint of uncertainty.

"He's in the living room Miss Park. May I take your coat and that basket from you?" She offered. I shrug my coat off and passed it to her along with the fruits basket. 

I've never been to this house before. The only one I've been to was where the masquerade party was held at. I admired all the expensive artworks on the wall and the exquisite furniture that matched with everything.

I saw that dino head no one can miss popping out from the sofa. I quietly walked towards him, hoping he wouldn't hear me. 

"Boo!" I shouted.

"AHHHHHHH!" He screamed. The look on his face was priceless!

"Haha, you should have seen your face!" I laughed. He turned around and glared at me. 

"Wow, thanks so much for the 'gift'. It was wonderful." He rolled his eyes and put the the book he was reading down. He was wrapped up in a quilt and had a mug of hot chocolate placed with some fruits on the coffee table.

"I didn't know you could scream like a girl. You must be really talented." I said as I sat down on the armrest. 

"I so do not scream like a girl." He retailiated, "Anyways, what do I owe the pleasure of the queenka visiting me."

"I'm forced to see you."

"Ahhh.." He replied.

"That's all you can say?"

"You know, you could be sending off the wrong messages wearing that skimpy outfit." He pointed out.

"Pft, like this outfit is skimpy." I rolled my eyes. I suddenly felt his arms around my waist and he pulled me off the armrest. I landed on the sofa and he was on top of me. My wrist was pinned again. This never gets old. I wonder how many times I've been pinned by him. 

"You sure?" He smirked. He had that weird look in his eye whenever he would do this to a girl. I noticed it quite a lot from my pinning experience.

"We've been through this a million times, I'm pretty sure you would have gotten the picture now that I don't like to be in this position." 

"There's nothing you can do about it." He was leaning closer to me.

"Well, there's always this." I said before kicking him in the crotch. My hands were released from his grasps as he pressed against his . Pft, why do all boys do that?

"You ! My has been receiving lots of suffering from you. I swear that if I can't use it and produce babies, you have to pay for my medical fees." He shouted. He's face was in agony. Serves him right.

"Good, then the world would be rid of your hormones."

"." He muttered. 

"Well, I love to stay and chat but I have to go now dearie~ Enjoy comforting your ." I waved and hopped off the sofa.

"I'm gonna make you suffer Park Minah!"

"Good luck in succeeding." I turned to wink at him before grabbing my coat and heading out the door.

Yay it's done! 

ymoustache was suppose to write this chapter but she didn't -_- so I wrote it instead :> Do comment! I love reading comments about my fic to motivate me to write more~ 

Hopefully ymoustache will write the next chapter cause my case of writer's block is coming again.

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Hey guys. Sorry for not updating D: but I promise to update soon. I really don't know what to write. If you have an idea, feel free to message me about it :)


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Why is jjong's Johnson always getting hurt??? It's like every writer loves the guys pain! Oh well it makes me laugh every time! Update soon :)
You updated:) lol jjong, you have no idea how many fics I've read where Jjong gets hit there .___.
Hormones making all kpop idols strip instantly for people they just met XD
omfggggg plz update, been waiting for ever:)
Update ^-^
kaiilynvuu #7
Update more please it so interesting
ImBeautiful: Nope~ Fany doesn't really consider Jonghyun as a boyfriend for herself. Just maybe a friend~
Jonghyun is out with fany??
Juleeyaaa #10
i bet it's jonghyun~~~~ update update~~~