The next day..


Yong hwa went early to the school.. She wasn't able to fetch shin hye because of the stupid newspaper. He straight to the student's affairs office so he could get all the newspapers and throw it all away..

He didn't knew that the writer had already a copy of it.


Shin hye's house..


Shin hye: appa.. Please convince brother not to come to school today.


Sh's appa: why? Is there something wrong?

Shin hye: we'll be busy today..


Sh's appa: i'll try my best..


Shin hye went to school and was fetch by yong hwa to the school entrance..


Shin hye: what's the problem?

Yong hwa: nothing.. It was already solved. So no worries.

Then seo hyun walked to yong hwa and greeted her girlfriend.


Seo hyun: you forgot your guitar.

Yong hwa: ohhh yeah.. Sorry for that. I've caused you trouble.

Seo hyun: it's okay. Thanks for the comfort song..

Yong hwa: okay.. Your welcome.


And she went to her class.


Shin hye just got confusued on why would seo hyun got his guitar. So she asked him..


Shin hye: why does she have your guitar?

Yong hwa: ahhh i.. she asked me if she can borrow it and then i forgot to get it. That's all.

 Your brother will come today?


He tried to change the topic.


Shin hye: i thought you don't like to meet him today?

Yong hwa: no it's okay..

Shin hye: okay i'll tell him to come.. What time are you free?

Yong hwa: can we have 3pm in the music room?


Shin hye: okay.. That would be fine.


They went to their own classrooms and the class went smoothly..


At 3pm in the music room..

Yong hwa waited for shin hye but there was a man standing in front of the door.. And he looks familiar..


Yong hwa: hey.. :) is that you? Jung shin??

Jung shin looked at him and with wide eye he said..

Jung shin: ohhh yong hwa!! You study here??

Yong hwa: yeah.. And you??

Jung shin: i'm waiting for a girl..

Yong hwa: wwooahh! Really.. That's cool. You already found you're girl.

Jung shin smirked as a reply. Then shin hye came..


Shin hye: ohhh sorry i'm late my professor extended the session..


They both said in unison..

It's okay..

They both looked at each other and said..


Yong hwa: you??

Jung shin: and you??

Yong hwa: you are shin hye's brother??

Jung shin: and you are her boyfriend??


Shin hye: weew.. I guess you already knew one another..


Yong hwa: yeah sweetie.. He's a bassist of a band that performs in the bar where i worked..

Jung shin: and he was the solo performer on that bar. All the girls go to the bar just to see him play..


Yong hwa just felt embarrassed and just leave a smile..


Shin hye just smiled and happy that they already knew one another.


After a bit chatting and had coffee they went to seperate ways..


Yong hwa went home with a smile that covers his whole face and whistles.


And shin hye and his brother go to the mini store and bought ice cream. As they went home. They saw jong hyun in front of the house and asked him to go inside.


Shin hye entertained jong hyun and asked why is he here..

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Wendy-1977 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet yongshin story😍
Chapter 1: Gostei muito dessa história Yongshin ?♥️
sarahsusanti #3
Chapter 23: Thank you for the sweet story....
Sheimen23 #4
Chapter 23: Very nice story...I love the ending...more yongshin fanfic pls...
Chapter 23: Nice story you got there my dear author...It is really inspiring and so touching at the same time...I hope to read more of your Yongshin stories:)AJA
Thank you so much!!!
catthy #6
Chapter 23: what a wonderful ending . . . thanks for this lovely romantic story . . . your a wonderful writer thanks so much and continue producing such wonderful stories . . .
primrose_ #7
great! thanks for sharing authornim :)
latish78 #8
awesome love it thank you so so much
read 23 chapters straight and i gotta say it's was daebak, YongShin so cute yet so sad too but they overcome the sadness ^_^ Yong Hwa's poem was so melting i truely was meliting and squealing throughout the chapters, aree with yuri252, this is a MUST READ by YongShin shippers ^_^
dooLey_shippers #10
wowww !!! ... :]