I went to America for two years. I've worked there so hard and continue my studies. I plan to marry after graduating college. So, my father offered me to go to america and live with him and work there.. He told me,  i will earn money there easily than here in korea.


So... In the end... I agreed.

I went to America with a broken heart. Seconds. Minutes. Days. Months and boom.. Two years had passed. But I didn't last a day without thinking of her..

I need to win her back..

I enrolled again to Korea university. We are in the fourth year. I saw her name in the bulletin board. She is one of the dean's listers in the university. Then i felt a sign of relief cause despite of what happen.. She's doing very well.

I've been looking for her.. In the garden, music room, library, catharsis, and to their home. But all i got was our memories together..


The garden was her favorite place..


JYH: Shin hye-ya!

PSH: what? Is that important? I need peace of mind here...(She pouts her lips)


JYH: haha.. Yeah, it's between life and death!

PSH: YAH! Don't talk about death!  What is it? Something wrong you feel?

JYH: i'm perfectly alright when I’m with you.. I want to say that i will marry you after we graduate.

PSH: YAH! you didn't even asked my permission?haha We have long way to go then.. And you don't even have enough money to build a family. And do we have the home to live in?

JYH: HAHA just wait sweetie.. You're too excited. I'll prove to you that i am a man of will!


PSH: you're funny! I don't want to think about that for now..

End of flashback..

I just leave a weak smile

 remembering that scene.


As i went to the music room.. I remember the sound of playing the guitar and the gayageum at the same time. Her smiling face flash to my memory and her sweet laughter. I remembered that i slipped the poem i made for her on the secret pocket of her gayageum cover. Oh my sweetie.. You didn't know what you've done to me.


And the library.. I got her favorite book out of the shelves. Reading her favorite line in the book




The line of michael..

"Multiply my love by infinity and take it to the depths of forever,and you still have only a glimpse of how i feel for you. I love you"


And as i read the line.. I bumped into someone.. And she is.. Seo Hyun..

I wished it was Shin Hye..


Seo hyun: hey! You're here again? I thought you would finish your studies in america. How's life?

(with a big smile on her face)

JYH: yah, thought of that also. But i need to get back on someone here.

Seo Hyun: haha the same old sweet yong hwa!


(they didn't know that someone heard the conversation)


Shin hye's POV

Oh my Gosh! Why is he here???? No way! I need to cover my face!

(with the book she's holding she covered her face.)

I need to get out here..

Wait? What did he say??

He needs to get back on someone?? And that was Seo Hyun?? I really need to get out here.

End of Pov


Seo hyun: i need to go now.. Nice seeing you again in this university.


JYH: Okay.. Thanks for chatting a bit.


In the evening i went to the catharsis wishing i might see her.. After waiting for decades.. Unfortunately she didn't came..


On my way home.. I saw a girl with long, silky chocolate brown hair. She was walking with her sandals off and actually, she was not walking.. She's limping..

I know it was her.. Shin hye-ya you're still clumsy.. I miss you..


When i called her name..



she didn't turned back and started walking normally, faster than ever.


Shin hye: that voice? It's him. I'm very sure. Omy! I need to make it fast.


JYH: she did hear me. She walked that fast eh? So no one is accompanying you home my sweetie?

I wished i still have the chance.

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Wendy-1977 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet yongshin story😍
Chapter 1: Gostei muito dessa história Yongshin ?♥️
sarahsusanti #3
Chapter 23: Thank you for the sweet story....
Sheimen23 #4
Chapter 23: Very nice story...I love the ending...more yongshin fanfic pls...
Chapter 23: Nice story you got there my dear author...It is really inspiring and so touching at the same time...I hope to read more of your Yongshin stories:)AJA
Thank you so much!!!
catthy #6
Chapter 23: what a wonderful ending . . . thanks for this lovely romantic story . . . your a wonderful writer thanks so much and continue producing such wonderful stories . . .
primrose_ #7
great! thanks for sharing authornim :)
latish78 #8
awesome love it thank you so so much
read 23 chapters straight and i gotta say it's was daebak, YongShin so cute yet so sad too but they overcome the sadness ^_^ Yong Hwa's poem was so melting i truely was meliting and squealing throughout the chapters, aree with yuri252, this is a MUST READ by YongShin shippers ^_^
dooLey_shippers #10
wowww !!! ... :]