Chapter 14

The King & Queen

excuse any mistakes, wrote this in the wees hours of the morning and I couldn't wait to publish it.

The limo soon reached one of the many house Mrs Kim owns.

I stared in awed as the limo pulled up to the front gate. The door-opener (A/N I have no idea lol) opened the door of the limo and offered his hand. I took it and stepped out slowly, not wanting to trip and make a mess of myself.

Fany got out after me. We linked arms and walked up to Mrs Kim who was outside greeting the guests. de

"Minah! You look beautiful! And Tiffany, fabulous as always." Mrs Kim complimented us.

"Thanks Mrs Kim. You look wonderful. Thank you for inviting us. We brought you a home-warming gift." I replied. I have no idea what Mom had gave me but she told me to give it to Mrs Kim as a "respectful gesture" or as she calls it. After having a small chat with Mrs Kim, we put on our masks and headed inside the house.

Music was blasting from the two big speakers at the DJ booth and there were so many people on the dancefloor you couldn't even see the floor. Fany and I grabbed some cocktails and proceeded to sit on an empty couch. We both eyed the other guest's outfits and critique on them. We always do this to pass the time. It's like our childhood game I suppose.

After a while, Fany left me because she said she had some "business to do". For all you know, she could have spotted a cute boy across the room and fell head over heels. I rolled my eys as I watched her prance away. I continued sipping my cocktail and surveyed the room. I then notice a somewhat muscular, tall guy in a red and black suit with a red mask to match it. He had expensive taste as I could tell the suit was Brook Brothers. I stared at him for a while and then concluded that it was Jonghyun. Psh, no one can not notice that dino looking face. He was talking to several girls. Tsk tsk, always hitting on girls wherever he goes.

I decided it was my turn to take a hold of the reigns and . I doubt he'll notice me with the amount of make-up I put on. I got up and walked towards him. I think he took noticed of me cause he stopped talking to those girls and was eyeing me up and down. He shooed those girls away as if he didn't want me to see that he was with them. They were annoyed that they were being ignored. Of course, no one can compete with my beauty. 

When I reached him, he took my hand in his and kissed it. 

"I must have done something good in my past life to have a goddess walking towards me." He said, never letting go of my hand.

"Enchantée. However I know that you're only saying this so that I will go to bed with you. I'm not that stupid Mr....?"

"Kim Jonghyun but Jonghyun is fine. What's yours?"

"Why should I tell you my name?"

"Cause I told you mine! Wouldn't that be unfair?" He whined just like a puppy.

"Alright, let's play a game of Hide and Seek. If i can find you, I'll tell you my name and you can have me to yourself but if I can't, I'll vanish and you'll never see me again."

"But how are you gonna find me? This place is packed!"

"Hmm.. maybe you could leave me a trail of your clothes?" I said as I pinched his jacket.

"Already done." He smirked. He immediately took off his jacket and dropped it on the floor. I picked it up

He quickly moved through the crowd and headed towards the door that led to the rooftop garden. I followed and picked up his tie which he dropped next. Slowly up the stairs, he dropped more and more clothing. From his pants to his shoes which I assumed was the last pair of clothing besides his undergarments since I had already reached the door to the garden. 

I heard his voice shout out to me. "You better hurry Princess, it's freezing here."

"Well maybe you should have thought twice before playing with me."

"What does that mean?" I heard him ask but I had already locked the door, preventing him from leaving. I immediately picked up his shoes and decided to go join the party again. I guess he must have heard the lock click cause the knob of the door was rattling already. 

"You ! Let me out of here." He shouted. I then heard him mutter vulgarities. Haha I can just imagine him in his underwear shouting profanities.

I headed downstairs and told one of the servers to dispose of his clothes immediately. Of course I'm not that ruthless, I did salvage his phone and wallet. I then told the server to place it in his room.

I grabbed another cocktail and some finger food. I was giggling here and there, imagining how Jonghyun would look like now. I finally found Fany and she looked rather disappointed. 

"Hey Fany, what's with the sad face?" I asked.

"Oh, I coudn't find someone I really needed to see." She pouted.

"Aww.. You should have stayed with me! I had the most fun! I found Jonghyun!" I exclaimed.

"You did?" I think I saw her face light up a bit...

"Yup. I tricked him into removing all of his clothes and now he's freezing his off at the rooftop garden." I laughed

"Minah," Fany groaned, "come on, don't be so mean to him."

"Fine fine, I'll tell Mrs Kim when we are leaving that Jonghyun is locked up there. Happy?" I said nonchalantly.

The party finally came to an end and Fany wanted to go immediately so that Jonghyun doesn't die of pneumonia or frostbite or whatever. It would nice though. I told Mrs KIm and she was shocked as to why he was up there.

"Let's just say a game gone wrong." I told her before giving her a hug and stepping into the limo.

I have to say, mom making me go to this party was the best decision ever. This has got to be one of the best days of my life.

I finally wrote a chapter after don't know how many months! yay~ Sorry it took so long to write.. Stupid writer's block. I hope you liked it and I tried to make it long for all you lovely subscribers~ 

love you all~ 


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Hey guys. Sorry for not updating D: but I promise to update soon. I really don't know what to write. If you have an idea, feel free to message me about it :)


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Why is jjong's Johnson always getting hurt??? It's like every writer loves the guys pain! Oh well it makes me laugh every time! Update soon :)
You updated:) lol jjong, you have no idea how many fics I've read where Jjong gets hit there .___.
Hormones making all kpop idols strip instantly for people they just met XD
omfggggg plz update, been waiting for ever:)
Update ^-^
kaiilynvuu #7
Update more please it so interesting
ImBeautiful: Nope~ Fany doesn't really consider Jonghyun as a boyfriend for herself. Just maybe a friend~
Jonghyun is out with fany??
Juleeyaaa #10
i bet it's jonghyun~~~~ update update~~~